Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1441: Eye of death

Chapter 1441 The Eye of Death

The power of the demon demigod is not enough to support such an offensive.

Under the action of the poison of the kiss of death, his sweating was dripping, his eyes were dim, his body was shaking, he could hardly stand still, and fell from the sky.

Huang Yi's figure flashed, and he rushed to the side of the demon demigod, and the snake tail rolled around him, entangled him tightly and tightened tightly.

The demigod was violently struggling, struggling, and the sound of bones smashing in the body.

He opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but in the end he didn't scream out anything, his eyes kept rolling out, as if to be squeezed out.

"Save ... Save ... I ..." He looked desperately at Olkuze and the other demigod, and finally spit out two words with difficulty.

Olkuze finally calmed down, gritted his teeth, and blinked his clairvoyantly!

Suddenly, the red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, full of surging power, as if two stars were about to explode.

The other demigod sacrificed a disc-shaped treasure of the magical system, twirling around in the air, swelled madly, and became the size of a small hill, with the momentum of rushing down the sea to Huang Yi.

The joint attack of the two demigods set off a monstrous wave in this area of ​​the sea. Countless seawater was stirred in a moment, rolled back into the sky, and drowned towards Huang Yi!

Huang Yi was at the very center of all the offensives, but stood still, without any intention to dodge.

"Boom!" At last, in the eyes of Olkuze's eyes, the blood of Bobo shed, and two unprecedented purple lights sprayed out!

These are the two rays of death, the space where they pass is cut like tofu, revealing neat cracks!

This amount of purple light hit the area where Huang Yi was located instantly, causing a violent explosion, completely shielding that area!

The discoid treasure of the other demigod, with a force of destruction, smashed into the area where Huang Yi was.

"Huh? The kid didn't hide, he was trying to die!" Olkuze looked at Huang Yi's position, and a surprised and happy smile appeared on his face.

The blood was still flowing in his eyes, and his smile was set off against the smile.

The two big red lights he just shot are his tricks, called the Eye of Death, which can only be released if there is no stunner with clairvoyance.

Once used, Clairvoyance will be severely traumatized, and even disabled and blind. It will take years of rest to recover, and it will not be easily used.

However, the effect of this move far exceeds the price. As long as the enemy under the virtual **** is scanned by this eye of death, the divine power in the enemy will burst out instantly, and the bones will be lost.

The momentum that Huang Yi just showed has definitely not reached the level of virtual gods, and it will undoubtedly be swept by the eyes of death.

Moreover, another demigod's disc-shaped treasure also hit Huang Yi. That disc is an ancient magic disc that was once crushed and ground by a god-like powerhouse.

A demigod in Huangyi District couldn't resist the attack of both of them at the same time.

Eventually, the hustle and bustle of the sky disappeared, and Huang Yi's area reappeared.

The next moment, the two demon demigods suddenly changed their faces, staring at them with a stunned look.

At this time, Huang Yi was still intact, and a snake tail was still entangled in the demon demigod.

And in front of him, there was actually one more character.

The newly-emerged character is an old man Naga, who has the power to swarm the sky, no one in his eyes, like a world overlord!

That's a false god!

Only the virtual **** has this momentum!

Only the virtual **** can block the eye of death and the ancient magic disk at the same time!

"Ghost dzi!" Two demon demigods spit out this fabulous name at the same time!

There are only a few virtual gods in the Naga tribe. Ghost dzi is one of them. It is listed by the demons as one of the biggest obstacles to conquer Naga.

Characters at this level are far from being comparable between these two demigods.

After the initial shock, Olkuze suddenly froze and looked at Ghost Dzi Bewildered.

The ghostly beads in front of her eyes are disordered and embarrassed, far from the peak of the imagination during the peak period, it seems that she has suffered severe trauma, and even can see a wound from the body surface, it seems to fall at any time.

"Huh? Gui Tianzhu, you have suffered such a serious injury and dare to stop us, are you not afraid to capsize in the gutter? There are not a few examples of false gods being killed by demigods!" Olkuze tempted tentatively. .

"Only by you, we haven't the ability to capsize us in the gutter!" Huang Yi said, the tail of the snake struck hard!

"噗 ~" The demon demigod that he had been entangled for a long time, spit out a soft tongue, his head crooked, and there was no sound at all.

He was finally strangled by Huang Yi!

"Orkuze, the situation is not good, let's retreat first!" Seeing the death of his companion, another demon demigod finally struck his back, and his body disappeared directly into the air, hiding in the void dimension, I ran away the first time.

"Can't walk!" Huang Yi shook his head, and his body disappeared at the same time, hiding into the void dimension.

Soon, he saw the demon demigod in flight.

Although the demigod tried his best to escape, he couldn't use his full strength in the poisoned state and couldn't escape far.

Huang Yi chased after it easily, and blocked in front of the demigod!

The demigod raised his hands in a panic, pouring out the chaos of magic, and swept towards Huang Yi without a rule.

But after these magical qi touched Huang Yi's body, it had no effect, just like a breeze blowing on him.

Huang Yi flung the snake tail ~ www.readwn.com ~ like a giant whip, and drew it fiercely on the demon demigod.

"Oh!" The demon demigod vomited a large spit of blood, flew away from a distance, and fell out of the void dimension.

But he hadn't been able to hold his body firmly, Huang Yi also showed up, and chased it again, and the snake tail beat him again, knocking him out again.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi's speed was so fast that he couldn't fight back the Demon Demigod. He could only make a sound of thumping.

"噗 ~" After a series of consecutive attacks, it seemed as if the hammer was the final word. Huang Yi threw out the tail of the snake for the last time and hit the demon demigod!

The demonic demigod's scarred body was pulled directly into the waist and cut into two pieces, pouring out blood and falling towards the ocean below.

He was also killed by Huang Yi!

Only three minutes have passed since the three demon demigods led the demon army to this place, but in the blink of an eye there was only Olkuze alone.

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