Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1446: Investigate the Blood of the Genesis Ancestor

Chapter 1446: Investigating The Blood Of The Creation Ancestor

The King of Darkness paused and continued: "Some time ago, when we were at war with the Naga tribe, the demon, genie, and the Patriarch had all encountered a fake king, and it had reached the point where it was really fake. Now It seems that the mysterious Naga you met may be the one who faked the King. He must have absorbed the dark soul in a way that mimicked the King! "

Then, the Lord of Darkness looked down at Olkuze and asked, "Did you feel the breath of the King from that Naga?"

"No, no! Nothing is perceived by his subordinates." Olkuze shook his head nervously.

"Also! My King will find out by looking at the soul search method." The Dark King said lightly.

When Olkuze heard the word "soul search", his face suddenly became extremely frightened, he knelt and retreated, and trembled, "No, don't ..."

The King of Darkness was unmoved, and stretched out his hand arrogantly towards Olkuze.

Olkusser trembled fiercely, making a scream, and a translucent soul was pulled from his body and flew to the Lord of Darkness forcibly.

Olkuze's body lost all vitality, and fell softly to the ground, motionless.

The Dark Lord grabbed Olkuze's soul, closed his eyes, and perceived it carefully.

One by one, the blue light dots transpired from Olkuze's soul, submerged into the body of the King of Darkness, and everything he had seen and heard before appeared again in the mind of the King of Darkness.

Olkuze's soul struggled frantically, his expression twisted and pained, as if suffering the cruelest torture in the world, his soul became thinner and thinner.

Just as his soul was about to dissipate, the King of Darkness finally opened his eyes and let go of his hand.

"Who is that Naga? Is it really the mysterious python that the King of Hell has seen? It seems that the strength of the Naga family must be re-evaluated!" The King of Dark murmured to himself.


In the first world, Huang Yi's body got the dark soul and immediately went to the barbara temple.

In the second world, his avatar looked up at the sky and said, "Ice Queen, the golden light that sneaked at you last time, do you know where it is?"

"Wait a minute, I can feel it." Soon, the voice of the Snow Queen came down in the sky.

Now that the Snow Queen has been fused with the rules of the world, she can sense what is happening in every part of the second world, and she should be able to detect the mysterious golden light.

The golden light that sneaked into the Snow Queen once caused Huang Yi a throbbing movement, which was related to the blood of the unknown creation ancestor he absorbed.

He now has only one last evolution that has not been completed. Once he has evolved the unknown creation ancestor form, then he can use the racial fusion serum to fuse all the forms together.

At that time, he will reintroduce his own blood into the racial heart of the Yinglong tribe, so that the Yinglong tribe will also enjoy the anti-toxic ability of [Tarotag's Poison Heart], and then solve the problem of soul plague.

When the blades find a way to return to the second world in the underworld, and all join the Yinglong tribe, they will be completely immune to the plague of the soul.

After a while, the voice of the Snow Queen suddenly came down again: "I feel its breath in the central region of the Antarctic. If you need it, I can guide the rules of the world to teleport you directly."

"Antarctic?" Huang Yi stunned in his heart.

Antarctica is one of the unknown regions of the Second World. There is almost no relevant information and it is extremely dangerous.

Last time when the Demons set up the World Extinction Array in the Second World, an ice dragon and an ice phoenix appeared in the Antarctic region. I don't know what more powerful existence exists.

"Okay, then you teleport me over!" Huang Yi nodded.

Soon, a blue light descended on the sky, covering Huang Yi, and then he disappeared into the distance.

When Huang Yi reappeared, he had already come to a white snowy field, the cold wind blew around, with countless snowflakes, hazy.

With his strength, he felt cold and boned, his hands and feet froze, and his actions were slow. If it was an ordinary demigod, he would be frozen to death.

Huang Yi turned his head to look around, and didn't notice anything abnormal. The Snow Queen just said that she felt the breath of golden light in this area, but didn't say the specific position.

His body flickered, and he switched to the light form.

In a short time, the surrounding world changed, and all the rays of light turned into the form of spectrum in front of Huang Yi's eyes, and even the invisible rays of light usually appeared.

The light family is very sensitive to light and can detect very subtle rays. If that golden light is within a certain range, Huang Yi will certainly be able to detect it.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, flew to the distance as soon as his body fluttered, and searched in a carpet-like manner in this area.

The ice and snow world below receded quickly. Huang Yi, like a radar, scanned all the light in the entire area while flying.

"Bully ~" Suddenly, there was a sound of flapping wings in the distance, and a snowstorm rolled up.

Huang Yiding looked away and found that an ice sculpture was soaring in the sky, exuding the breath of the gods, like the overlord of the sky.

He didn't want to have extra branches, bypassed the ice sculpture, and continued to search forward.

All the way were monotonous polar snow scenes. The previous demons of the Demon Clan and the damage caused by the King of Destruction this time have basically not spread to here, and still maintain a very primitive appearance.

Flying for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ The snow below Huang Yi suddenly turned into a strange blood red!

He flew past the source, and soon found that in the distant snow, there was a huge ice sculpture corpse.

A big hole was ripped in his stomach, and the blood flowing out stained a large area of ​​snow. The body had already been frozen hard, and a layer of ice had formed. But the blood was not frozen, and it was still flowing from the wound in the stomach. I do n’t know how many days have passed, and it still has n’t flowed clean.

Huang Yi could not help lowering the height, came to the ice sculpture body's wound, and looked it up carefully.

The wound of this ice sculpture body was very flat. It seemed to have suffered a violent shock for a moment. The blow was fatal and there were no traces of struggle.

Huang Yi faintly felt that the wound of this ice sculpture was permeated with the regular breath that did not belong to the second world, as if killed by forces outside the second world.

"Did it be killed by that mysterious golden light?" A speculation erupted in Huang Yi's heart.

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