Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1570: Create another myth! Killing the King of Greed (Part 2)

The next moment, Huang Yi raised his wrath to kill the gods, and rushed towards the rotting flesh with the momentum of killing the gods and killing demons.

The axe blade flickered with a dazzling red brilliance, traversing a devastating trajectory in the starry sky, and banged on the ground of the greedy king.

"Boom!" The majestic power of the wrath of the **** of death poured out, and a long ditch was split on the greedy king, setting off a ground of flesh, and spewing blood waves.

For a strong man at the level of the greedy king, such skills as [Decision] are no longer valid and can only be attacked violently!

"Howling!" A bright dragon chant sounded through the starry sky, a majestic golden holy dragon suddenly appeared, exuding a surging breath of imagination!

Xiaolong was also summoned by Huang Yi!

It opened the huge dragon's mouth and spewed out the golden dragon flame that burned the sky and shrouded the body of the greedy king, burning with flesh and blood.

This world-wide demon king who has traveled for countless years is rapidly approaching death!


When Sagittarius was free, in the outer space of the Second World, the King of Hell was trying his best to suppress the gap, but suddenly his body trembled violently.

He suddenly felt that the contract between Sagittarius and him was suddenly cancelled!

This means Sagittarius is back to freedom!

What follows is bound to be an unimaginable terror ...

The King of Hell quickly turned to look at the King of Greed and exclaimed: "Be careful ..."

Before the words were finished, the greedy king's body suddenly trembled, and then he collapsed, motionless, and fell into a coma.

Before coma, he had time to spit out a name—

"Sagittarius ..."

The other demon kings were suddenly terrified, staring blankly at the direction of the greedy king's avatar.

The greedy king has been riding the world with them for so many years, and now he is silent and slumped, and he has no time to send ideas to them!

"What's wrong?" The Dark Lord asked in surprise.

"Sagittarius is free again!" The King of Hell said gravely, "My body is quickly moving to the greedy star to preside over the big picture. You continue to intensify refinement, and you must win the second world!"

After that, the avatar of the **** king went silent and put all his energy into the body.

The other demon kings looked at the direction of the greedy king with dignified expressions. They could fully imagine that the universe of the demons would usher in an unprecedented catastrophe!

"Quickly resist the refining! There is something wrong with the Demon Universe! This is our best chance!" Just then, Huang Yi's voice suddenly came from below the second world.

As soon as the power of the King of Greed was withdrawn, the power of refining was suddenly weakened, and it was no longer able to overcome the resistance in it!

Several demon kings were embarrassed and forcibly borrowed more power from the body to supplement the power of the greedy king.

As a result, the strength of their own body is getting weaker and weaker, and the demonic universe is breaking down faster and faster!


At this moment, Huang Yi and Xiaolong were frantically destroying the body of the greedy king, flesh and blood flew, and it was terrible.

The body of the greedy king was no longer good, and a terrible gully appeared, almost dividing the piece of minced meat into two halves, leaving only a little flesh connected.

The dense demonic blood almost spread to the entire greedy star, spurting out from the gap made by Sagittarius, like a volcano erupting to the ground outside, flooding a large area and bringing about havoc.

"Hurry up!" Suddenly, a rush of voices rang through the world, and more than a dozen fierce gods appeared in the void, racing against the clock to the greedy king, imposing and unstoppable.

All of them are the false gods of His Majesty the King of Greed, and escorted them immediately!

"Devil's blood transmission!" More than a dozen virtual gods immediately stretched out their hands and shot out black magic blood, running through the galaxy from various directions, and flocked to the King of Greed!

These magical blood contains the essence of life, once it is poured into the body of the greedy king, it will save him from the dying state in one breath!

Huang Yi shook his palm, immediately took out the sickle of death, waved at the greedy king, and spit out a spell: "Deprivation of life!"

The masterpiece of the death god's sickle Guanghua suddenly flew a grayish-white breath into the body of the greedy king.

In a moment, the flesh and blood of the King of Greed suddenly turned into a decaying gray-white, like a pile of stones, without life.

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" Almost at the same time, more than a dozen life-saving magic blood finally leapt off the starry sky and fell into the greedy king!

But these demonic blood seemed to be blocked by some kind of power, unable to fit into the greedy king's body, and could only flow outside.

Regardless of these demonic bloods, Huang Yi frantically slammed the wrath of killing the gods and slashed towards the greedy king, fighting for the second.

"Do you dare!" Suddenly, a rage sounded through the stars!

Just hearing this sound made people shudder!

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that Wei An's body in a black robe suddenly appeared on the huge gap of the greedy star and was hurriedly coming!

