Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1448: The last evolution is complete! Super existence!

"Catch it and ask and you will know." Huang Yi said, staring at the ground beneath him, saying: "Ice Queen, you control the rules of the world, so that the land in this area will no longer block my attack."

Although he is the king of the world, he can modify the rules of the world to some extent, but mainly involves the rules of illusory.

The second creator of the Snow Queen is related to the physical aspects of the world, and can manipulate clouds, wind, rain, mountains, rivers, lakes, and so on in the sky.

"Good!" After the ice queen's voice sounded, a blue light fell from the sky and landed on this snowy land.

Subsequently, the ice and snow rippling around, like the water surface, the shape has changed.

Huang Yi's palm flickered, and from the storage ring shared with the body, he took out the ancient magic disk and threw it into the air.

In a short time, the ancient magic disc slowly turned, quickly became large, and crushed away towards the direction of the moon family deep in the earth!

The ancient magic disk smashed on the ice and snow ground, and did not cause the shaking of the ground, but sank directly like submerged in the water, only spewing a few snowflakes, like a spray.

Thousands of miles of ice and snow, the hard frozen soil, was easily penetrated by the ancient magic disk, and instantly reached the crescent deep in the ground.

Only then did the crescent finally notice the strangeness and quickly dodged.

However, after all, it was a step slower and was crushed by that ancient magic disk!

The exotic demigod blood in the ancient magic disk, and Huang Yi's death kiss venom, forcibly penetrated into its body.

The body of the tribe trembled violently that month, and the moonlight emanating from the body was suddenly dim and dying.

Rejection reaction appeared!

The blood of the demigod that does not belong to this universe, and the super-V-class death kiss of Huang Yi appeared in its body.

If it was in the full moon state, it would not have been so easy for Huang Yi to succeed, but it was already in a weak crescent shape and was destined to be unable to stop Huang Yi.

Huang Yi controlled the ancient magic disk, sucked on the crescent like a sucker, rose up from the depth of the earth a little bit, and finally flew into the air and stopped in front of Huang Yi.

In the palm of his hand, the part that absorbed the blood of the ancestors of the creation dazzled with a dazzling light and reflected the moon tribe.

Huang Yi stayed high, staring at the crescent, and asked in the universal language: "What is your purpose in coming to the second world?"

The crescent was motionless that month, without making any sound, like an inanimate object.

It can speak completely, even transform into a human shape, and communicate with Huang Yi face to face, but it does not make any response.

Huang Yi simply controlled the ancient magic disk and accelerated the speed of rotation!

That month the family trembled violently, and part of the body tissue had been crushed away!

However, it remained silent, not sure if it was because of stubbornness or because it had lost the ability to speak.

Next, Huang Yidong used various methods, but none of them could let the Yue tribe speak.

In the end, the moon tribe was completely crushed by the ancient magic disk, leaving only a bead exuding a faint moonlight in place.

This bead is called Moon Bead. It is only available to the Moon clan at the level of the gods, and contains the essence of the Moon clan.

Huang Yi reached out and took the moondrop in his hand.

In a moment, the part of his palm that had absorbed the blood of the ancestral spirit of the creation suddenly burst into dazzling moonlight and firmly absorbed the moondrop!

As if the moon beads also encountered some kind of strength from the same source, quickly melted into a stream of moonlight, all poured into Huang Yi's body.

Huang Yi felt that a brand-new power had awakened in his body, his skin began to bloom bright moonlight, and the whole body was hazy.

In the end, he turned into a moon, shining the golden world of this ice and snow world.

"[System Tip]: Since you have absorbed the blood of" Father of the Moon ", the lunar bead has a catalytic absorption effect, and you have smoothly evolved to the Moon Clan Creation Genesis form!

Evolutionary form: Moon tribe (creation ancestor)

New expertise:

After switching to the Moon Clan (Genesis Ancestor) form, it will become the Genesis Ancestor's physique, which can accumulate unlimited strength. After reaching the level of God Seal, it will not be dragged to Heaven by the power of God Seal.

After switching to the Moon Clan (Genesis Ancestor) form, in all the moons of the world, the strength will be elevated to the level of virtual gods.

After switching to the Moon family (creation ancestor) form, you can quickly absorb moonlight into your body and use moonlight instead of divine power. The more moonlight absorption, the stronger your strength.

In any form, a trace of the blood of the creator ancestors will flow in the body, and it can travel freely in the universal universe, ignoring the power of the rules of all the world.

