Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1575: incite defection

At the other end of the universe, in a huge door of the demon king, two blood-swept figures suddenly burst out.

They fled hurriedly towards the starry sky far away, until they fled far and far, finally glanced back, seeing that the back was empty and there was no chaser, they were finally relieved.

These two **** figures are T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi who have just defected from the Demon Race.

"I didn't expect to get so many benefits, it's worth it!" T.N.T said, holding on to the **** bead in his hand, slightly excited.

Miyamoto Musashi also laughed: "We are lucky. Without the greedy rewarded by the King of Hell, we really can't kill the cursed king. But fortunately, it is the cursed king. It is the best devil to kill. As long as the two phoenix eyes are removed, his life can be ended. If we are replaced with the King of Greed, we may not be able to kill it so quickly. "After that, he took the **** bead in his hand to his eyes. Appreciate it.

This bead exudes a soft light, warm in its hands, and releases the birth machine continuously.

This is Phoenix Eye Dan, the most precious treasure in the Phoenix family, even more precious than the greedy King's greed.

The phoenix under the gods only has the prototype of the phoenix, and only the phoenix at the level of the gods can form a complete phoenix. Eye Dan's sake.

TNT and Miyamoto Musashi can kill the cursed king so quickly because they rushed into the head of the greedy king and took away the two phoenixes. Otherwise, even if the cursed king is hurt badly, they will have to pay It takes a lot of work to kill.

"We should now betray the demons, and it should be the best time. With the demons' current situation, we must not only stabilize the internal collapse, but also suppress the resistance of the second world, and we must guard against the revenge of Sagittarius. Come and kill us, "TNT analyzed.

Miyamoto Musashi nodded and said: "We wait and see first. If the second world can survive this crisis, then we will reconcile with the killing god. We killed the cursed king and indirectly helped the second world. Busy, they have no reason not to accept us. "

"What if they just don't accept us?" T.N.T asked.

"It doesn't matter. Is there a place for us where the universe is big?" Miyamoto Musashi smiled indifferently. "Even if there is no place for us in the entire universe, we can go to another universe. I wanted to go to Xuanhuang World for a long time, and I heard that there is closer to our oriental culture. There is a cave leading to Xuanhuang World near the gate of Hell. If there is really no way out, then we will pass that entrance Go to Xuanhuang World! "


Outer space of the second world.

After the King of the Cursed was killed, the clone of the King of the Cursed quickly dissipated between heaven and earth. The other three Demon Kings could only watch it with horror and anger.

"We are not indifferent to Vulcan and Emperor Wu. They are ungrateful and betrayed us. Forgive us! Forgive me!" The fallen king roared gritted teeth.

"Be sure to catch these two traitors and kill them with the most tragic means!" Said the King of Desolation violently, his eyes spitting fire.

"Vulcan and Emperor betrayed us, wouldn't the same as the demon and genie?" Said the Dark King anxiously, his voice extremely gloomy.

Now the demons are facing a severe crisis of trust.

If Huang Yi killed the cursed king, the problem would not be so troublesome, after all, Huang Yi was originally an enemy of the demons.

But it was T.N.T and Miyamoto Musashi who betrayed themselves, which forced the demons to doubt the loyalty of other demons players. The first is the highest-ranking demon and genie. Both of them have been cultivated more than TNT and Miyamoto Musashi. Treasures are almost not costly to them. If they also betray the demon Clan, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Brothers in the Second World, the King of Greed and the King of Curses are dead, the Demons have not enough power to refine the Second World, and we are about to win!" At this moment, the second world came out Huang Yi's great voice.

Once the cursed king died, even if the remaining three demon kings borrowed the power of the body, they could not compete with the resistance of the second world, and the refining progress could only be suspended.

When the three demon kings heard Huang Yi's arrogant voice, they could not refute at all, and had to bear the humiliation in silence.

They can almost refine the Second World to the critical point of Basto. At that time, the Second World will enter an irreversible process of self-destruction!

But this last bit can never get over!

"The Moon Race Double Brake ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now our refining is no longer valid. You must stabilize the Moon Prisoner and never let the Second World be free!" Said the Dark King toward the Moon Race Double Brake.

"As long as the Second World is still blocked, we can still find a way to destroy them!" Said the King of Destruction.

"We have paid so much, we must not fail! If the Second World is free, it will definitely use the means of repairing the sky to repair the Second World, then all our efforts will be wasted!" Also turned to look at the Yuezu double brake.

"Okay!" Yuezu double-brake answered lowly.

The death of the two Demon Kings made them feel a huge crisis. They chose to rely on the Demon Clan because of the strength of the Demon Clan, but now they seem to be on the wrong team.

"Yuezu double brake, you have time to withdraw now and return it!" Just then, Huang Yi's voice suddenly sounded again. "You should know that you are standing in the wrong team. Now the retreat loss is limited. The most fearful thing is a mistake. No matter how wrong, in the end, I lost the entire Moon clan. Since I can kill the King of Greed, I can also kill your Moon clan double brakes. You do n’t have to worry about the revenge of the Demons. Revenge you! "

Huang Yi's psychological grasp of the Yueshuang brake is very accurate. He knows that the Yueshuang brake must be greatly shaken at this time. If he tries to persuade him, he may counter them.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, we demons will never perish!" The fallen king quickly said, turning his head to stare at the Yueshuang double brake.

"You should know the consequences of betraying the King of Hell!" The King of Darkness threatened.

"It's never only we who destroy others, and no one else can destroy us!" The Lord of Despair roared angrily.

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