Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1440: Eyeless Devil 0

At this moment, a sky far away from the sea, the three demon demigods are leading a demon army to an important stronghold of the Naga clan.

This demon army is huge in size, with a large black area covering the sky, like a dark cloud, without seeing the head, it is constantly swept from the sky.

The three demigods, headed by faces, are full of breath and breath, like the three whirlpools in the dark cloud, each attracting the vassals of hundreds of millions of demons.

This is an almost invincible army.

Among the three demon demigods, the demigod headed has two blood-red eyes, and two red lights are always emitted in the eyes, forming two straight red beams of light in the dark clouds, like two Road laser.

His name is Olkuze and he is an eyeless demigod.

No Eye Demon has no eyes when under the sky, but after promotion to the sky, eyes will grow.

Their eyes are sharper than ordinary demons, and they can see clues that ordinary demons cannot see.

Some talented eyeless monsters can even grow a thousand miles away, but there are no such eyeless monsters.

Olkuze is one of them. Because of his clairvoyance, he has been valued by the seven demon kings. He is one of the important figures behind the demons and genies in this first-world demonic power.

"We must be careful. After being promoted to Lord Xujin, Lord Demon has gone to the Canglong galaxy to stop the dragon masters from going to the second world. This action can only be done by ourselves." Olkuze turned to look at the other two and a half God warned.

At this moment, he suddenly moved his expression and turned to look at a nearby sea.

The two red lights emitted by those eyes broke through the clouds and radiated thousands of miles, and soon hit the area where Huang Yi was located, cutting the entire sea surface!

All the fish and sea monsters swept by these two red lights were melted into blood and could not be stopped.

"Huh? So many deep-sea fish monsters have dived into the sea. Is it a treasure born?" He murmured, a look of anticipation appeared on his face, and turned to look at the other two demigods, saying: "My clairvoyance found There seems to be a vision over there, check it out! "

After that, he took the lead and rushed towards the sea where Huang Yi was!

The other two demigods, and the endless army of demons also swept away with him.

Soon, this demon army came to the sea where Huang Yi was.

They cast a huge shadow, covering the sky and the sea of ​​magic pouring down, causing countless sea monsters to panic and jumping on the surface.

Olkuze's clairvoyance shot back and forth all the way, searching for all visions within a thousand miles.

"Huh? A Naga?" Just then, his eyes stared at a sea area eight hundred miles away, his gaze penetrated the deep water, and he saw the yellow overflow on the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Huang Yi was in the form of Nazarsh, very similar to Naga, and Olkusser could not see the difference.

The two red lights from Olkuze's eyes also penetrated the endless water and hit Huang Yi's body.

Huang Yi suddenly felt a burning sensation on the skin, and the surrounding seawater was cut by a powerful force.

He looked up, and suddenly saw an endless cloud of magic, covering the sky and the sky, and the sky was dim.

"What are you doing here secretly? Did you get any treasures? Give them up quickly, and we can make you more comfortable!" At this time, the voice of a bully came from afar, the three demons and a half God came to the area where Huang Yi was, and stood in three directions, sealing his retreat.

"Oh? New power has just been obtained, and someone will come to death so soon?" Huang Yi said, slowly flying up from the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, his fingers shook slightly, secreting a kiss of death that had just been promoted to level V.

The colorless and odorless poisonous gas quickly spread and permeated the entire sea and sky.

At the next moment, with Huang Yi as the center, countless sea monsters on the sea violently swelled, floating on their belly with white belly, motionless.

This weird scene spread quickly in all directions, showing the spread of the death kiss.

Countless demons were suddenly shocked, looking at the sea monster corpse floating on the sea, did not understand what happened.

But soon, their expressions freeze on their faces, and then they fall straight from the sky!

The expressions of the previous moment remained on their faces, arrogant, arrogant, doubtful, surprised ... but there was no fear.

They died so suddenly that they didn't even have time to feel the fear of death!

Countless demons fell from the sky like rain. Whether it is the demons at the sacred level, the demons at the celestial level, or even the little bosses at the stage of ascension, all are instantaneous. death.

From a distance, it looks like a dark sky has fallen!

The death kiss of level Ⅴ can instantly poison the enemies under the **** realm. There is no longer a requirement for concentration.

Finally, Huang Yi rose to the sky and stood parallel to the three demon demigods.

The sky was clear at this time, and the endless demons were dead, leaving only three demigod leaders alone.

The surface of the sea was covered with demons' corpses, and the sea was almost invisible. Only with the undulations of the corpses, it was determined that there was a rough sea below.

The three demon demigods are still in shock, staring blankly at the endless demon corpses in the ocean, without understanding what happened.

Even if the power of the virtual **** level, if you want to kill this endless demons, you need to move your bones, but Huang Yi did nothing, and suddenly caused this terrible effect!

"You, who are you? What have you done to them?" A demon demigod stepped back in horror and asked with a trembling voice.

"When did Naga come out of you as a master, you can destroy our entire army of Demons silently!" The other Demons also backed a long distance and swallowed their throats and asked.

"Is it the treasure you got that caused the consequences?" Olkuze was still standing still, staring at Huang Yi in fear.

Huang Yi glanced at the three of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a smile, and said, "You will know soon!"

The words fell, and the three demon demigods suddenly changed their faces, shaking their bodies violently, and the breath of the god's realm of the mighty shore was instantly messed up.

They're poisoned too!

Although they will not be directly poisoned to death, the death kiss of level V has seriously weakened their strength. The divine power in their body is disordered and their bodies are weak!

"You, how dare you poison us and kill yourself!" A demon demigod yelled, and slammed a furious palm at Huang Yi!

The palm of his hand grew rapidly in the air, with the imposing manner of heaven and earth, as if pinching Huang Yi in his palm!

However, before this giant palm arrived in front of Huang Yi, he could not sustain it, and he lost his strength softly and retracted it again.


Sorry for not updating during the Chinese New Year. I wish you a happy New Year.

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