Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1583: Tyrant, Mad Knife, Mad God

After fighting for a while, a scream was heard above the clouds.

The call made the earth and the earth change, the clouds boiled, and the earthquake trembled. It seemed that some kind of dramatic change took place above the clouds.

At the same time, countless creatures holding the banner of the black crazy knife suddenly stopped, as if time had frozen.

Then all of them fell down.

They are dead!

All died at the same time!

The clouds trembled violently, and then a man wearing a scarlet crown suddenly broke through the clouds and descended, looking down at the vast earth.

He was all wounded, crooked, panting, holding a butcher knife dripping with blood in his left hand, holding a skull in his other hand, his eyes full of pride, high towards countless gods below The voice proclaimed: "The mad knife has died under the king's butcher knife!"

After that, he squeezed the palm of his right hand, and the skull was suddenly crushed, leaving only a pile of broken crystal powder left in his hands.

That is the godhead of the Mad Knife. The godhead was completely broken, more thorough than the broken state, indicating that the Mad Knife has completely fallen, and even the false gods are not counted.

"Long live my lord!" For a while, the countless fighters of the tyrants below all kneeled down, and the vast voice spread like waves.

The tyrant held up the butcher knife in his hand, headed wildly and wildly, and said arrogantly: "All who surrender to the King will have peace, and those who resist the King will usher in war!"

After that, he placed the butcher knife across his chest, and sprinkled the supernatural powder of those crazy knives on the blood-stained knife body.

"Om ~" The butcher knife suddenly vibrated violently, sucking all the godlike powder into it, the whole body glowed with dazzling blood, flying out a crazy murderous gas, like a corona around the sun.

This slaughter knife, after using the mad knife, the main **** god sacrificing knives, has become a downright killer, born specifically for slaughter. Wherever he goes, blood flows into the river, and the gods fall. Celestial turbulence.


At this time, Huang Yi's eyes changed, and he appeared on another battlefield.

This is a ruin, with ruins everywhere, but it is golden and brilliant, each of the broken buildings is shining, beautiful, a broken and supreme stele sticks into the sky, and it says a few big words-the gate of heaven.

Here is the ruins of heaven!

At this time, the surrounding sky was covered with various flags. They were wearing various costumes, apparently from different camps, but at this moment they were all mixed together, apparently a joint army.

At the forefront of these joint legions is a demon exhaling eternal breath, some shining with light, and some enchanting, seemingly true gods of the realm and the realm.

Surrounded by this united army, it was the former tyrant army who had fought for the mad sword. They were crouched in the besiege of the united army. They were killed in a piecemeal manner, and the tyrant flags held high were also broken. Hang down weakly.

"Tyrant! You disturb the order of the heavenly realm, attempting to unify the demon realm, and commit a terrible sin. Today, twenty-three gods and demons from our two demons will join you to send you to hell! Obediently die! Don't struggle!" At this time, the United Legion Among them, a twelve-winged archangel with golden wings, wearing a thick golden yellow armor, holding a spear in his hand, pointed directly at the besieged tyrant legion, said forcefully.

"A group of black people dare to challenge the king?" Among the besieged tyrant legion, a mighty body suddenly flew up, and he was a tyrant.

He was still wearing the blood-colored crown, holding the **** butcher knife in his hand, the blood on the butcher knife dripped continuously, evaporating a stream of blood, floating around like a living creature, tangling around the tyrant, Contrasting him even more violently, his eyes burned with mad flames, and he gave a dismissive glance at the demons around him.

Suddenly, he turned into a beam of blood and rushed towards the twelve-winged angel.

"Boom ~" In a blink of an eye, the tyrant rushed to the twelve-winged angel, and the butcher knife in his hand flashed a light of blood, and severely split on the angel's golden armor.

"Ah!" The twelve-winged archangel was immediately split out and screamed screaming, knocked down a dilapidated palace, and climbed up ashamed.

His heroic armor had broken through a large hole, blood was bleeding, and white feathers were stained.

The other gods did not expect that the tyrant dared to take the initiative to attack, and for a while they stunned.

The tyrant held up the butcher knife, pointed to the demon leaders of the United Legion, and proudly said, "Less crap! Come on together!"

"Too arrogant!"

"For the safety of all beings in the Three Realms! The tyrant must be eradicated!"

"Fight for the Holy Light!"

"Only killing can end the killing!"


All of a sudden, a number of gods and rushed towards the tyrant from all directions, all kinds of eternal breath swept the audience, the fabulous light shone on the earth, and the chant of the gods rang through heaven.

The fighting area has completely turned into a chaos, and the scene inside is completely unclear. Time and space are all invalid at this moment.

"Ah!" A scream screamed, and a mighty corpse fell from the chaos. A terrible wound was split on his body, blood poured out like a torrent, and the light of the gods was completely dim.

At the same time, one of the soldiers and horses in the United Army Corps suddenly fell and was buried for the fallen god.

Next, the broken limbs of various gods and monsters fell from the chaos, and one **** and one monster fell successively, pulling their contract servants to bury them together.

Everyone looked nervously at the chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one knows who the next fall is, and no one knows whether their master will fight to death.

"Crazy God! You are here!" Suddenly, the chaotic voice of the tyrant sounded in the chaos.

Obviously, the mad **** should be a **** that even the tyrant was very afraid of. He should have been quietly hiding before, but now he was suddenly killed, so that the tyrant felt great pressure, and he could even rewrite the trend of the war.

"You killed even the mad sword. I have felt a bit of chill. When you conquer the demon world, I'm afraid I will never be your opponent again! However, I won't let you live to that day!" A mad voice Responded.

Next, the hustle and bustle in the chaos suddenly became several times more intense, shining a more violent brilliance, in which the frequent humming sounds of the tyrant seemed to have fallen behind.

The believers of the tyrant, each with a solemn expression, seemed to foretell that their doomsday was coming. The tyrant who was fighting the Quartet would fall today and fall into hell, and they would all be buried.


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