Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1574: The last craziness! T.N.T Emperor Betrayal ...

? .T and Miyamoto Musashi left the greedy star and quickly found a place to immediately refine their respective greed.

The majestic energy suddenly poured into their bodies and became their own power. Both of them were promoted to the level of virtual gods, their bodies were surrounded by rich gods' light, and their hands were thrown into the space between the feet to become a hegemon.

"Good!" .T shook his fist, felt the strength in his body, and nodded contentedly.

"Now that we join forces, even all gods can fight one another!" Miyamoto Musashi smiled with satisfaction.

Afterwards, they began to search for the signs of Sagittarius.

The strength of Sagittarius is too strong, and it is destroyed from time to time along the way. The two soon found some traces and traced the cursed star.

The cursed star is in chaos. From time to time, some meteorites fall from the sky, and a huge cloud of mushrooms blows up on the ground.

"Boom ~" Suddenly, a fierce battle came from afar!

The two immediately resorted to protective measures, carefully flying in that direction, and soon came under the endless black cloud.

In that heavy black cloud, fierce fighting sounds were heard from time to time, and a part of the huge Phoenix tail and huge hoof were exposed occasionally. The shed feathers of the phoenix fell from the cloud like snowflakes, showing the fierce fighting in the cloud.

.T and Miyamoto Musashi looked at each other with a little hesitation in their eyes.

In the end, they did nothing and hid quietly, watching the fire across the shore.

"啾 ~" At this moment, the scream of the cursing king suddenly screamed in the dark cloud, almost ringing through the entire Demon Universe.

It seems that the cursed king seems to have been hit hard!

Until then, .T and Miyamoto Musashi smiled slightly and nodded.

Later, the two began to sing obscure spells, reached out and made weird casting gestures to communicate with the king of hell.

After a while, an invincible breath suddenly came to this heaven and earth, the air almost solidified, the wind stopped blowing, and the earth seemed to be an inch shorter.

In the void above .T and Miyamoto Musashi's head, a black robe figure slowly appeared, which is the hell's body.

It seemed to be aware of this horror, the fighting sounds in the dark clouds suddenly subsided, and the huge figure of Sagittarius could be seen leaping quickly to escape the planet.

"Huh!" A cold humming sound was heard under the hood of the King of Hell, his body flickered, disappeared in place, and chased up towards Sagittarius.

After that, the dark clouds of the sky dispersed, and a huge phoenix appeared. It was all wounded, and its feathers were covered with blood.

In addition, there are several seriously injured demons, who are panting and looking up in fright at the direction of Sagittarius' escape.

.T and Miyamoto Musashi looked at each other, and both flew towards the huge phoenix.

"Master Cursed, how is your injury?" Miyamoto Musashi asked with concern.

"My King is very badly injured and needs to be healed immediately!" Said the huge Phoenix, his voice weak and trembling.

At this moment, a group of false gods hurried from all directions, respectfully revering around the cursed king, lowering their heads in shame.

They were all strong men under His Majesty the Cursed King. They rushed over to support them as quickly as possible, but they were still a step behind.

.T stepped forward, pointed to the seriously injured virtual gods, and directed at the newly arrived virtual gods: "Hurry up and **** them to heal the wounds and maintain the order of the cursed stars. Here's It's up to us, Wu Di and I will protect the Lord for the cursed King. "

The group of false gods turned to look at the cursed king and wanted to hear what he meant, but the cursed king did not speak, .T's arrangement.

The group of virtual gods immediately escorted the injured virtual gods away, leaving only the severely wounded cursed king, .T and Miyamoto Musashi.

The cursed king shook his eyelids, .T and Miyamoto Musashi gave a tired look and said, "Vulcan, Emperor, you two must protect me. Next, the king will use the Phoenix Nirvana to heal the wound . During Nirvana, the King will become extremely weak, difficult to move, and if there is a crisis, you must resist it regardless of everything. "

"Yes!" .T and Miyamoto Musashi responded at the same time, and an imperceptible smile appeared in the corners of their mouths.

After that, the cursed king opened his wings, his feathers burned into a black flame, and he entered a motionless nirvana posture.

.T and Miyamoto Musashi's faces were slightly agitated, staring at the injury of the cursed king for a while, then staring at each other, as if they were using their eyes to communicate some bold ideas.

In the end, they nodded slightly, and at the same time took out a crystal bottle in the storage ring.

Each of these two crystal jars contained a drop of magical liquid. The liquid was extremely strange, and it actually showed a spiral symbol. It seemed that it was no longer a liquid, but an ancient text.

This is the water of the contract!

At the same time, they opened the crystal bottle, raised their heads, and poured the water of the contract into their mouths.

The next moment, they yanked out their weapons and attacked the cursed king!

