Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1463: The secret of the tomb

As soon as the Demon Moon array was destroyed, Huang Yi's movements became smooth again, stopping the blood sea swimming dragon footwork.

He turned to look around. The doomsday had disappeared, and the avatar of the Lord of Destruction had disappeared. He did not know whether he had been killed or escaped.

But no matter what, it takes a lot of strength of the body of the Destruction King to separate out, and now it is hard to recover.

At this point, a **** heart fell slowly where the ghost dzi exploded, constantly expanding and contracting, beating vigorously.

This is the heart of the SS-class pure world, and it was with this that Huang Yi was able to control the corpse of Ghost Dzi.

He put away the heart of the net world, he did not dare to stay too much, and quickly left the moon and hurried back towards the second world.

This moon is so weird that it seems to be inextricably linked to the Demons!

He turned his head and looked at the red star not far from the moon.

That red star emits a strange red light, like a blood cell, shining on the second world, [the time of Georgia] the main body of this artifact is placed there.

He wondered long ago why the sacred dragon Georgia would place the main body of this artifact on a distant red star.

Later, Archer Ica, the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan, answered his doubts, saying that the sacred dragon Georgia would place this artifact where it would most threaten the demons.

According to Ika's speculation, this artifact is placed on the Red Star, so as long as it can be illuminated by the Red Star, it is its attack range. And every area of ​​the second world can be illuminated by the red star, so no matter where the demons appear, this artifact can attack them. From this point of view, it is indeed the most threatening demons.

But now it seems that this speculation is not accurate!

At that time, the sacred dragon Georgia should have discovered the relationship between the moon and the demons. Putting the artifact on the red star near the moon is exactly where it can threaten the demons. Her purpose is to hit the moon, not to fight the second world.

Huang Yi, while returning to the second world, was thinking about the next plan.

He fought in a rush with King of Destruction, not only losing his avatar, but also the ghost dzi beaded.

However, he at least solved this avatar of the Lord of Destruction and the eight masters of the Demon and Moon tribe. Next, the Second World will get a precious respite, depending on their progress in the tomb of the sword.

He can also take this opportunity to select some more powerful corpses in the hero prison, even the corpses of gods, to make a more powerful avatar.

As for the pure heart, it can be used on the corpse of the Queen of Pain!

The Queen of Pain is a mortal god. The combat power is far beyond the ghost dzi, and it is so powerful that it can only be used in the sealed space.


In the underworld, a group of superb masters such as the blade are standing in front of a huge grave.

This tomb is a mountain peak with a regular shape. A tall tombstone stands in front of the tomb, and there is no word on it.

There are many graves in the tomb of God, and in each tomb is buried the soul of a god. But the grave in front of them was different from other graves.

Because this grave has no owner!

No one knows what this tomb means.

Some people guess that this is the tomb of the **** king, but after the king died, no soul appeared.

Some people guess that this tomb is used to bury the gods, but it is almost impossible for the gods to fall together.

Some people guess that this is the tomb of heaven and earth. One day heaven and earth will also be destroyed and no longer exist.

Blades and others worked hard before they finally found out, the ultimate secret of the tomb of God is hidden in this strange tomb.

These days they have been working hard to open the seal of this grave. Fortunately, they are the top masters in the world. Each has a great method. After using various methods, they finally successfully lifted the seal today.

The entrance to this grave is a heavy stone gate with a groove in it that seems to be inlaid with something to open it.

The entrance to this tomb is very humid, and a thick layer of thick and smooth mold-like material extends radially. That material is also covered with a layer of mucus and looks very disgusting. It spreads out in all directions, exuding a faint Smelly smell.

The closer the entrance to the tomb, the denser the layer of greasy mold, covering the edge of the tomb's stone gate all the time.

Obviously, this layer of greasy mold material infiltrates from the inside of this mysterious tomb. If it is not blocked by this stone door, I am afraid it will seep more.

All of them stared intently at the stone gate of the grave and made a defensive posture.

Blade turned his head and looked at the crowd, solemnly took out a clear blue crystal.

Everyone in this blue spar field has it. They either broke the world record of the Tower of the Gods or got the first kill of a certain boss. The origin is very extraordinary. Only masters like them Will have.

This is the famous mystery-the spar of the soul, also known as the crystallization of the soul.

The sword has previously revealed to them that the Spar of Soul can play a great role in the tomb of the gods.

When they saw the groove of this stone door, the first thing they thought of was the spar of soul!

The blade held the soul spar, stepped forward, and embedded it in the groove of the stone door.

"Boom ~" The next moment, the spar of the soul bloomed a dazzling blue light, and the blue light spread like a liquid to the entire stone door.

Subsequently, the stone door slowly opened, revealing a dark and deep grave.

A fierce stench rushed out, and behind the stone door, more and thicker mold-like substance was exposed, crawling the entire entrance to the grave, like a dirty sewer entrance.

Inside the tomb, there is a mysterious and eerie atmosphere. Everyone has a strong visual ability, but they can't see through the darkness in the tomb. I don't know what is hidden in it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Go! Let's go in and explore that secret! The blade turned his head and said to the crowd, stepping on the sticky mold material and drilling into the damp grave.

The others rushed in, and soon disappeared into the darkness of the tomb, as if swallowed in.

Shortly after they left, the air outside the tomb suddenly rippled and a young man appeared.

This person is exactly the sword!

He stared at the dark tomb with a faint smile on his face, then took a stride and strode into the tomb.


Huang Yi and Deputy Dean Marksman Ika discuss the time related to this artifact in Chapter 860.

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