Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1576: Savage God and Xuan Wuxiong

The three demon kings tried hard to refute, but the more they did, the more the demons' slump appeared.

In the past, when the Devil was strong, there was no need to refute like this at all, and the strength was there, no doubt.

The rebuttal of these three demon kings now just shows that the demons are in deep crisis and have to use words to persuade their allies.

Yuezu double-brake shut her mouth tightly, didn't speak, but just kept the prisoner's operation.

At this time, Huang Yi's voice rang again: "The Seven Demon Kings have become the Four Demon Kings, and even Vulcan and Emperor Wu have already seen the situation clearly and know that there is no future for them to stay in the Demon Clan, and they are very familiar Leaving the demons. This battle will definitely win the second world! "

"That may not be so." Just then, a distant voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

I saw more than ten savages wearing animal skin clothes, suddenly flying over the void. They have different shapes, some have wings, some have snake tails, some have two heads, and some have long tentacles. Everyone is at the level of virtual gods, and is fierce and powerful, exuding the same barbaric atmosphere, obviously being the master of the same force.

The head of the man, dressed in animal skin, was painted with colorful drawings on his face, as if it were an indigenous savage.

"Huh? Lord Soderros! How did you come here?" Huang Yi recognized his identity as soon as he heard that voice.

The first world and the second world have interstellar arrays. It is not surprising that the Soderros can come so quickly, but why do they come to muddy waters?

"Kill God, we've met again." The savage gentleman with a colorful drawing on his face greeted him in a gentle manner. He looked very barbaric in appearance, but was very civilized in every move.

"Last time we were in Dragon Valley of the First World, we worked together to destroy a clone of the King of Hell. Why are you helping the demons instead today?" Huang Yi asked in return.

"There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal benefits." The leader of Soderros said patiently, calmly, already considering the pros and cons, and it was not an impulse to help the demons.

"Very good! Your rare **** temple has made a right choice." At this moment, the fallen king nodded his head and praised him.

"After this time, your savage gods will be cared for by our demons!" The Dark King promised generously.

The Lord Soderoth was expressionless and was not affected by the words of the two demon kings. His actions were only for the benefit of the gods, not for the thanks of the demons.

The Savage God wants to unify the heavens, and the biggest enemy is the God-given man represented by Huang Yi, especially Huang Yi has become a new generation of death, and going to the heavens in the future will surely become the enemy of the Savage God.

The demons have always dominated the realm of the world, and did not have the intention to seal God to heaven. For the gods, the threat is far worse than the gods of the second world.

"You can't just thank the gods! I'm here too!" At this time, a full voice sounded in the void, full of powerful and overbearing power.

I saw a middle-aged man in a robe, walking from a distance in the void. He was like a **** in the world, and the space where he went collapsed, all taking him as the center point. His strength actually surpassed everyone in the masters of the just-god gods, and even the leader of Soderos was not as good as him.

This is the kind of master who can seal the **** at any time. As long as he is willing, he can choose to become a **** or seal the **** and go to heaven. His breath is even stronger than the stellar king Huang Yi met on the sun before.

"Xuan Wuxiong, you are here! Very good! Very good!" The King of Destruction saw the man, and a bit of solemnity appeared in his tyrannical face, apparently he valued this man named "Xuan Wuxiong".

"Xuan Wuxiong ?!" Huang Yi was moved when he heard the name.

He had sneaked into the Temple of the Savage some time ago and overheard the conversation between the Savage's avatar and the Lord Soderros. At that time, they talked about this Xuan Wuxiong. Xuan Wuxiong was regarded by them as the twelfth god-sealer in the first world. He is a master of the Xuan tribe, one of the top races in the universe, but instead of staying in the old nest of the Xuan tribe, he obeys the will of the Savage God in the first world.

He is a very respected character of the Savage God, and was unexpectedly sent to help the demons refine the Second World.

At this time, Xuan Wuxiong looked at the Second World and said loudly, "I originally thought that I would be the only God-sealer in the world in recent years. I did not expect to be preempted by the Dean of the Second World. Wait for me to seal God, sooner or later I will go to the dean to compete, but now, I will destroy the second world first! "

His voice is strong and full of strength. He is the kind of person who can turn the situation on his own. Hearing his voice alone can make those who are weak regain courage and follow him to create a grand domination.

In a short period of time, a group of barbaric gods of virtual gods, plus Xuan Wuxiong, who is almost a true god-like world power, suddenly appeared in this contest and instantly rewritten the power comparison between the two sides.

At this time, the Lord Soderros turned to look at the three demon kings and said, "You just died two demon kings, but it doesn't matter. We can supplement your missing power and continue to refine!"

"Okay! I can't wait to destroy it!" The Lord of Destruction stretched out and licked his red mouth, saying evilly.

Soon, the three demon avatars continued to start refining, and the group of virtual gods brought by the Lord Soderros, as well as Xuanwuxiong, the anti-natural power, also joined the refining battle of the demons. Pour out the mighty power.

This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The demons finally filled the vacancies of the King of Greed and the King of Curse, and once again surpassed the resistance of the Second World.

The Yue Clan double brake also silently maintained the operation of the Moon Prisoner, and continued to lock up the Second World.

The top three cosmic forces of the Moon tribe, the demonic tribe, and the **** of the gods join forces together, and together with the blessing of the prisoner of the moon and the refining array, it is not the second world to fight.

"Boom ~" The peaks that have just stabilized have begun to collapse again, and the second world has entered the refining process, which is getting closer and closer to the critical point of Basto.

"Abominable! It's going to be a triumph, and I didn't expect the first world to step in."

"It's fucking! We've worked so hard, can we still escape this crisis?"

The mentality of some players has finally collapsed and yelled.

They felt the familiar pressure again, the air was heavy, and they were out of breath. Hero prison

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