Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1581: Ice horse

Huang Yi shook his palm, took out the death sickle's instrumental spirit, slowed down, and turned his head to stare alertly.

In the distance, a group of skeleton horses were bowing their heads to the grass on the ground, but their stomachs were no longer flesh, they were just a skeleton filled with gaps, and the grass that had been eaten leaked out through the gaps between the skeletons, and could never be full.

"Quack ~" A sorrowful bird crow suddenly cut through the night, a skull crow fluttering the broken bone wings and flew across the sky.

The skeletons of horses were suddenly startled, and ran away with their hoofs. Their skeletons were strong, strong, and the hoofs stepped on the ground, shaking the ground slightly, like an irresistible torrent.

Although they are skeleton horses, they are very handsome in appearance. The four hoofs emit an ice-blue light, braving the sensation of coldness, and once they step on the ground, the ground is suddenly frozen with a layer of white ice.

Unfortunately, they ran in the direction of Huang Yi, and Huang Yi couldn't fly here, and it seemed that they would be stepped into a meat pie by their turbulent current.

Suddenly, the skeleton horses clenched their hooves, their bodies shivered, and they lowered their heads in front of Huang Yi, with a bowed expression, and did not dare to take another step forward.

Huang Yi exhaled for a long time and turned to look at the Death Scythe in his hand. It seemed that the breath it gave out deterred them.

With this sickle of death, all the creatures around him gave way automatically. He passed through this grassland smoothly and reached the lake.

The lake didn't even have a ripple, like a pool of standing water, reflecting the white light of the giant tower in the distance.

Looking closely, Huang Yi was shocked to find that the lake was black, like a lake of ink, and he had seen it once in purgatory.

At first, he and a group of super-class masters broke through the purgatory of the 300th floor of the Tower of the Gods. After entering, the first thing he encountered was a black ocean. The seawater was very scary. Once touched, even the soul would corrode and clean. Finally, they It was the ancient godship of Thor who was able to cross the sea.

In fact, the black sea water in the ocean in Purgatory comes from the dead star. This water is called "dead water", and it is extremely corrosive to most souls. Only a few special creatures can be immune to this water. corrosion.

Huang Yi searched along the lake, and found no bridges and ships. He could only fly over to reach the giant tower in the lake.

But this is a no-fly area. Except for the local birds, no one can fly here.

How do I get through this lake?

Huang Yi paced slowly by the lake, thinking about the method, his eyes gradually lost focus.

"DaDaDa ~" At this moment, a skeleton horse ran across the grassland not far from Huang Yi, and unknowingly attracted Huang Yi's scattered eyes.

Its four ice-blue hoofs were particularly conspicuous in the dark. As soon as they stepped on the ground, a layer of ice suddenly formed on the ground.

Huang Yi's eyes suddenly focused slowly, staring at the place where the skeleton horse stepped on, and his eyes regained his glory.

He smiled, raised the sickle of death, and rushed towards the skeleton horse.

The skeleton horse sensed the death sickle's arrival, his body trembled, he shivered, and dared not run again. He stopped in place, his head was hanging down, and he looked like a man.

Huang Yi came in front of it, reached out and touched its skull, and whispered, "Horse horse, you drive me across the lake! Go to the glowing giant tower!"

After all, he kicked his legs, jumped onto the horse's back, and rode on it steadily.

The skeleton horse lifted its forefoot, struggled symbolically, then calmed down and surrendered to Huang Yi.

"[System Tip]: You have obtained a Skeleton Ice Horse (Intermediate Level 8)."

This Skeleton Ice Horse ranks eighth, far less than his dragons, but many creatures have their unique abilities and can exert unexpected effects at some times.

Huang Yi's legs clipped, urging the ice horse to run towards the lake.

The ice horse rushed to the lake, and the four ice-blue hoofs would emit the extremely cold air. Once they stepped on the lake surface, they could freeze the lake surface in an instant and form an ice surface that would not sink.

The ice horse ran like this in the lake, forming an icy road where it passed, and spread toward the giant tower in the lake.

Soon, the ice horse came to the giant tower with Huang Yi, and the dazzling light shone on them, casting a long shadow on the lake behind him.

There are no windows or openings outside the giant tower, and you can't see the scene inside. Huang Yi rode the ice horse around and finally found a trestle that stretched out to the lake on the other side, leading straight to a circle on the giant tower. At the entrance of the arch, there are a few quaint characters written above it—the Hall of Destruction.

Huang Yi jumped from the ice horse back to the trestle and walked to the entrance of the circular arch.

The interior of that entrance was dark, and it was impossible to see what was in the tower, exuding a dangerous breath. This is the place where the main **** is qualified to come in. It is almost a life of death for a player who has n’t sealed the god, and this avatar will be completely destroyed.

Suddenly, Huang Yi sniffed, and his blood dragon blood smelled a smell of blood. He looked around for a few moments, and finally locked his eyes on the ground.

On the floor of the entrance, a few drops of blood continued to the hall of destruction within the door.

The blood was very messy. It seemed that someone had come here after grave injuries ~ www.readwn.com ~ and dripped blood all the way into the Temple of Destruction. There was only one blood spot, indicating that the man never came out after entering the Temple of Destruction.

At the same time, the heartbeat in Huang Yi ’s body suddenly accelerated, and his body was hot. It seemed that there was something in the hall that was closely related to him, and this connection was not related to the **** of death, and the sickle of death in his hand did not occur. Any resonance, but from other aspects.

"It's not the death-related induction, what is there to do with me?" Huang Yi clenched the instrumental spirit of Death's Scythe, looking at the dark entrance, frowned and wondered.

He took a deep breath, calmed the restlessness, and finally went in.

As soon as he stepped into the interior of the giant tower, his eyes were suddenly enveloped by darkness, and the dazzling light outside did not shine even at all, even if he had the absolute dark vision of the light tribe.

However, his blood dragon's olfactory ability is still there, and he can follow that trace of blood in the dark.

This **** breath will guide him to find such mysterious things as that related to him. Hero prison

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