Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1580: Break into the Garden of Reaper

Huang Yi nodded, and said, "Okay! I'll go to the Temple of Destruction right away and merge the body of Death's sickle to keep the Death Star. In addition, I will find a way to deal with the avatar of Savage God in other worlds, otherwise he will Once the avatar returns to the realm and merges with the body, and the strength is on an equal footing with several supreme gods, then we are afraid that there will never be a day to turn around. Now that the gods and demons have joined forces to destroy the second world, we need to delay the time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements. , I wonder if you have any way? "

Obat thought for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something, saying: "Our temple of death is now overwhelmed, and we can't send any power to support the second world for a while. But if it is only a delay, it can still be done. At that time, the Lord God of Death got some treasures from the God of Time. The tear of time you got is one of the more common items. I remember that there was a magical treasure named 'Time Hourglass' in the batch of treasures. The sand of time can stop the time in a region from external time, and the two cannot interfere with each other. That is to say, if you use it in the second world, then the outer demons can't exert power on the second. international."

"Oh? There is such a treasure in the Temple of Death?" Huang Yi suddenly lighted up. Obat just evaluated his "tears of time" as a relatively ordinary item, but when it comes to "timeglass", it is called a magical treasure. It can be seen that the value of timeglass must be far more than his tears of time. It should be an SS-level item.

Obat's eyes revealed a trace of remembrance: "It was of course. At that time, the Temple of Death was a treasure everywhere, and the Death Star was open to the outside world. So in history, so many people came to the Temple of Death to steal treasures. As the warden of a hero prison, you should I've seen many of these criminals! But now that the Temple of Death is gone, there are no treasures left, and I'm not sure if the hourglass is still there. I have to go to the treasure house. "

"All right! You will immediately go to the treasure trove to find the hourglass of time. I will go to the Temple of Destruction to incorporate the spirit of the Death Scythe into the body!" Huang Yidao said.

Later, Huang Yi learned some other news from Obat, and then left the throne and went to the Hall of Destruction.

According to Obat, the hall of death is located in the back garden of the **** of death, which is used to worship certain artifacts of the **** of death. In ancient times, countless servants used magic sword stones to maintain these treasures every day. The sickle of death is the town hall of the hall of death. Treasure.

The doomed palace is guarded by a god-appointed temple master, but the doomed palace master died in ancient times, and the doomed palace has remained empty since then, with no successor.

Although no one has jurisdiction over the Temple of Destruction, there are many crises in it, and there are countless various formation organs. Some are set up by the death **** himself. General gods go in without permission and may never come out. At least the level of the Lord God must be reached before capital can go in and take a break.

Although Huang Yi is a new generation of death, but his own strength is too weak, even God is not, it is almost impossible to succeed, but now there is no way to go, we have to forcibly go in and make a breakthrough.

Huang Yi flew with the wings of the sun for a period of time, and finally came to the back garden of the **** of death. Here he could not fly, so he had to lower the ground and walk.

This is a dead forest, dark and barren, overgrown with weeds, dead branches and leaves everywhere on the ground, no calls from insects and birds, no trace of gardener maintenance, it has been deserted for a long time.

"Well?" Huang Yi landed, and suddenly made a surprised sound, staring blankly around, watching the weeds in the dead branches and leaves.

Before, his ability to sniff treasure seemed to be shielded by some force, but as soon as he landed here, he immediately felt that all directions were full of spirit grass, and even the weeds everywhere on the roadside were all spirit grass.

In the past, in order to make Xiaolong grow up, he worked hard to find the spirit grass, and he rarely found one for a long time. But it can be seen everywhere in this garden of death, and you can step on several plants with one step.

However, for the current Huang Yi, this mountain grass is not very useful.

He discerned the direction, immediately stepped on the spiritual grass of a place, hurried towards a high mountain, and the swift figure flashed through the dense foliage.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to finally reach the summit of that high mountain, and his front suddenly opened up.

Below is a paradise-like prairie, under the setting sun, flowers and flowers blooming, flocks of fawn and pony walking leisurely.

But Huang Yi soon discovered that it was not a real sunset, but a giant tower.

In the distance of the grassland is a huge lake. The lake is as smooth as a mirror. The center of the lake stands alone as a semi-circular tower.

The semi-circular giant tower reflected an opposite reflection on the lake. Together, it was a huge circle, which looked like a sun on the horizon.

The sunset in this grassland is actually the light from the giant tower.

The semi-circular tower is the Hall of Destruction, and the name is incompatible with this living paradise.

Huang Yi immediately started down the mountain and rushed towards that "sunset".

The light in the grassland shines through the crevices of the dense forest, forming a beam of light, cutting the darkness in the forest, like the forest at sunset, peaceful and peaceful.

Huang Yi quickly descended to the foot of the mountain. The forest boundary was not far ahead, and the grassland was on the other side. The boundary between the two was clear, like two areas divided by humans.

Huang Yi slowed down, stood under the last tree on the edge of the forest, and looked forward.

In front of it is a vast grassland, where various animals inhabited for a walk, and the Hall of Destruction formed a half-sunset on the horizon, which dyed everything golden and beautiful.

Huang Yi raised his leg ~ www.readwn.com ~ crossed that invisible dividing line and stepped into the range of grassland.

At that moment, there was a drastic change ahead!

The sunset on the horizon instantly turned into a white moon, emitting white light full of death.

In the sunset, the flowery grassland suddenly turned into a dead wasteland in the moonlight.

The little deer ponies walking leisurely on the prairie instantly turned into walking skeleton horses.

This is not a paradise at all, but a phantom array. The picture just seen outside is just an illusion. In fact, it is a dead place.

The Palace of Destruction is indeed dangerous. Before entering, it has fallen into a phantom array, and even the top players like Huang Yi have not seen the flaws.


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