Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1579: Celestial situation

"The Temple of Death is divided!" Despair of Obat, shook his head, and said with regret, "After the death of Lord Death, some people in the Temple of Death were not very loyal and left the Temple of Death. Some did not know where to go, some joined. Other demon powers; there are several powerful death hall seniors, such as the Lord of the Dead, the Dark Lord, the Eighth Marshal Euse, and others, but they have taken the last step and sealed the gods one by one. The Lord of Death When they were alive, they were subject to the master-servant contract and could not seal God. The Lord of Death had mercy on us and terminated our contract before death, but they did not know how to be grateful. Not only did they seal the self-reliance portal, they also took away a lot of helpers. "

"I already guessed this!" Huang Yi nodded. Many people in the Temple of Death have long been the realm of virtual gods, but because the relationship between master and servant contracts can never be sealed, and now that the master and servant contracts are lifted, they will of course choose to seal gods. After sealing the gods, after all, they can establish their own portals, create their own temples and forces, and become a hegemon of the heavens.

"But these are not the most abominable, the most abominable comes from the savage god!" Obat took a deep breath, eyes full of angry expression.

"Very god?" Huang Yi's heart moved. He knew that the ambitious God had great ambitions. He wanted not only to unify the heavens, but also to unify the worlds. Now, the Savage God has "plugged in" the crisis of the Second World and helped the demons refine the Second World. Obviously, they want to kill Huang Yi's god-given people.

"Yes! It is the product that violates the law of the heavens-the son of the **** · Savage God!" Obat nodded heavily. "He had long wanted to be the leader of the demon world, and once again unified the whole world, when Lord Death was missing. He still had some scruples and didn't dare to deal with the Death Temple, but immediately after the news of the death of the Lord Death, he immediately put pressure on the Death Temple and asked the Death Temple to submit to him. Currently, death law enforcement officers and death knight messengers The high-rises of the Temple of Death, headed by the Seventh Marshal and the ruined Temple Lord, have been apostasy and have surrendered to the Savage God. Only me, the Death Archangel, the Third Marshal, Zuo Shi, and a few high-level still support the death star, With the help of the death matrix left by the Lord of Death, we can only protect ourselves for a period of time, but if the **** is really hard to destroy the Temple of Death, then he spends some time and can completely break the array left by the Lord of Death. At that time, the Death Star will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe, or even be completely wiped out. All the glory once will become history. "

"The barbaric **** is so powerful, will the other devil in the devil have no reaction? The space **** is now the only supreme **** in the devil. What is his attitude towards the barbarian?" Huang Yi asked.

"Although the **** of space has closed the retreat a few days ago, he is indifferent to the behavior of the **** of the wild. I don't think that the **** of the space has limited his eyes to the **** of the wild, but has set his eyes farther away. He is observing the changes in the entire Three Realms, and the Savage God is just one of the changing factors. The pattern and vision of the great figures such as the God of Space are far from comparable to those of ordinary gods. "

Obart paused and continued: "Recently a lot of things have happened in heaven, and all parties have been surging. Even the beast gods who were hunted down by the gods at that time have appeared, apparently realizing that the Three Realms are about to usher in a drastic change. And the fuse of the upheaval is that of you, God-given, you have grown up, the forces of the Three Realms will undergo huge changes, and you can even compare with the death of the **** king of the year. At present, the **** of time is peering into the future timeline. , Looking for clues to a new generation of **** kings. But another rumor recently spread in the heavens-It is said that the "new book of destiny" in the temple of destiny did not record the news of a new generation of **** kings, which indicates that there may not be a new generation of **** kings. The birth of the king. Now, no one knows what the future of the Three Realms will look like. In this complicated situation, some ambitious people can't bear it and frequently make troubles. Savage God is one of them. He is in full swing Land is fighting for power, and there are already many gods on his side. "

"So, no one can stop the Savage God now?" Huang Yi frowned deeply.

Obat nodded helplessly: "At present, the sons of the gods of the savage **** are too strong. With his current strength, only a few supreme gods can really suppress him. But the **** of space is indifferent to him, time The God of God is dedicated to peeking into the future in a long time, while the God of Life has always loved peace and freedom, and hardly interfered in the affairs of the heavens. In addition to these three Supreme Gods, other gods, such as the **** of destiny, one of the strongest Lord Gods , And the old master gods such as the beast god, can not suppress the wild god. Moreover, the wild **** left a avatar in the realm, and that avatar is also very important. If that avatar merges with his body, then his strength We need to further improve. At that time, even the three Supreme Gods will not be able to completely suppress him. Now, we can only seek to protect ourselves, delay time, and wait for you gods to seal God and come to heaven, and there will be a solution. That ’s pretty cool. ”

Huang Yi meditated ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that the **** of the wild is stronger than he imagined. In this case, he will have to solve the clone of the **** of the wild in the temple of the god, otherwise The avatar returned to heaven and merged with the essence of the Savage God, and the beast **** and the forest goddess were in serious crisis. Nefarem produced by the combination of the beast **** and the forest goddess is the only child who surpasses the barbaric **** in the bloodline. Last time, the barbaric **** said personally that he must kill the beast god, establish prestige, and unite the whole heaven. , Re-enact the order of the heavens, and become the new generation of heaven.

Fortunately, Huang Yi left a trick and later, he changed the imitation of the Savage God into a smurf form some time ago, and was eaten into the stomach by the clone of the Savage God. Now the imitation of the Savage God is like a time bomb Lurking in the savage body, it will play a huge role in the future.

"It will take some time for Fengshen to come to Heaven. I wonder if you have any way to delay time?" Huang Yi asked.

Obat stared at Huang Yi and said, "We do have a trick to delay time, but the key is to see you. You should already have the Death Scythe's instrumental spirit, but it does n’t have the body of Death Scythe's body. Function. The body of the Death Scythe is dedicated to the Temple of Death. If you can fuse the instrument spirit into the body of the Death Scythe, then the Death Scythe can become the eye artifact of the Death Star, and the strength of the Death Star's formation can be increased by ten. Times, then it will be able to withstand the destruction of the Savage God. "Heroes' Prison

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