Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1467: Promote the finished product! Mutant Demon Artifact!

Soon, Huang Yi came to the Nashash holy place again. He stole the poisonous heart of Taroyag recently and made the holy place a mess. He has not recovered yet.

He immediately followed the coordinates given by the chubby pig and came to a temple.

In the majestic temple, the snake-haired banshee Medusa was still lying in a pool of blood, her head full of snakes scattered weakly on the ground, all the snakes on that head were motionless and dying. Her belly was covered with holes, and the internal organs could be seen faintly.

Her breath was so weak that it was almost the same as the ghost dzi that Huang Yi had previously controlled. There was no power of virtual gods, and even ordinary demigods could kill her.

"Brother God! You're here!" At this moment, there was a squirm in the air, and the fat little pig appeared.

Huang Yi nodded and asked, "This snake-haired banshee, Medusa has become like this because of production!"

He had seen Blood Ring and the Savage God help the Snake Hair Banshee to give birth to a child in the Savage God Temple before. Now it is not difficult to speculate what happened later.

"Yes! I hid in a ruin before and saw the Nazarsh master brought her to this temple. At that time her stomach was still bulging. Later, after the Nazarsh master left, The snake-haired banshee looks like this, "said the fat, dumb pig.

"I'll kill her now, let's team up! All the experience points will be given to you, so that you can also rise to the 300 level." Huang Yi said, immediately put the fat pigs on the team.

The chubby pig is now level 295. With five steps to reach the sky, each step is very difficult. And his level is already one of the top 10 billion players in the world.

Players who can reach the level of the gods like Huang Yi are the strongest handful of players in the world. It can be predicted that even when the next generation of the virtual world is open, many players will not be able to rise to the realm of God, and there will not be a scene where the realm of God walks full.

"Ahem!" At this moment, the snake-haired banshee suddenly opened her eyes and stared weakly at Huang Yi, but unable to do any other action. Her strength was given by the small snakes of Naxash Devoured completely.

"The snake-haired banshee, you are awake!" Huang Yi looked down at the snake-haired banshee, shaking her palm, and took out the wrath of killing the gods.

The breath of surging divine power flashed a dazzling light on the axe blade, which illuminated the whole temple red, and the air was filled with the killing breath.

"Are you going to kill me?" The snake-haired banshee smiled horribly, without any anger in her eyes, but with a touch of relief, "Kill me, I will be able to end this humiliating fate in the future. Ring is gestating his next generation! "

"Be assured, I will take revenge for you! One day, I will kill the blood ring and bury her for you!" Huang Yi said, raising the wrath of the **** and violently sending his hair towards the snake. The banshee split.

"嘭 ~" The axe blade of the wrath of the **** of death was deeply submerged in the body of the snake hair banshee, and a blood sputtered on Huang Yi's face.

The surging red divine power raged madly in her body and completely cut off her last vitality.

There was a flash of relief in her eyes, and then it went completely dark, her head crooked and motionless.

The high-ranking Patriarch Naga died in her temple.

Her fall represents the complete decline of the Naga clan.

The Naga family was originally strong and one of the three strongest races in the first world. In addition to the snake goddess, the virtual **** patriarch, there are three virtual **** ancestors, powerful.

But now, three of their four virtual gods have died, and the remaining one of the virtual **** ancestors has been controlled by the blood ring, and the Naga tribe has no more powerful men.

At this moment, the fat little pig suddenly shone with blood red upgrade light!

Huang Yi has reached level 300, and will no longer gain experience points. After the death of the snake hair banshee, all the massive experience points fell on him alone!

Finally, after five flashes of upgrading light, the fat little pig reached the full level and was promoted to the level of the **** realm!

The majestic demigod breath emanated from him. He looked at his hands, and an excited expression appeared on his face, muttering to himself: "I'm finally full! I'm finally a demigod!"

Huang Yi slightly smiled, turned his head, and looked forward to his back expectantly.

The pair of day-to-day dragon wings behind him trembled fiercely, sending a powerful attraction towards the body of the snake-haired banshee Medusa.

The body of the snake-haired banshee Medusa suddenly fluttered a translucent soul, which was instantly sucked into the daily dragon wings.

Day by day, the wings of the dragon are masterpieces, transpiration of a vast red breath, and a bright dragon chant, ringing the entire Naga Holy Land!

Subsequently, the dragon wing shot out a red light day by day, soaring from the bottom of the sea to the sky of the First World, breaking into the outer cosmic galaxy, communicating the distant red star.

A steady stream of red energy was transported down from that red star, traveled an infinite distance, and sunk into the top of the day-to-day dragon wings.

