Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1578: Throne of Death Temple

Huang Yi drifted across the sea, crossed the mountains and ridges, and finally came to the Temple of Death.

Strictly speaking, the Temple of Death is not a palace building in the ordinary sense, but a large piece of remains.

Looking ahead, there are numerous huge bones scattered on the ground, human-shaped, various beast-shaped, and some species that ca n’t be seen at random. They stand like mountains standing on the ground, with a sullen atmosphere. dense.

Compared with these huge bones, Huang Yi is as small as an ant.

These bones were transformed into buildings, and the internal space was the palace. It seemed to be chaotic and chaotic, but in the scattered chaos, you could feel a mysterious array of arrays.

This is the core area of ​​the Death Star. Once there were passages to all heavens and all walks of life. Countless souls came to pilgrimage every day. Leaders of countless worlds willingly lined up for hundreds of years in order to meet the death.

But at this time, the place was "loose" and "loose", a lonely scene, not even a guard, turned into a desolate and dead place.

Huang Yi frowned. Did the people in the Temple of Death disperse after the death? Otherwise, someone should be guarded at such an important place.

Huang Yi flew past a skeleton and finally came to a standing humanoid skeleton.

The other bones fell to the ground. Only this bone stood on the ground and maintained the attitude of living. Two empty "swinging" and "swinging" eyes looked down at the earth, and the world was astonishing.

This is the main hall of the Temple of Death. Death was once the messenger who came to see the heavens and the world in this bone.

Huang Yi flew into the huge left eye socket of the skeleton and entered the skull's inside.

Here is "dangling" and "dangling". A huge bone-throne throne hangs alone in the air, and it seems to be covered with the dust of history.

Below the suspended throne of white bone is a large, bottomless hole, showing a fleshy dark red "color", which seems to be the former esophagus of this skeleton, and has not decayed in the long years.

Judging from this layout, this human bone is the center of all the bones in this land, and the white throne is in the brain part of this bone, faintly showing the throne's dominance.

Huang Yi stared at the Bone Throne for a while, and finally flew over and sat down politely.

"Boom!" The moment he sat down on the throne, there was a loud noise deep in the lower esophagus. It seemed that something was rushing down below, and the whole bone was shaken. Like an earthquake.

"Hoo!" A blazing green "color" flame spewed out of the esophagus and swallowed up the entire space in the skull.

The flame of green "color" also spewed out of those two huge eye sockets, like two green faint eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a skeletal bone scattered on the distant ground, like a torch relay, was in turn lighted up in the orbital area and kept spreading to the distance.

In the end, this dead land was all lit up, like a green "color" ghost town, and its skeleton eyes were beating the green "color" flame, with a gloomy beauty.

Huang Yi's sitting seemed to activate the Temple of Death and revitalize it. He was bathed in the green "color" of the flame, and did not feel any burning sensation. The green fire was even a bit cool, like a ghost fire.

At this moment, in the lighted bones in the wilderness outside, a group of translucent smoke suddenly rose, condensing into one figure, coming from all directions towards this place.

They got into those two eyes, flew into the hall, and kneeled in front of Huang Yi.

"The King of Ernst Carrutus came to meet Lord Death!"

"Feiling World Leader Yu Wang came to meet Lord Death!"

"Xu Cangling, the **** of nihilism, came to meet Lord Death!"


One by one, the translucent figures bowed in front of the Throne of the Bone, thus reporting their identities in a respectful and respectful manner.

These people come from all the worlds and forces. They are the supreme leaders of these worlds and forces. They control the life and death of billions of souls, but at this moment are kneeling in front of Huang Yi like a servant.

At that time, the prestige of the **** of death spread throughout countless worlds, countless creatures believed in the **** of death, and even for a period of time, even the first world believed in the **** of death. Those who sealed the gods would go to the demon world after they sealed the gods. , Personally visit the **** of death.

Soon, in the entire huge skull space, a large number of people kneeled down, densely, representing a variety of forces, countless.

"Obbat meets Lord Grim Reaper!" Just then, a familiar voice sounded.

An old man with a white "color" came out of the crowd. His hair, eyebrows, and beards were all white, and even his eyes were white. In addition, he was a real body. Unlike others, it's just a translucent form.

"Obbat, you're here!" Huang Yi nodded and smiled at him, like an old friend, without posing high.

This old man is the last prison director of the Hero Prison. He originally gave the Hero Prison to Huang Yi's management. The last time Huang Yi came to Death Star through the gate of heaven, he also helped Huang Yi to refine the hero's book and take complete control. Heroes prison.

"Actually, I was the first to come to see you formally!" Obat said, turning to look at the group of translucent figures ~ www.readwn.com ~ a mockery appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "They are all some The soul is just a clone. I just noticed a new movement in the Temple of Death, and quickly separated a ray of soul from the heavens and the world to explore the reality, but the body did not come. When the death was still there, how dare they To meet the Lord of Death with a ray of soul, no matter how powerful the leader of the power must be to come and meet in person. "

"That's it!" Huang Yi nodded, he already noticed something abnormal. The translucent figures kneeling in front of him looked respectful and polite, but they were all very kind. The stylized tone seems to be just to come forward and express his attitude.

A sorrow flashed in Obat ’s white "color" eyes, saying: "At that time, there were too many power leaders who came to meet, let alone this hall, and even the wilderness outside was so crowded that many power leaders You have to wait in line for hundreds of years to see the death side. After the death of Lord Death, the influence has been fading. Now the Lord of Death is dead, most of the forces no longer believe in Death. Now only one such person has come to see him. A little bit, and they are just some soul avatars, without sincerity. "

Huang Yi nodded thoughtfully, and continued to ask, "What about the Temple of Death itself? I flew all the way and found that the Death Star was a lot quieter than the last time. I didn't even see an angel, what happened? "Heroes prison

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