Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1447: Origin of the Unknown Ancestor Blood

Thinking of this, Huang Yi opened the eye of time and looked at the past of this ice sculpture body.

Time quickly reversed in front of Huang Yi's eyes. Until the thirteen days ago, the ice sculpture body finally became alive.

Huang Yi fine-tuned the regression rate of the Eye of Time and finally found the picture of the dead body.

At that time, a golden light suddenly flew in the sky and hit the ice sculpture directly, passing through it like a bullet. The ice sculpture was killed without any time to respond.

This golden light is exactly the same as the golden light that has seen the Snow Queen attacking Huang Yi before!

After the golden light killed the ice sculpture, it directly swallowed the heart containing the essence of life in the golden sculpture, as if it was replenishing energy.

Then the golden light disappeared completely.

This is by no means invisible, because Huang Yi is now in the form of the light tribe. The eyes of the light tribe can release the light of god-level development, which can be seen by the naked eye through absolute invisibility.

Huang Yiyi sneaked into the void dimension and observed again with the eye of time, but still did not find the whereabouts of the golden light.

It was neither invisible nor infiltrating into the void dimension, which indicated that the golden light at that time should have left the place directly by using the teleportation method.

"Even if you can teleport away, you will bring the **** smell of this ice sculpture!" Huang Yi said to himself, closing the eyes of time, and the body suddenly changed drastically into a huge blood dragon!

Blood dragons are extremely sensitive to blood and can sense the **** smell of distant areas.

He took a deep breath, and using this ice sculpture as the origin, he felt that he stretched out in all directions, feeling the same **** smell.

After a while, he finally felt a similar **** odor vaguely 800 kilometers away from the northwest!

That is likely to be the area where the killer is.

He immediately chased after the trace of **** smell, the blood dragon's body rushed forward in the snow, and the ice creatures encountered along the way fled in horror.

After flying for a long time, he finally flew to the target location.

It's white, snow and ice everywhere, nothing else.

Huang Yi switched back to the light family form again, and began to analyze all the light in this area.

After searching for a while, he suddenly stopped in front of a snowy field.

Below this snowy ground, a few faint golden lights loomed up. This kind of light was so weak that it could not be detected with the naked eye, even if Huang Yi looked at it in the light family form, it was difficult to see.

What's hidden under the snow?

Huang Yi's body changed again, switching back to normal human form.

Then, his forehead wriggled, his skin cracked, and he opened the third eye of the incarnation, looking down at the snow.

The third eye has the ability to penetrate, even the thick snow can't stop it, and the things hidden below are instantly visible!

I saw a strange crescent-shaped object hidden deep in the snow, and that crescent glowed a faint bright light, like some rare treasure.

"Yuezu!" Huang Yi spit out a name!

The tooth-shaped object of that month is truly the Moon tribe, one of the top races in the universe.

The Moon tribe is a top-level race throughout the universe. They have a weird track, rarely show up, and often appear only on the moons in some worlds. Whether it is a large world like the first world, the second world, or those countless small worlds, the moon family may appear on the moon in each world.

The Moon clan has a very strange characteristic, their strength is high and low, it depends on how much moonlight they absorb.

Their body is like a small moon. When there is little moonlight in the body, their body will become crescent-shaped and very weak. When their body is in the full moon state, it means that they are in the best state and have great strength.

Therefore, moonlight has become a material of great importance to the moon tribe. They basically also appear in the moons of various worlds. It is convenient to supplement the moonlight at all times, and it is unlikely to appear in each world itself.

This month's tribe actually appears in the second world instead of staying on the moon in the second world, which is very abnormal.

It is estimated that it consumes too much energy, but it absorbs too little moonlight and it is difficult to replenish it. Therefore, it is only to hunt creatures such as ice sculptures, absorb their essence of life, hide in the depths of the ground, and refine it into moonlight.

At this time, Huang Yi finally knew the origin of the unknown blood of the ancestors of creation--

Father of the month!

The blood of the ancestral spirit of the creation should be the blood of the ancestor of the moon family-the father of the moon.

Otherwise, when he saw this month's sneak attack on the Snow Queen, he would not feel such a strong strangeness.

This also means that his last evolutionary form has finally been determined-the Yue tribe.

The Moon race can only rank in the middle reaches of the universe's top races. It is worse than the front races such as the Dream and Dragon races, but stronger than the last race such as the Night race. The Moon race has The two gods sit in the town, they are called "Yue ethnic double brake".

Huang Yi looked up at the sky and whispered softly, "Ice Queen, I found the mysterious creature that attacked you. It is a moon race."

"Oh? How could the Yue tribe run to the Second World?" A horrified voice came from the sky. "Yes! Is it related to Can Yue?"

"Zan Yue? What kind of character is this?" Huang Yi showed a confused look ~ www.readwn.com ~ You just resurrected, I don't know if she is normal. Can Yueyue is a Canadian female player and the only member of the Moon family currently known. At the time of your death, she suddenly became a hero, triggering a system announcement in the Second World, and she won the current year. The best glamour award at the ceremony. "

"She became a hero in the Second World?" Huang Yi murmured, making a bad guess.

Only the last copy of the heroic aura of the second world is left. In the hands of .T, the player named Can Yue must have obtained the heroic aura from both of them and became a hero.

This shows that Chan Yue is likely to be a character on the Demon side.

As a god-given person of the top race, Can Yueyue must have a very high position in the Yue clan, and even she joined the Demon Clan, indicating that the entire Moon clan should also be an ally on the Demon side.

This moon family hidden deep in the ground, the original reason to attack the ice queen should be to help the demons side, to prevent the second world's sky-filling process, but unfortunately failed.

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