Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1584: Professional Artifact [Butcher · Tyrant's Royal Killer]

"Ah!" Suddenly, in the chaos came the painful roar of the tyrant, accompanied by a sound of torn flesh.

Immediately afterwards, a huge arm suddenly fell from the chaos, and a heavy rain was dripping from the wound.

There is a blood-red armguard on this arm, which is a tyrant's armguard!

His arm was cut off!

The believers and soldiers under the tyrant's face changed greatly, their bodies trembled violently, and their trembling eyes stared at the chaos.

"He's gonna die!"

"Kill him now!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Don't let him run away!"

For a while, the sounds of excitement of many gods came out of the chaos.

The brilliance and hustle and bustle in that chaos suddenly became extreme, indicating that the battle had reached the final stage, and the victory and defeat were about to be divided.

There is a tragic breath in the air, it seems that an epic is about to end, and a legend is about to reach the end of life.

"Tyrant, you're dead, what else can you say?" At this moment, the voice of the mad **** came out of the chaos, full of the meaning of victory.

"What is the fear of death? My lord just regrets that he did not complete the grand cause of unifying the demon world!" The tyrant's voice is still domineering, but there is a bit of regret: "My lord is not a tyrant who you talk about, but just want to unify the demon world, Re-formulate the order and bring all forces back to peace. The killing now is only for future peace, but unfortunately you, the blind-minded, will not understand the hard work of the king! Once the demon world loses the repression of the king, it will become more chaotic , The devil dances, the gods fight for hegemony, the souls are coated with charcoal, and the blood flows into the river! "

"That's what happened after you died, and you don't need to worry about it! Take your peace of mind! You are too murderous to qualify for a rest in the tomb of God, but the depths of **** have already prepared a place for you! You will never Tortured! "A sound of justice sounded.

Then, a sudden severe earthquake trembled in the chaos, and then returned to tranquility, as if everything had ended.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty body fell from the chaos, a tyrant who had lost an arm.

He was dying, his eyes had only the last ray of light, his wounds were all over, his clothes were ragged, his crown was inexplicable, and there was no image of a king.

But with only one hand left, he still clung to the blood-stained butcher knife.

At this time, the tyrant turned to look at the **** butcher knife in his hand and grinned, "When the king built this butcher knife, the Book of Destiny" once showed a motto-'Killed by the butcher knife. The last person will be the one who wields the butcher! 'I didn't expect it to be spoken now! But even if the king is dead, he won't die in the hands of you rats! "He said, he exhausted his last strength and raised Butcher knife, struggling to touch his neck.

All of a sudden, blood splattered, his head was cut off, a broken godhead fell out, turned into powder, and was absorbed into the butcher knife.

His last vitality was completely cut off, the remaining body was torn apart, and finally turned into a light, scattered between heaven and earth, only the butcher knife dripping with blood was left.

At the same time, the army of tyrants in the ruins of heaven also fell down, and soon turned into fly ash, and was buried with him.

This ambitious man who attempted to unify the demon world was so seriously injured by a group of gods and demons that he finally died and became history.

The chaos gradually dissipated, and a number of surviving gods and monsters flew out crookedly. Most of them had wounds on their bodies, their spirits were disordered, and some of them lost part of their bodies, and they needed to rest for many years to recover.

They all flew around the butcher's knife left by the tyrant, staring at it with anxiety.

After absorbing the blood and godhead of the tyrant, the butcher knife became even more violent, trembling with violent earthquakes, ejecting a vast stream of blood, and filled with a monstrous violent atmosphere, once poured out, it would destroy the world. , To bring horror and catastrophe to life.

"This peerless murderer has inherited the will of the tyrant.

"It has been cursed by the tyrant with its own life, and it is difficult to be tamed! Once touched, I am afraid that it will be disturbed by it, or even manipulated by it, and become a killing machine without emotion and reason!"

"The last person killed by the butcher will be the one who wields the butcher. The Book of Destiny has given a proverb, who would dare touch it?"

A group of gods and demon stared at the butcher's knife and talked, but no one dared to touch it.

At this moment, a man with a beard radiating, a pair of horns on his head, and a man with an insane look, suddenly seemed to remember something, and snorted and said, "I remember, there is a strange area in the Temple of Death named 'Death Hall' 'It is specially used to collect those relics whose masters have died. There is a death formation set by the **** of death himself. No matter how powerful the relics can be suppressed, they become the personal belongings of the **** of death. Now the tyrant has died, which is a deadly murderer The soldiers belong to the category of relics and must be suppressed by the 'Death Hall'! "

"There is still a way for Mad Brother!"

"Just send this peerless murderer to the Temple of Destruction!"

"This butcher knife can no longer be left to harm! It is the best place to go to the Temple of Destruction!"

For a while, the demon nodded and agreed with the crazy god's proposal.

The mad **** smiled, turned his head to look at the surrounding United Legion, and finally locked his eyes on a weaker team, and said loudly, "Dear Lord of Destruction, quickly bring this butcher knife to The death hall of your death star, please suppress it! "

His tone was high, as if he had instructed a subordinate to do things, not to discuss, not to refuse.

