Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1462: Weird moon

Chapter 1462 The Strange Moon

The King of Destruction is still not flustered in the face of Huang Yi and Gui Tianzhu. Throughout the ages, the number of strong men he has seen is endless. This is just a small scene.

"Kill God, since you have a helper, then I will show you my helper!" Said the Lord of Destruction, his voice increased by eight degrees, and said, "Listen to me and immediately set up the magic moon array!"

The words fell, and suddenly four demon demigods appeared in the void!

The surging magical energy emanating from them covered the sky and sun, cast huge shadows, and sealed Huang Yi and Ghost Dzi from all directions.

"Well? How did these demons come from?" Huang Yi was frightened.

He temporarily brought the King of Destruction here to fight. The King of Destruction cannot deploy his men here in advance.

If you move temporarily, you won't be able to get here anytime soon!

What is the reason for this?

Why are four such powerful demons suddenly appearing on the moon?

At this moment, the earth's moon shook violently, and it seemed that something was swelling upwards. The earth couldn't bear the force below, and cracked a gap.

"Oh!" Four golden and bright lights emerged from the earth, soaring into the sky, drawing four gorgeous tracks!

These are four small full moons, blooming with golden light, full of majestic breath, and they are four demigods of the moon family!

They did not imitate the human form, but appeared as the body. They are in the state of a full moon, indicating that their strength is at its peak.

The four moon races stood between the four demonic demigods. The golden moonlight and the black magic were entangled, and became invisible to a range of formations. It seemed to be the one in the mouth of the king of destruction. "Magic Moon Formation".

"The Moon Tribe is indeed an ally of the Demon Tribe!" Huang Yi said in a deep voice. He and the Snow Queen had previously suspected that the Moon Tribe might be an ally of the Demon Tribe, and now it seems so.

The King of Destruction laughed: "Do you think you brought me to this trap? Huh! Whose trap is it?"

At this time, Huang Yi was still secreting death kisses. The four newly emerged demons and four moon races also entered the scope of the death kisses. The toxins had sneaked into their bodies, but It has not erupted yet.

Since the Moon clan is an ally of the Demon Clan, then the Moon is again a safe place, and he has to make a quick decision, otherwise the big man of the Moon clan will appear and he may die here.

At this time, the magical qi of the four demon demigods and the moonlight of the four moon clan became more and more intense, and the intensity of the demon moon array became higher and higher. The surrounding area was already hazy, and the air was like Water is as sticky.

Huang Yi felt that his breathing became more and more difficult, and his movements became slower and slower. The energy of the magic moon array was changing the nature of the air, making the air gradually become solid, and eventually sealed him in it.

Huang Yi simply stole the wrath of killing the gods, and his body suddenly became a slender blood dragon. The majestic dragon body quickly moved through the magic moon formation, and it was too fast to see clearly.

He is using the blood sea swimming dragon footwork in the form of blood dragon. This footwork can reverse the effect of the array method, and then crack the large array.

On the other side, Gui Tianzhu also quickly joined the battlefield, raising a large arrow of water, covering the sky and the sun pouring down towards the end of the King of Destruction.

"Zizi ~" The boundless water arrow surrounded almost all the doomsday, falling on it and emitting bursts of white smoke.

"Ghost dzi, you are too weak!" Said the King of Destruction indifferently, and immediately ejected a large magma from the end, turning into a rain of fire, pouring down toward the ghost dzi.

The ghost dzi twisted its tail and immediately avoided the rain of magma!

With his severely wounded body, it is almost impossible to make a substantial threat to the Lord of Destruction.

He changed his strategy and quickly rushed to the side of one of the demon demigods, rolled a snake tail, and caught the opponent firmly.

The demonic demigod smiled indifferently, standing still like a nail, still motionless.

The ghost **** Bead, an imaginary god, can't touch the demon demigod!

This magic moon formation is even stronger than expected, and even the formation can be protected so tightly!

Ghost Tianzhu immediately released the tail of the snake and flew to another area far away. A pair of gloomy snake eyes scanned the battlefield.

"Huh?" Just then, the Doom King suddenly trembled violently, and then quickly faded.

The kiss of death has finally struck!

"Ghost dzi, did you use the kiss of death?" The voice of the Lord of Destruction was slightly surprised, and the majestic momentum decayed rapidly. "This should be a kiss of death at the **** level! It won't do much! "

After he said that, he gave a solemn command: "Five Great Destruction Voids, quickly come to escort!"

Immediately afterwards, the ghosts of five great shores suddenly appeared in the void.

The space is rippling like ripples, and the air is almost frozen. It seems that there are five powerful gods of the virtual shores who are about to appear here to protect the king of destruction.

They haven't arrived yet, but the breath was first delivered to the Lord of Destruction, and the doom slowly brightened again.

With a great earthquake in Huang Yi's heart, the Destroyer had to summon a group of strong demons.

And still five deities!

This is completely contrary to common sense. The King of Destruction can easily call a group of masters in one sentence. There is no need to hurry up and it will appear immediately.

There is a big problem with this moon in the second world. It's like the nest of the Devil. There are as many masters as there are masters.

Huang Yi brought the King of Destruction here, and thought that he had laid the Tianluodi net, but he actually cast it.

He couldn't stay any longer and had to leave here immediately.

Immediately, he immediately controlled Ghost Tianzhu and rushed to the Lord of Destruction, and then started to explode.

In a moment, a brighter sun appeared than the last days.

Ghost dzi's body quickly swelled up, transmitting a light that could not be seen directly. Unbelievable power was brewing in it, and it was about to explode.

The self-detonation of the virtual **** strong is the most powerful force that can be released in the universe. A large area of ​​stars, each planet must be crushed by energy waves, and no one can stop it.

"Damn!" The King of Destruction didn't expect it at all. The ghost dzi exploded when he didn't agree with each other. He didn't cherish his life at all. He just had a word to say, and then he suffered the strongest force in the universe.

"Boom ~" seemed to be the beginning of the universe, the singularity exploded, and the ghostly body of the ghost **** bead burst, and the surging energy wave swept across the west in all directions.

This space was directly blown up by a lot of chaos!

The king of destruction bears the brunt of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The solid doom, which instantly shatters like an egg, spatters a monstrous doom magma, annihilated in the energy of self-explosion!

The eight demonic giants and the moon tribe under the cloth of the demons were no longer able to sustain and were directly destroyed. The bodies of the eight demigods were like candles, melted by the detonation of the ghost dzi, and died. No dregs left.

The five virtual gods that were about to appear were swept by the shock wave of this mighty shore. They were rushed back, and they couldn't appear in this space.

The moon below was blown out of a huge deep pit, forming a new crater, and the lunar appearance was permanently changed. In the future, people in the second world looked up at the moon and could clearly see this huge crater and witness the last trace left by an empty god.

The majestic energy is still spreading to the universe in all directions, wherever it goes, all the asteroids, meteorites, and star rings are all shattered into nothingness, and the entire star field seems to be cleaned once and becomes clean.

Ghost dzi, a legend of the Naga tribe, this corpse of virtual gods who had been controlled by Huang Yi for a long time, finally ended his twists and turns in the most gorgeous way.

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