That is the King of Hell!

The king of **** is raging with anger, the starry sky is broken, the stars are broken, everything must be given way to him, everything must be surrendered to his feet, unstoppable, unmatched!

"Boom!" The King of Hell stretched out a finger in the direction of Huang Yi, and shot a vast red light between his fingers, which instantly penetrated the Xinghe and rushed towards Huang Yi.

Unprecedented pressure is rolling in, and before it comes, Huang Yi is hard to move.

Huang Yi quickly fanned the dragon wings day by day, his body suddenly disappeared in place, teleported to another area, and continued to attack the greedy king frantically.

"Oh!" The King of Hell's body suddenly swelled up, straddling a distant distance directly, and he was about to forcibly land, bringing disaster to the sky.

"Howl ~" Xiaolong turned suddenly and rushed towards the king of hell, trying to forcibly stop his pace, and fight for time for Huang Yi.

"Go!" The King of Hell stretched out a hand, and slap it on Xiaolong's body, blasting it violently and blasting it into the sky.

With just a slap, the King of Hell blasted a golden holy dragon with a virtual **** level, showing the invincible power of the masters of all realms.

Even if Xiaolong is resurrected at the fastest speed, it is too late to help Huang Yi fight for time!

At this point, history came to a critical moment. Huang Yi was racing against the greedy king against time, while the king of **** and more than a dozen false gods were coming at their best!

He was alone, and he was about to face the anger of a group of demon heads!

Finally, the queen of **** arrived first, surpassed more than a dozen demons, and came to Huang Yi's head.

At that moment, Huang Yi only felt that a great force that could not resist sedated himself, even if this incarnation was made of the body of a god, he could not move at all, he could only stay in place and wait for **** King's Crush!

This is not a level of strength at all. The king of **** is the master. All other living things are dust. They can only be surrendered and cannot resist!

Huang Yi felt the power of the King of Hell for the first time. Even if he became a new generation of death, there was no resistance!

However, his expression was still calm, without seeing the slightest confusion, no matter how great the desperation, he still had to create a glimmer of hope.

The next moment, a huge creature suddenly emerged from the flesh and blood of the King of Greed, and was blocked between the King of Hell and Huang Yi, blocking the suffocating oppression!

It was a huge beetle, with a huge abdomen occupying almost two-thirds of the body, and on its head was a beautiful face exuding a shawl, eyes smoky makeup staring at the King of Hell without emotion.

This is exactly the Queen of Pain!

At the critical moment, Huang Yi finally manipulated the Queen of Pain to appear, the last step to prevent the arrival of the King of Hell!

Before, Huang Yi had been manipulating the Queen of Pain in the body of the greedy king, but now she suddenly came out.

Fight the devil with the devil!

This move was unexpected, and the stance of the King of Hell was finally stopped by Shengsheng for a moment!

Huang Yi seized this last moment, shaking his arm hard and sending out his last attack!

But only for a moment, the invincible momentum of the king of **** once again killed Huang Yi!

Huang Yi's solitary figure was fixed in the encirclement of the King of Hell and more than a dozen demons and gods. He couldn't move, even his arms were stiffly blocked in the midair, and he couldn't go any further.

But the corners of his mouth kept rising.

The wrath of the **** of killing was thrown out by him just before the freeze, and turned into a flying axe!

Everyone was staring at the flying axe, even the King of Hell had no time to stop it!

The flying axe brought all the hope of Huang Yi, the only glimmer of vitality in the second world, and the mission to change history, traversed an epic trajectory in the monstrous blood waves and split it out!

At that moment, time seemed to slow down, the stars were dim, the world was dead, everything had lost its color, and only the spinning axe was left!

"Oh!" The wrath of the **** of death split on the last connected flesh ~ www.readwn.com ~ and made a scalp tingling sound!

The body of the greedy king finally split into two and became two parts!

The next moment, the solemn and sacred announcement sounded through the world—

"[System Announcement]: [King of the World · Kill God] killed the body of [King of Greed] and completed one of the five era missions [Kill the King of Greed] to create myths and load into the annals of history! Reward Public Reputation 10000 The power of faith and belief is 500 million, and gains [Achievements of the Times]-[Kill the King of Greed], the second world honor +2. "

"[System Announcement]: [The King of Greed] has died, and all his servants of His Majesty the Greed will die, reducing the number of demons by about 1/6. Since then, the six demon kings have been changed to five demon kings. In addition, 12134 The godsend who signed the contract with the King of Greed will all be reborn, delete all data, and start again. "


This chapter was actually written almost the day before yesterday, but I was not satisfied.

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