The red star is hardened, and the artifact is here!

This shocking vision of the heavens and the earth soon caught the attention of countless people in the first world.

Strong men of all races, such as the Pa clan and the clan, masters of barbarism, and even avatars of barbarism, all turned around and looked in the direction of the naga holy place with shocked faces.

"Did Naga have another artifact?"

"Nazah has recently appeared in the Holy Land of Naga, and there is blood everywhere, and that may not be quenching!"

"Naga's artifact [Blue Sea's Eye of Worry] has fallen into the hands of the blood ring. Could it be that he has remade that artifact?"

"That should be the movement caused by the snake-haired banshee giving birth!"

Various forces in the first world have made various speculations, but no one dares to investigate the situation in the Holy Land of Naga, and the blood ring is well known, and no one dares to provoke such a mysterious master.

And even if it is a savage god, it is not willing to stagnate with the blood ring.

At this point, the blood ring's avatar was returning to the naga holy place, but before he could go back, he was shocked to find that the shocking vision of the red star quenching actually appeared in the naga holy place!

His first reaction was that a strong man in Naga had created a finished artifact.

Moreover, it is very likely that the **** Nagaxu did it.

There are no other virtual gods in the Naga Holy Land, and the snake-haired banshee Medusa and the last virtual **** ancestor have been controlled by him.

But there are other Naga Xu gods in the Savage Gods!

Savage gods gather masters of major races in the first world. Two of the eight cardinal **** bishops are Naga. They are usually **** gods and rarely interact with them. But after all, Naga's blood was flowing inside them, and they might come back and intervene in the affairs of the Naga clan.

He even suspected that the savage god's avatar might be the cause of the sacrifice of the savage god, the purpose is to contain him!

Blood Ring looked at the red light soaring into the sky, hesitated in his heart, he didn't know what was happening there, he had an unknown fear, and he didn't know what would happen when he went to the Naga Holy Land.

For a time, Huang Yi was promoted to a finished artifact in front of the entire First World, but no one came to check it.

Finally, the red star's quenched vision of heaven and earth came to an end, and the dragon wings quieted again day by day.

"[System Tip]: Your Mutant Demon Artifact [Day by Day Dragon Wing], absorbs a virtual **** soul, all attributes are greatly improved, and a third artifact skill is born to be promoted to a finished artifact."

Huang Yi heard the coveted system prompt.

He finally has a finished artifact, and his strength will be greatly enhanced.

He couldn't wait to take a look at the new day-to-day dragon wings-

[Day by Day Dragon Wing]

Form switching: You can switch to magic or artifact at any time.

After switching to a magic weapon, the name is changed to [Daily Demon Wing], all feathers become black, full of endless magic breath, which can make the wearer possess various magic abilities;

After switching to an artifact, the name was changed to [Sacred Dragon Wings of the Sun], all feathers became golden, full of endless breath of the gods, allowing the wearer to have various **** abilities;

In Dragon form, all attributes are increased by 100%, and the duration is unlimited, but weapons cannot be used in Dragon form.

Daylighting: It can collect sunlight, starlight, moonlight and other celestial rays and transform them into any attributes of yours. The closer to the light source, the faster the absorption speed, but also the risk of destruction. The current default conversion properties are: power, initial absorption speed: 5 **** domain points / second. After losing the light source, the transformed attributes will gradually dissipate. Factors such as weather conditions, time differences, and light intensity will affect the lighting effect.

Incidental skills:

[Infinite Teleport]: unlimited teleport ~ www.readwn.com ~ unlimited times. In a combat state, the distance of each teleport must not exceed 50 kilometers. The higher the frequency of the teleport, the lower the attack power becomes. In the non-combat state, the effect of teleport is more obvious. For every mile, the teleportation distance doubles. In the end, you can exceed the speed of light, move freely, and easily cross the universe.

[Dragon Dragon Coming]: Fly in a certain trajectory, draw the image of a dark demon dragon and inkwell, summon its dragon soul to impact the target area, and perform a devastating blow. Each use will consume 2000 energy points. .

[Transformed into the ancestor dragon]: It can be transformed into the dragon ancestor ancestor ancestors, and has all the four top dragon tribes—the golden holy dragon, the dark demon dragon, the sacred dragon, and the blood dragon. Consume a lot of divine power in the body, until the divine power is exhausted.

Item description: You are my sun, knowing that you will be burned, I still chase your light. You don't need to worry, and you don't need to find dark clouds to cover me, you will continue to shine like this! Let me melt in your eyes, and rot into a dead body, never rot, so that my immortal body can feel your scorching forever, so that my eyes are no longer closed, and I always stare at my sun.

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