Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1468: Spatial perception

Sure enough, after being promoted to the finished product, the attributes of the Dragon Wings far surpassed the previous ones.

For example, the lighting speed. In the first stage, the lighting speed was only 1 **** domain point per second. Now that the finished product has been promoted, it has been raised to 5 **** domain points per second.

5 **** domain points, that is 500 days domain points, that is 50,000 sacred domain points, that is, 5 million ordinary attribute points!

For those novice players less than level 100, the attributes of the whole body equipment can hardly exceed 50,000 ordinary attribute points. The amount of attributes that can be obtained by the dragon wings every day for one second is equivalent to 100 times theirs! How strong is it if you continue to light for 10 hours?

This is the power of the finished artifact! Even if it is a master of the demigod level, in the face of this magic artifact, it will soon lose the battle.

In addition, the artifact's signature ability, infinite teleportation, has also changed. In the first stage, the teleportation distance in the combat state was only 5 kilometers, which has now been increased tenfold to 50 kilometers, and the flexibility has been greatly enhanced.

In the end, this finished artifact has one more artifact skill than the original-transforming into an ancestor!

The ancestor dragon is the creation ancestor of the dragon clan, and its status is equivalent to the "moon father" of the moon clan, the "grandmother" of the zerg clan, the "dream ancestor" of the dream clan, the "light source" of the xuan clan, and the light source of the light clan Wait, even in the gods of heaven, they are extremely powerful beings, and the general gods are not their opponents.

Huang Yi, relying on this artifact, can temporarily become such a powerful existence, and can have all the capabilities of the four top dragons!

In contrast, the creation ancestor physique that he evolved with the blood of "Father of the Moon" some time ago is just a potential, which allows him to build his strength infinitely without hiding in a small world like the creation ancestor. Without having to worry about Fengshen. But that requires him to grow and accumulate power, rather than having that power directly.

One of these two abilities is to be effective immediately, and the other is to be effective in the future, which is just complementary.

However, it is conceivable that the divine power consumed by this ability must be very terrible, and Huang Yi should not be able to sustain it for long.

With this finished artifact, Huang Yi's strength can already fight the Emperor of the Gods brightly. If he meets the opponents at the level of the six demon kings, he can also temporarily transform into an ancestor to deal with it for a while. .

Huang Yi turned his head and admired the new wings.

The day-to-day dragon wing is more strange in appearance than before, it looks hazy, as if not in this world, but in another space. When you reach out and touch it, the palm will pass directly through it, as if the wings do not exist at all. However, the delicate feathers change from black to gold from time to time. The breath of the magic system and the breath of the gods are staggered, making people feel that it exists, but they can't find the space in which it is hidden. .

Huang Yi gently fanned the daily dragon wings behind! For the first time, I felt the power of the finished magic artifact!

The invisible space was immediately stirred by the wings, rippling like water, creating a circle of space ripples, spreading in all directions, and has penetrated the walls of the temple, penetrated the endless seawater, diffused To the whole world.

This is the natural space perception ability of this space-like magical artifact of the Dragon Wing. The space where the space ripples pass through is Huang Yi's sensing range, like radar.

"Huh? Blood ring?" Just then, in a space ripple, suddenly came a familiar feeling.

In a distant sea, a familiar figure was rushing here, his breath was exactly like the blood ring.

It is estimated that the vision of the heavens and earth that has just been quenched by the artifact has attracted the other party!

"Someone is here! We shouldn't fight him now, let's withdraw first!" Huang Yi said to the fat beeping pig, and then vigorously fanned the dragon wings every day, wrapping up the fat beeping pig, and The corpse of the snake-haired banshee Medusa on the ground shuttled directly into the space and teleported thousands of kilometers away.

In combat, the teleportation distance of the day-to-day dragon wing is 50 kilometers, but it is now in a non-combat state. The teleportation distance is at least tens of thousands of kilometers, and he disappeared completely out of thin air.

After a while, the air in the temple was rippling, and the blood ring's clone finally arrived.

He turned around and looked around, but found nothing.

There was only a pool of blood on the ground, and the snake-haired banshee lying on the pool of blood had disappeared without a trace, leaving no suspicious clues.

It seems that the person who caused the artifact to harden disappeared with a snake-haired banshee out of thin air.

"Abominable! Actually took away the snake-haired banshee!" The blood ring cursed, he wanted to continue the snake-haired banshee's belly, and gave birth to generations of Nazash snakes, but he never expected that The banshee didn't even leave a trace.

"Who the **** is it? Who has such great patience that he can get rid of people in this holy place of Naga without leaving a trace of it! There are only a handful of people who can achieve this ability in the First World. Instructed by the Master of the Savage God? "Blood Ring meditated in his heart, again doubting the head of the Savage God's avatar.


When Huang Yi came to a safe place with his chubby piglet, he thought about the next step.

With the death of the King of Destruction, the crisis in the Second World is temporarily lifted, but the Demon will definitely try to make a comeback. Players have not returned from the underworld. The Second World must have more guardian power to prevent the Demon. The next wave of attacks.

He had heard before that the demons had been promoted to the level of virtual gods, and had traveled to the Canglong galaxy to prevent dragon masters from going to the second world.

He decided to go to the Canglong galaxy to release the threat of the demon!

There is no public teleportation array near the Canglong galaxy ~ www.readwn.com ~ It cannot be transmitted by the universal transmission array. He can only fly by himself.

Fortunately, the Dragon Wing has been promoted to a finished artifact day by day, and it can move freely in space. It is easier to cross the universe than before, and it will not take long to fly.

He fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, and traveled thousands of miles in space. After each teleportation, the distance of the next teleportation doubled!

Soon, he surpassed the speed of light and hurried towards the Canglong galaxy in the boundless universe.

At the same time, he also turned on the daylight dragon wing lighting effect. All the starlight, moonlight, and stellar rays along the way were absorbed by the daylight dragon wings and turned into his power.

In addition, he also actively switched to the form of the light family, absorbing the light of the stars himself to transform into the divine power in the body!

With this double absorption, his power is growing rapidly all the time!

The entire universe is simply his paradise. Hundreds of millions of glowing stars can bring him strength growth.

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