Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1569: Create another myth! Kill the King of Greed! (on…

? Chapter 1569 Create a new myth! Kill the King of Greed! (I) (Page 1/1)

The next moment, a huge boom suddenly began to sound in the depths of the abyss, as if earth-shaking upheaval was happening.

"Roar!" An angry roar suddenly sounded from below the abyss, and a fierce sound wave spewed out like a volcanic eruption!

Huang Yi, like a dust, was sprayed directly into the vast starry sky by this sound wave and left Sagittarius far away.

Sagittarius is trembling all over, and the chains that bind it are also trembling, and a huge force is brewing in the body, which is about to pour out and destroy the world.

"Animal! What are you doing ?!" The greedy king sighed angrily, biting Sagittarius bitterly, like a farmer teaching a disobedient cow and horse fiercely.

Sagittarius continued to twist his body, opened his legs, raised his arms, and moved his muscles and bones. His whole body was awake a little bit, exuding an increasingly majestic atmosphere.

All the chains were stretched straight, trembling violently, and made a "creak" sound, which seemed to be unable to trap this terrible monster.

"Roar!" Suddenly, Sagittarius raised his huge head and sent a terrifying roar towards the sky, his muscles were violently bulging, his muscles swelled up, and he worked hard to earn it!

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" At the same time, a dense breaking sound sounded, and the thick chains were severed by Sagittarius brute force!

Sagittarius broke free of her restraint and regained her freedom!

It slammed up its two front hoofs, leaned back, like an untamed wild horse expressing its anger!

The next moment, his two front feet slammed forward!

"Boom!" Two huge forefoot trampled in the void severely, shattered the space directly, and the world-wide shock wave swept away in all directions!

This purple nebula is like a cloud of dust, shocked directly into nothingness, billions of asteroids have all been turned into powder, countless interstellar cities have been lifted up like leaves, turned into dust, and wiped from the sky !!

This lameness directly wiped out the starry sky, and tens of thousands of interstellar cities and countless demons were wiped out in no time.

This is the strength of the ancestral spirit of the creation. If you lame, the whole starry sky will tremble!

Huang Yi knew that the water of the contract had finally come into effect. Sagittarius had recovered its freedom, and had been suppressed for several epochs to return to its body.

At this point, the King of Greed was stunned and looked at it all at a loss!

Sagittarius has always been suppressed by the contract of the king of hell, why suddenly became crazy?

Just then, Sagittarius shook his neck!

The greedy king only felt an irresistible force coming, and could no longer be parasitic on Sagittarius, being thrown away from a distance, like a shooting star in the sky.

Sagittarius immediately turned his head, staring angrily at the King of Greed, kicking his hind legs, jumping hard in the void, jumping towards the King of Greed!

The huge body of Sagittarius smashed countless interstellar cities along the way, and quickly came to the sky above the King of Greed. The huge body completely shrouded the little King of Greed, with Mount Tai to the top, and the invincible momentum of the sky collapsed.

"Boom!" Sagittarius's forefoot trampled heavily on the King of Greed!

Accumulated countless years of anger, endless resentment, all poured out through this foot, trampled on the King of Greed!

The King of Greed was trampled down instantly, blood splattered, and blood waves blasted towards the starry sky in all directions.

Those blood drowned countless interstellar cities, drowned nebulae, and the entire starry sky became a sea of ​​blood.

"Woo!" The greedy king uttered a scream of screams that rang through the universe, and the sound of horror and pain passed into the ears of every demons on the greedy star.

At this moment, the entire greedy star is already a mess, the starry sky is broken, the blood is soaring, the interior of the originally peaceful starry sky is shaking everywhere, tearing everywhere, as if it is a collapsing universe.

And the news here also spread to the ground outside, and every corner of the Star of Greed was violently landslide, there was no peaceful area.

"Roar!" Sagittarius roared constantly, raising his hoof again and again, trampled wildly on the greedy king, and every time it was blood splashing into the sky, flesh flying across.

The greedy king, one of the six demon kings, was trampled with no dignity at this moment, stunned, and died before he had time to resist.

Originally, the strength of the King of Greed could at least withstand Sagittarius for a while, but it was not a big problem to escape, but the incident was too sudden, and before he could react, he was seriously injured and completely lost the opportunity to resist.

Under his Majesty's Majesty, the King of Greed almost became a puddle of flesh. He could not see his original appearance, and continued the magic of countless years to escape like a discouraged ball, rendering the surrounding starry sky **** and tragic.

At this moment, Sagittarius suddenly shook his left hoof and kicked the gluttony of the greedy king in the direction of Huang Yi, just like playing football!

The King of Greed struck across the starry sky, splashed blood all the way, and flew over in the direction of Huang Yi.

Obviously, Sagittarius is repaying his favor, leaving the dying greedy king to Huang Yi to make up his sword in return for his kindness.

After kicking the greedy queen, Sagittarius strode off the hoof and ran towards the end of the starry sky, striding away as if it were a wild horse.

Every time Sagittarius's hoof falls, it will cause a large circle of shock waves, and the entire starry sky will tremble with the rhythm of its running!

Everything along the way was crushed by Sagittarius, and nothing could stop it from running wildly!

Finally, Sagittarius rushed to the border of this starry sky, his head was low, and he hit it directly with the hardest part of his skull!

"Boom!" The boundary of the starry sky suddenly collapsed and shattered ~ www.readwn.com ~ revealing the outside world.

This huge greedy star was smashed from the inside by Sagittarius, like a broken balloon, which can no longer remain intact.

Sagittarius rushed out of the hole there, escaped this greedy star, went into the small universe of the demons, and began to destroy everywhere.

After such a toss, this greedy star has become a waste star, and the demons who inhabit it have long been dead and injured.

And the planet is constantly falling apart, and countless creatures are dying every moment!

This is a real cataclysm. The entire planet is shattered, shattered into pieces, even worse than the Second World!

At this time, Huang Yi did not pay attention to the destruction of the greedy star, but instead focused on the dying greedy king.

He shook his body and finally switched to his original appearance and took out the wrath of killing the gods.

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