Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1571: Demon Havoc, Level 9 Artifact Embryo!

Two consecutive system announcements, ringing through the Demon Universe, ringing through the Second World, ringing through the underworld, detonated like a thunderbolt in the ears of countless creatures!

The King of Greed is dead!

Another World Demon King was killed by Huang Yi!

Everyone did not expect that at the most dangerous moment in the second world, Huang Yi actually killed a demon king's body in the home of the Devil!

The players who have been suppressed for a long time are finally boiling!

Every time when the world is most desperate, there is always one person who stands out to turn the tide, and saves the world in ways that no one can think of!

Outside of the Second World, the avatars of several demon kings trembled suddenly, as if they were suddenly emptied of power, and turned to stare in horror at the direction of the greedy king.

At this moment, the avatar of the greedy king just turned into a fly ash, and a living person was drifting a little bit, turning into a dust with no sense of existence between heaven and earth, as if it never existed!

The terrible sight was deeply reflected in their hearts, making them a long-lost fear.

They used to think that they could do whatever they want in the realm of life and never die, but now that the Queen of Pain and the King of Greed have been killed, are they still far away?

As soon as the King of Greed died, there was a huge chain reaction!

Since this endless years, the King of Greed has no idea how many people have signed the master-slave contract. With the death of his source, his servants, his servants will all die together, and countless people will be involved. Causes tragic serial death!

Among the greedy stars, the dozen or so imaginary gods who rushed to escorted them were all locked in place, their eyes revealing an unbelievable expression, and then their bodies were instantly turned into ashes.

The billions of interstellar cities in the greedy star, the noble demons are screaming in despair, but the next moment, their voices stop abruptly, and there is only a beautiful empty interstellar city in the starry sky. .

On the earth outside the King of Greed, countless demons are fleeing, like ants on a hot pot, but suddenly, the endless ants are wiped away instantly, and the entire planet becomes a Dead star.

The number of the entire demons has been reduced by 1/6!

In addition, there are countless creatures in all universes who have signed master-servant contracts with the King of Greed. His minions do not know how many worlds they are in and how many forces lurk in them. They do n’t even know their true masters. It was the King of Greed, but a master-slave contract with some of the demons of His Majesty the Greed.

But with the death of the greedy king, the source of the contract, all of his subordinates died, and all of his subordinates suddenly died of violence, one layer at a time.

All the creatures that have a contract with the King of Greed, no matter how far away they are in the world, hide in the hall, and all are buried with them at the moment.

No one knows how many creatures have been erased and how many worlds have been affected at this moment.

In addition to npc, many players also secretly signed master-servant contracts with the greedy king, and they all suffered the most severe rebirth punishment.

These players are master-level characters, usually hidden in the second world, such as Vulcan .t, Musi Miyamoto Musashi, Genie, Tenmon, undefeated. There are very few players who dare to disclose their demons identity. The vast majority They all hide their identities, quietly serve the Mozu, unknown, and even pretending to be in the righteousness, and fight against the Mozu with Huang Yi and others.

But as soon as the King of Greed died, they were immediately exposed!

At this time, in the sky of the Second World, more than a thousand masters were resisting the refining of the Demon Clan, but suddenly, three masters died violently, and the corpses turned into flying ashes.

Everyone around them stared at them dullly. Just now they were comrades-in-arms against the Demon Clan. Why did they suddenly become ashes?

"Why did Fairview suddenly die?"

"Is he born again?"

"No way! He is such a famous master that he is also a Demon player?"

"Jiangnan, what's going on? You and him, who are supposed to be the two strongest divisions of the Nether religion, stay together every day, don't you see?"

"I don't know, I didn't expect him to hide so deep!" Said a gentle male wizard, staring blankly at the player who was turning into fly ash.

The three players who turned into flying ash are the running dogs of the greedy king. They are not afraid of being killed by the power of refinement, because even if they die, they can become stronger than the current by relying on the demons. But now their dreams are broken.

Most of the players who signed a contract with the King of Greed are actually not online, and are watching live broadcast offline. When they heard the announcement of the death of the King of Greed from the live broadcast, they tried to go online in horror, but found that they had no body and were floating in the sky, just like when they first logged into the virtual world!

Then they heard the same system prompt--

"System Tip: As the King of Greed is dead, you, as his contract servant, will be punished by rebirth, your character will be deleted, all assets under your name will be emptied, all forces created will be disbanded, and all contract pets will die. . If you want to continue into the virtual world, please create a new character and start again "

After a few years of hard work, this turned into an empty space.

At this moment, countless demons are dying, while Huang Yi is harvesting rich fruits.

When the wrath of the **** of killing killed the greedy king, the blood of the greedy king turned into a torrent, rushing to the wrath of killing the god.

The wrath of the **** of killing suddenly became bloody, every grain on the axe was drinking the blood of the gods, and even issued a pleasant dragon chant, ringing through the stars.

At the same time, a soul floated out of the greedy king's body, but his eyes were bewildered, and he was the soul of the greedy king.

This soul was going to the underworld, but the wrath of the **** of killing appeared an irresistible attraction, forcing the soul of the King of Greed into it.

Then ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wrath of the **** of death bloomed a dazzling light, the light of the **** shone, and the light circulated, and got a huge sublimation.

"The system prompts: You killed the **** of greedy **** greed. The wrath of **** kills the blood and soul of the opponent and is promoted to a nine-level artifact embryo. The next upgrade requires the absorption of God's blood and soul."

Finally, the Fury of Killing God has been raised again!

The greedy king is an old-fashioned god, his blood and soul are fully in line with the promotion conditions of the killing god's wrath, and he is promoted to the ninth level.

Now, the wrath of the **** of killing is only the last level away from the finished artifact, and this level is also the most difficult. It actually kills a god!

Even all the gods are not counted. You must kill God to get to this last level!

The wrath of the **** of killing is the most difficult artifact Huang Yi encountered. This artifact is named after him. Even the artifact skills have to be customized by himself, but as long as it can be upgraded to the finished product, it will be the most difficult A strong artifact.

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