Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1572: T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi are reused again!

As soon as the greedy king died, Huang Yi immediately felt that the suffocating pressure was relaxed for a moment.

The greedy king is an indispensable force to support the demonic universe. Without him, the demonic universe suddenly seems to have lost a vital load-bearing pillar. His Majesty does not know how many demigods and virtual gods there are. It also bears the burden of maintaining the stability of the small universe.

Now that power is lost instantly, the demons can no longer support this huge little universe!

The Demon Universe was already very unstable. Now it is even worse, cracks have appeared everywhere, and they are destroying everywhere!

Taking advantage of this brief moment, Huang Yi quickly put up the Queen of Pain, fanned the Dragon Wings day by day, took back the wrath of the **** of killing, and fled away towards the distance, disappearing into the distance almost in an instant.

The King of Hell glanced at Huang Yi's escape direction, but didn't waste time hunting down.

Even if he is so angry, he still keeps his senses. He knows that this is just an incarnation of Huang Yi. Waste of time to chase and kill can only be regarded as venting anger. It does not make much sense, and the demonic universe is very important. hold up.

The king of **** waved his hand, and the whole greedy star immediately trembled and seemed to be under some irresistible pressure.

The next moment, the entire huge greedy star began to accelerate to fragment, and the gap originally hit by Sagittarius expanded rapidly. There were also huge cracks in other places, and the entire planet seemed to collapse completely.

At this moment, two figures suddenly flew into the distance and stopped in front of the King of Hell.

This is T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi who have been silent for a long time.

"Vulcan and Emperor Wu, you are late!" Said the King of Hell lightly.

"How about killing the gods?" T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi asked at the same time, turning to look at the empty starry sky around them, but did not see Huang Yi, had to stop looking at the two huge pieces of minced meat of the greedy king.

Seeing the two huge pieces of minced meat, they were shocked in their hearts, and they did not expect that the insatiable greedy king had turned into a dull pile of minced meat.

"God-killer has run away! But he is just an incarnation. It doesn't make much sense for you to chase him down. It is imperative to resolve Sagittarius first. Now the king is going to try his best to refine the star of greedy to solve the problem of the collapse of the small universe! I Order you to search for Sagittarius immediately, and communicate with your lord as soon as you find it. Your lord will immediately descend and subdue Sagittarius! "The King of Hell ordered.

"Yes!" T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi nodded, leaving.

"Slow!" The King of Hell suddenly stopped them, and his voice softened. "Vulcan and Emperor Wu, you haven't been in my demons for a short time. These days have left you out. The king has always had clear rewards and punishments. Now the magic When the clan is using people, if you perform well and make great contributions to my demon clan, the king will not reward him. The sky demon and the spirit demon can become the new king. Of course, you can too. Now the king will give you some. good fortune!"

With that said, the King of Hell stretched out a slender white hand and waved at the corpse of the King of Greed.

Within a short time, the two pieces of ground meat squirmed violently, and then two things flew out in a whisper.

Here are two **** black hearts, beating strongly, making a clear "snap".

"The greedy king has three greedies. I gave one to the demon before. I wanted him to conquer the 300th floor of purgatory of the tower of gods. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Now the greedy king is dead. These two greed will be rewarded to you. Your strength should soon be refined, greatly enhance your strength, and kill more powerful enemies. I hope you will not disappoint your king ’s expectations. "Hell King finished, The two **** greedies fell into the hands of TNT and Miyamoto Musashi, respectively.

The two of them paused for a while, then stared at the heart in their hands, showing an ecstatic look.

The power of the King of Greed lies in his heart. His heart is called greedy, and can automatically absorb all energy into divine power. There are three in total.

A new player who has just entered the virtual world, as long as he can refine a greedy, he can directly cross the spiritual domain of level 1 to 99, the sanctuary of level 100 to 199, and the heaven of level 200 to 299, reaching level 300. Divine level!

With only one greedy player, you can reach the full level, which is far more effective than any magic potion and upgrade potion.

And if you already have a full-level demigod, you will become a virtual **** directly after getting greedy.

If the **** of emptiness gets greedy, then the strength will also be greatly improved, surpassing opponents in the same realm.

In addition to the strong level of the King of Hell, greed is an invaluable treasure for any master, enough to enhance their strength several steps.

T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi were left behind in the cold, and it has been too long, too long, to have received such a precious reward.

"Thank you Lord Hell! Thank you Lord Hell!" T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi hurriedly bowed and thanked him.

"Go and search for Sagittarius, it will certainly do a lot of damage, you should not find it hard!" The King of Hell waved.

"Yes!" T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi left contentedly.


The last time to refine the Star of Pain was because it was necessary to infuse the energy of the planet into the demons and genies, so it took a long time.

But this time, the King of Hell didn't need to infuse the energy of the greedy star into anyone's body, it was just pure refining, and the greedy star was already broken, and the speed was much faster.

After a while, the entire greedy star was completely shattered. Those planets were materialized into majestic red energy. From the outside of the Demon Universe, it looked like a red nebula.

These majestic red energy quickly flew in all directions of the small universe, pouring in through the dense cracks and repairing it as before.

The Demon Universe has gradually stabilized and no longer collapses.

The King of Hell refining the Star of Greed is a broken arm to survive, there is no way.

After the small world has reached a certain level, the power to maintain its stability will increase exponentially. For example, if the space of a small world is doubled, then it may require four times its strength to maintain its stability. Is disproportionate.

The King of Hell proactively abandoned the greedy star ~ www.readwn.com ~ not only obtained a huge amount of energy to repair the small universe, but also reduced the area of ​​the demon small universe, so that the power required to maintain the small universe was also greatly reduced. Understaffed.

But after losing the Star of Pain and the Star of Greed one after another, the area of ​​the Demon Universe has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer the largest small world in the world, and the dignity of the Devil has been greatly damaged.

Under the hood of the king of hell, there seemed to be a dignified look around the narrow universe.

Without him, the Demons rely on the four remaining Demon Kings, it's just an ordinary top-level race in the universe, and they can't support the power of the former hegemony.

Is it true that the demons are inevitably declining?

But soon, the King of Hell clenched his fist again.

As long as you can refine the second world and get the legendary **** king crystal, no matter how big the price will be!

At that time, the lost will be back again, and those who have never owned will be owned!

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