Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1431: Huang Yi is finally resurrected! Another form of survival!

Tojo Takeu's eyes were red, and his blue veins were violent, and the entire person was completely out of order!

This roar was more like the last struggle before a madman died.

The surrounding world senior federal officials closed their mouths, bowed their heads to silence, and no one responded to his words.

In this situation, no more agents can kill! Forcible action will only expose the cruel face of the World Federation and arouse greater hostility among the people.

"Not good! News from the African region, Ni Dongde's rebel army just launched a raid on one of our important strongholds. The stronghold commander was killed on the spot and suffered heavy losses!"

At this time, the head of intelligence suddenly exclaimed!

"Order quickly, take back all the forces in Africa and stop blocking free organizations. It is important to deal with Ni Dongde's army first!"


With the help of people all over the world, in less than a day, the free organization was ready to revive Huang Yi.

The group of medical experts of the Time Company began to carry out the operation to revive Huang Yi.

Time passed day by day, people all over the world are waiting for the news of Huang Yi's resurrection.

The Times medical plane parked on Rose Island never flew away, and no one came out. The prison guards could only look at the plane from a distance, guessing what was going on.

In the virtual world, the situation in the second world is still deteriorating. The Lord of Destruction and a group of masters of the demons have destroyed less than 10,000 revival points in the second world!

There are several continents, not even a resurrection point. In the future, if the player returns to that continent, he can only resurrect in the nearby continent after death.

In the underworld, the blade and other people raced against each other in the tomb of the gods, trying their best to reveal the secret there, and finding a way to return to the second world safely.

The contest between the two sides has entered into a fever, whether Huang Yi can be resurrected is directly related to the outcome of this contest.

On this day, Qin Shiyu personally stood by the intelligence center of the headquarters of the free organization, waiting for the news of the company.

Surrounded by a group of busy intelligence analysts, straining their nerves, standing in front of the light brain, continuously receiving intelligence from all over the world for classification and summary.

"Time has sent a message!" Just then, an intelligence officer suddenly exclaimed!

Everyone suddenly turned to look at him, and Qin Shiyu rushed forward in a stride, looking at his light brain.

"Brother Yi is here!" The intelligence officer said excitedly.

All of a sudden, everyone in the entire intelligence center cheered!

But soon, a new message appeared in that light brain, hitting everyone's hearts to the bottom again.

Although Huang Yi was resurrected and had life features, he did not wake up, but entered a vegetative state!

"Vegetable?" Qin Shiyu's brow frowned slightly.

Of course, she could patiently stay by the side of Huang Yi's bed, calling him over and over again, waiting slowly for his wake. But the free organization couldn't wait. They needed him to be resurrected immediately to save the tide and save the second world.

But at present, even Times has not developed a good way to wake up vegetatives.

How can we quickly wake up Huang Yi?

"Maybe we can turn to the dream!" Just then, an intelligence officer said suddenly.

Another intelligence officer also nodded: "Yes! We have information that Meng Tiantian was once a vegetative. But later, his father worked with a group of medical experts to develop a special method to let him His consciousness entered the virtual world. As his consciousness increased, his body eventually showed signs of awakening. We can turn to Meng Tiantian's father for help, and pour Yige ’s consciousness into the virtual world, and then Wait for his body to wake up. "

"Then I'll go online immediately and contact Meng Nitian." Qin Shiyu said, leaving the information center in a hurry.

After she went online, the first thing she found was the dream player.

Mengling is the designated liaison of [Meng Lan Yao Ji Meng Canglan], one of the five oldest men in Mengzu. When the second world needs the help of Mengzu, they can contact Mengzu through Mengling. And Meng Tiantian is the player of the Dream tribe, and the fellow of the same tribe.

Some time ago, after Meng Ling entered the second world, she never left. She was poisoned by the spirit plague of the spirits and entered the underworld.

Half an hour later, Qin Shiyu and Mengling met at the Oscar Royal Academy in the Underworld.

When Qin Shiyu saw Mengling, she grabbed her hand and said anxiously, "Sister Mengling, I need your help to send a message to Meng Nitian! Now Huang Yi has been resurrected, but in a vegetative state. Meng Tiantian is willing to let his father take the shot and introduce Huang Yi's consciousness into the virtual world, then we can try our best to promise him any conditions.

"Okay! I'll contact her now, and you'll wait." After talking, Mengling closed her eyes slowly, exuding a dreamlike ripple on her body, and the whole person became hazy, like Into sleep.

This is the signature method of the Dream Group. In their eyes, they can go to many places by dreaming, even the 300th floor purgatory of the Tower of the Gods!

After a while, Meng Ling opened his mouth suddenly, whispering like a dream, "Meng Guitian said, as long as you promised to release the person in cell 14 of Hero Prison, he will let his father help."

"Cell 14?" Qin Shiyu froze.

She already learned from Huang Yi's mouth that the first 15 cells of Heroes' Prison were holding criminals with divine power, even if they wanted to release them, because the rules of the realm could not accommodate the divine.

Huang Yi has never opened the top 15 cell.

But now I ca n’t take care of it so much ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wake Huang Yi first is the most important thing!

Qin Shiyu immediately said: "We promise this condition!"

There was a smile on the corner of Mengling's mouth, as if she had dreamed something.

After a while, she opened her eyes and woke up, and the hazy ripples all around her disappeared instantly.

She took Qin Shiyu's hand and smiled, "Dream promised, he will convince his father as soon as possible, and help Huang Yi introduce consciousness into the virtual world."

"Thank you!" Qin Shiyu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although the rescue of Huang Yi has undergone several twists and turns, it has finally achieved an acceptable result.

In the future, Huang Yi's consciousness will always be in the virtual world, which is equivalent to cold storage in disguise, and can be kept offline.

With the enhancement of his consciousness in the virtual world, the probability of awakening will become greater and greater, and eventually get rid of the vegetative state.

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