Understand the ability of [Moon Resurrection]. After death, you can choose to resurrect on the nearest moon. But in a month will not be able to absorb any moonlight.

Finally, the last evolution is complete!

This is Huang Yi's evolution with the blood of the ancestors of the creation, and the evolutionary strength is indeed beyond his expectations!

After his evolution, he did not become an ordinary moon clan, but instead became a super-presence like the creator father of the moon!

After switching to the Moon family, he will have a privilege that only belongs to the creator ancestors—avoid gods!

This is the ability that all the gods in the universal universe dream of. The reason why they hide in the small universe and use only weak avatars to fight is to avoid the power of the gods in heaven, even if they are as strong as the seven devil kings. Can do it.

If you can ignore the power of sealing God, then the entire universe of the universe would have changed a lot! The body of the Seven Demon Kings can come out directly, fight with their own strongest strength, and you can ash the Second World at will. Especially the King of Hell, he is the most powerful mortal **** in the universe. No one knows how powerful he really is. From the news we received last time, at least he is stronger than the Saturnian creator spirit.

Genesis ancestors are generally more than ordinary creatures. Once they fall asleep, they will last for several epochs. As a player, Huang Yi does not need this process. He can fight all the time. Even if his internal power is exhausted, he does not need to fall asleep.

In addition to gaining the physique of the creation ancestor, Huang Yi's strength has also been greatly enhanced. No matter which world moon he is in, he will be forcibly upgraded to the strength of the virtual **** level!

This is more powerful than his old nest in the second world!

In the end, Huang Yi also realized a powerful moon clan ability— [Moon Resurrection]. After death, he could directly resurrect on the moon without going to the underworld, without any punishment.

This ability should be possessed by the clan every month, which can explain why the clan would just die rather than speak, because it is not afraid of death at all, and it can resurrect on the moon after death.

However, this ability should be different in NPCs. They cannot be truly immortal like players, and will be subject to some restrictions.

"Kill God, you, how did you become a month tribe? Still so powerful! I feel a power from you that can despise all rules!" At this moment, the surprised voice of the Snow Queen came from the sky.

"This is my ability!" Huang Yi said simply.

The trace of the power of the Ice Queen who can despise all rules is the blood of the ancestral spirit in his body.

He relied on this blood of the ancestral spirit of the creation, and he could ignore all the rules of the world. The size of the universe, hundreds of millions of worlds, could let him travel.

He travels to other worlds and will not be suppressed by world rules because he is an outsider, and will not be weakened.

The super existence of other worlds cannot use the power of world rules to deal with him.

Even the power of rules issued by the world itself, such as "day punishment", can no longer be effective on him.

"You are such a miracle. Only one day after you were resurrected, you gained such means and strength! No wonder people all over the world have to work hard to resurrect you. No matter what country, regardless of race, they are donating blood and organs for you. They put It's worth your rescue! You will be able to resolve this crisis! Save the players from the underworld! "The Snow Queen exclaimed.

"I can't do it alone!" Huang Yi shook his head. "The part of the underworld has to be completed by the blade! And this part of me is not complete yet!"

Huang Yi said, looking at his hands, feeling the blood of various racial forms in his body.

His evolutionary path is completely over!

His forms include spirit cats, half-orcs (variants), white dragons, sniffing cats, sea dragons, golden holy dragons, no-eyed monsters, archaic giants, light (kings of darkness), nazarsh, blood dragon, darkness Demon Dragon (God Level), Moon Race (Genesis Ancestor), a total of 13 forms ~ www.readwn.com ~ Among them, the top race forms accounted for four, namely Dragon, Guang, Nasha, and Yue Clan!

The most powerful is the dragon form, which is his main evolution direction. He has absorbed the blood of the three top dragons, the golden holy dragon, blood dragon, and dark demon dragon. Among them, the dark demon dragon has used the blood of the inkstone to evolve. of.

The second is the newly evolved Moon family form. Although this form has only evolved once, it uses the blood of the magical ancestor spirit!

At present, most of the capabilities of these forms can only be used after switching to these forms, which is very inconvenient.

Next, Huang Yi has to use the bottle of [racial fusion serum], using Nazarsh blood as the entry point, to fuse the blood of all races in the body, and finally to integrate and integrate all racial abilities into an unprecedented super life. body.

At that time, he will use the blood of this super-living body to drip into the racial heart of the Yinglong tribe, so that the Yinglong tribe also enjoy the effect of [Tarotag's poisonous heart]. In part, the rest depends on the actions of the blade and others in the underworld.

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