Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1582: Doom Hall Level 8! Devil's Past!

Huang Yi grasped the sickle of death tightly, and slowly moved forward, her ears were erected, and she always paid attention to the sounds around her.

Obat seriously emphasized that this hall of destruction has nine layers, one layer is more dangerous than the other, but the enshrined treasure is also stronger than one layer.

The virtual **** master is usually difficult to break through even the first layer, and even the true **** may fall after reaching the fourth layer. As for the seventh layer, only the main **** has the strength to go in and find out.

Time passed minute by minute, Huang Yi followed the **** smell, but walked quietly all around.

No sound, no glory, no danger.

He gradually wondered, why did the supposedly dangerous Temple of Destruction do nothing to him?

Even if he is a new generation of death, he should not be treated this way, there must be some other reason.

He simply let go of his guts and made some noises, and even tried to take out lighting items such as torches and night pearls from the storage ring, but these items were all ineffective and did not produce a hint of light.

"Oh!" At this time, Huang Yi suddenly bumped into a shelf and bumped into something displayed on it.

He reached out and touched such a thing, felt its outline, and gradually recognized that it was a long weapon, which seemed to be a trident.

The formation of the Palace of Destruction has restrictions on taking away items. Each entry can only take one thing, even the owner of the Palace of Destruction in that year is no exception. This is only the first floor. It is not the best treasure. It is not worth taking. go.

Huang Yi immediately dropped the trident and moved on.

He continued to move forward, during which he encountered other shelves, and found various items such as warhammers, staff, masks, war halberds, hammers, ribbons, orbs.

Gradually, he came to a staircase in the dark, and the **** smell passed down the stairs.

He climbed up the stairs and reached the second floor of the Hall of Destruction, where it was still dark and still not dangerous.

He continued to follow the **** smell, gradually layer by layer.

"Fourth floor!" Huang Yi whispered to himself in the darkness. This is the place where even the true **** may fall, but he still did not encounter any danger and can continue to march to higher levels.

Gradually, he came to the seventh floor. This is the number of layers that only the Lord God has the ability to find out, but he was still unscathed. He even doubted that Obat was intentionally scaring himself. The Hall of Destruction may not exist at all. Danger.

At this time, he touched the stairway again, and climbed up quickly as before.

When he took the last step, there was light at last!

The other areas on this floor are still dark, except for a portal at the end exuding blood-red light, which is the only light source that Huang Yi sees after entering the Hall of Destruction, like a lighthouse instructing him to go there.

At the same time, the **** taste reached the strongest level, and the mysterious thing related to him was at this level.

The ninth floor of the Temple of Destruction is dedicated to the sickle of death. This eighth-level enshrinement item is the most powerful thing in the Hall of Destruction except the sickle of death.

Huang Yi strode forward and came to the portal that glowed with blood red light.

The portal was tightly closed, but without relying on it, it was displayed in the hall alone. Huang Yi went around the back of the portal and took a look. There was nothing there.

This should be similar to the door of the demon king and the first 100 cells of the hero's prison. It is a kind of space teleport door, which is dedicated to another scene.

Huang Yi came to the portal, took a deep breath, and pushed open the portal.

All of a sudden, a gush of blood spewed out of the sky, which immediately enveloped Huang Yi and sucked him into the door.

A whirlwind of feelings struck, and after a long time, he came to a new place.

Under the blood-red clouds, there is a battlefield of killing, billions of souls are fighting on the ground, the trembling drums of the sky are rumbling, and there are countless masters fighting in the sky. The dead body fell like raindrops and was killed. Blockbusters.

Among them, one party was wearing a blood-red battle suit, holding up a banner of blood, like a torrent of blood rushing on the battlefield and prevailed.

The other side was holding a black flag high with a sword embroidered on it. The weapons they used were all kinds of knives and weapons, and they were losing ground.

"Crazy sword, don't struggle, two thirds of the demon spirits in the demon world have already surrendered to the king, and you can't be an exception!" At this time, a domineering voice suddenly sounded above the clouds, with the momentum of the king's presence in the world.

"Huh! They're all cartilage! I'm not afraid of you **** tyrant!" Another rude voice responded politely.


When Huang Yi heard this name, he suddenly stared blankly at the blood-red clouds!

It turned out that the mysterious things related to him were actually related to the tyrant!

His god-level profession is a tyrant. The tyrant was once a well-known devil in the demon world. He established an immortal kingdom in the demon world. Countless people of the demon world are under his enslavement. Even other demon gods dare not. Provoked him, and even forced his majesty to court him.

In the age of the tyrant, the **** of death has disappeared, and the **** of space is retreating. When the two main gods of the devil are absent, the tyrant passed the perennial battle. In the end, he would almost unified the entire demon world except the space temple and the death temple. Unfortunately, in the end, it was a shortfall.

In terms of ambition, the tyrant is a predecessor of the Savage God, and now the Savage God is also trying to unify the entire demon world, almost reaching the level of the tyrant at that time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now in this scene, it is obvious that the tyrant is attacking the crazy knife, crazy The sword was once a powerful master in the Demon Realm. He was jealous of militancy, and his strength was comparable to that of a tyrant. However, from the results of later generations, the Mad Knife was apparently defeated and killed, and the spirit fell to the tomb of the underworld. Only a while ago, it was merged by the blade and reincarnated again.

"Also! My king also knows that you have always been belligerent. Since you are going to fight, then my king will fight with you enough. You are best at using knives. Just as my king just built a peerless knife, I will take you today. Sacrificial sword! Let you die to be convinced! "At this time, the arrogant voice of the tyrant resounded throughout the world.

"Joke! In the old man's sword comparison, you're looking for your own way! After you die, your peerless knife will become the old man's booty!" Mad knife laughed wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the battle sound of the sky was heard above the blood-red clouds. It was a shocking battle between the two main gods.


I have recently changed places, and can be updated steadily in a few days. I should be able to write it a few years ago. There are not many plots later.


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