This came down too suddenly, and the cursed king was hit hard before he could respond!

.T and Miyamoto Musashi have just refined their greed, and their strength has soared. This sneak attack was extremely severe. Two huge wounds were cut directly on the cursed king's body, and raging blood spewed out like a rainstorm. .

The cursed king first hesitated for a while, with an unbelievable expression in his eyes. .T and Miyamoto Musashi screamed angrily: "Dare you!"

However, he was in the weakest Nirvana period, his body was unable to move, .T and Miyamoto Musashi launched a second attack!

This time, .T and Miyamoto Musashi's attacks were extremely insidious, directly bombarding the eyes of the cursed king.

"Boom! Boom!" Two horrible blood holes suddenly appeared on the huge Phoenix head of the cursed king, and his eyes were directly blown.

"Ah!" The cursed king suddenly made a scream, screaming through the entire Demon Universe.

At this moment, small black dots appeared in the distant sky. They were the virtual gods who had just left, and they were escorting at the fastest speed.

This group of virtual gods has not yet arrived, but the anger of the rage has swept away first. Two people, .T and Miyamoto Musashi!

In just one second, they will rush over and tear the two to pieces!

At this moment, .T and Miyamoto Musashi turned into two phantoms, which respectively penetrated into the blood holes of the two eyes of the cursed king, entered the skull of the cursed king, and frantically destroyed.

In a short time, various mixed blood waters of red, white, and black sprayed out from those two blood holes like a fountain, and the blood was extremely fierce.

The scream of the cursed king came to an abrupt end!

He was killed!

This attack method directly took away the last vitality of the cursed king!

At the same time, the group of menacing virtual gods also turned into fly ash in the rage and unwillingness, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Eh! Hey!" .T and Miyamoto Musashi's blood-shine figures rushed out of the two blood holes, bringing out a series of blood water!

In their hands, they each held a **** heavenly bead, and fled away without looking back.


After watching the rebellion through the eyes of time, Huang Yi felt a great shock in his heart.

It turned out that .T and Miyamoto Musashi had long thought of mutiny. Even the water of the contract had been prepared in advance, they picked the mutiny at that point in time, took a large vote, and fled.

The water of the contract is an SS-level treasure. In history, there are countless masters in the world who are struggling to find it. The most typical is the ascendant · blood hoof. He almost struggled for a lifetime to get a drop of water of the contract. Vulcan covenant.

Huang Yi did not expect that .T and Miyamoto Musashi each had a bottle of contract water!

This is almost impossible, and you should only get one bottle instead of two bottles in the adventure!

Huang Yi suspected that their two bottles of contract water might not have been obtained through adventures, but were refined by themselves.

After all, Miyamoto Musashi is a player well-known for his superb refining methods. In the early days, he could regenerate an endless stream of S-level potions. If there is a formula of contract water, he can really refining This SS grade treasure comes.

Regardless, the mutiny of .T and Miyamoto Musashi is a great thing for the Second World.

They killed the cursed king. On the one hand, they severely damaged the demons, which caused the demons to collapse faster. On the other hand, they attracted the hatred of the demons, making the demons have to devote their energy to hunting down these two traitors. Greatly relieved the severe situation in the Second World.

Huang Yi can predict that Sagittarius should be able to escape the Demon Universe smoothly, and the King of Hell will return to the cursed star immediately to prevent the collapse of the Universe, and will not be able to do anything else for the time being.

Huang Yi closed the eyes of the blue sea, and immediately stepped into the door of the demon king and escaped the universe.

The next moment, he appeared in the magic cave of the First World, fanning the dragon wings and flying to the sky every day.

The warm sunlight dripped down, and the blue sky and blue sea in the distance sparkled.

Huang Yi looked at this peaceful scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Like another generation, this time he sneaked into the Demon Universe, and in a short time, the two demon kings of the greedy king and the cursed king were killed, just like dreaming .

No one could have imagined that the supreme devil died so fast, one after another, is this the demon king in the hearts of everyone?

Dominate the seven demon kings of the universe for countless years, and in the blink of an eye there are only four big demon kings. The demons' speed of defeat is staggering.

The greatest force in this mortal world is rapidly moving towards extinction!


The line of .T Miyamoto Musashi's refining contract has been buried for more than 800 chapters. It occurred during the national war that invaded the heroic continent. .T invited Miyamoto Musashi to join the Demon Clan, but they were not willing to be forever. The servant of the devil, .T took the formula of the contract water for Miyamoto Musashi to refine, the specific content is in Chapter 739.

The water of the contract was mentioned again when they absorbed the heroic aura in the falling **** continent. At that time, they had refined the water of the contract and were already considering rebelling against the demons. The specific content is in Chapter 1218.

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