The weaker team was the one sent by the Temple of Death. Since the Temple of Death had disappeared, the Temple of Death did not fall. Although they participated in the joint army to combat the tyrants, they could only come with some virtual gods, which was not an important role.

At this time, a man in a white robe flew out of the team and said humblely: "Relax! Our death temple will certainly suppress this peerless murderer!"

As the words fell, he passed through the demon and came to the butcher's knife. Without hesitation, he reached out his hand and grabbed the handle.

This series of movements was flowing, calm and without fear.

Although he was just an imaginary god, the momentum at that moment overwhelmed the surrounding demons.

He did not hesitate to touch those high spirits who did not dare to touch it, showing an imposing manner of who we are!

All the gods around him closed their mouths, and for a while were calmed by his momentum, and no one dared to look down on the fallen Temple of Death.

The Lord of Destruction Hall ignored the people around him, held the butcher knife, turned into a light, and disappeared in place.

The screen flickered and switched to the entrance to the Hall of Destruction.

There was a wave in the void, and the Lord of the Destroyed Temple suddenly teleported over.

At this time, his footsteps were floating, his body was glowing with blood, and the blood glow from the butcher's knife was continuously invading into his body. Blood was still dripping on the knife's tip and fell to the ground.

His eyes were red, his skin was constantly moving, terrifying, as if there was a powerful evil force in his body.

"Oh ~" He couldn't hold it anymore, he bent down and let out a big spit of blood!

Before the blood fell on the ground, he was first sucked away by the butcher knife and attached to the knife.

The Lord of the Doom Hall's face was pale, and the spirit in his eyes passed quickly, as if he were a dying man. He couldn't even walk, he managed to hold the butcher knife and stumbled into the Hall of Destruction, leaving blood all the way ...

Until then, all the pictures in front of Huang Yi had disappeared, and the characters and the hustle and bustle had all disappeared.

Obviously, this real history has several important pieces about the tyrant.

For Huang Yi, the tyrant was just a simple name before, but now, the tyrant is already a living person in his heart, a real image supported by sound and appearance.

On the surface, the tyrant is undoubtedly a tyrant. In order to unify the demon world, he killed too many innocent people.

But his ideals are beautiful. After unifying the demon world, it is necessary to formulate a new order so that all parties can get along peacefully.

However, it is difficult for outsiders to tell whether his original intention was to satisfy his ambitions or whether he really wanted to create peace for the demon world.

At this moment, Huang Yi's eyes turned into a void, and a strong **** smell rushed into his nose, making people nauseous.

In the void not far away, a strangely shaped knife hovered, and blood dripped from the tip of the knife.

Due to countless years of dripping, a sea of ​​blood has dripped from below, and the blood waves are soaring, exuding the ultimate evil spirit.

This is the peerless butcher knife left by the tyrant!

This butcher knife is specially designed for slaughter. Its shape is different from ordinary knives. On the arc of the knife tip, a barb-like knife tip is also extended in reverse, which is similar to the end of a fishhook. Once cut, A large piece of flesh will be torn from the enemy.

The butcher's knife was always stained with blood, and it couldn't drip cleanly.

In the pictures just seen by Huang Yi, many gods have already died under this butcher knife, including the two god-gods, Mad Sword and Tyrant!

And the gods who have been injured by this butcher knife do not know how many. In the ultimate battle at the ruins of heaven, all the gods were injured by this butcher knife, including the incomparable madman. God.

This peerless murderer is unmanageable. Even the gods and daemons dare not touch it. They can only be suppressed in the Hall of Destruction and never see the sun.

But at this moment, Huang Yi felt an intimate feeling from this peerless murderer. His heart was warm and very comfortable. It seemed that the knife had waited for countless years just to wait for his appearance.

"Om ~" The butcher knife trembled suddenly and violently, and flew directly to Huang Yi's body, spiritually aligning the knife handle at him.

The pattern on the handle was clear, and there was a slight depression, which fits his fingers. It seems that as long as he holds it, he can fit tightly, very easily, waving it like a finger.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and finally reached out his hand slowly, holding the handle of the butcher knife.

The next moment, his hands were surrounded by a warm sensation, as if soaked in warm blood, his body was calm.

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on your obtaining the professional artifact of [The Eternal Tyrant] [Slayer Knife · Tyrant's Royal Killer]"

[Butcher · Tyrant's Royal Killer] (Professional Artifact, Only [Eternal Tyrant] Use, Weapon-Knife)

Sealing God: You can choose to seal God directly after reaching the Sealing God condition, without experiencing thunderstorms. If the accumulation is deep, after the Sealing God will directly reach the strength of the tyrant before his death

Bleeding: After the butcher knife hits the enemy, the enemy will enter a continuous bleeding state, and your damage to the bleeding enemy is increased by 100%

Bloodthirsty: The butcher knife will automatically absorb the blood of the enemy into your health, the conversion ratio is 1: 1, the more blood the enemy loses, the higher your health.

Swallowing Spirit: After killing the enemies above the virtual **** with the butcher knife, they will automatically absorb their souls and store them. Each soul of the virtual **** can increase your full attributes by 10%, which can be stacked without limit. (Number of currently stored virtual **** souls: 0)

While holding this artifact, the active skill of the eternal class [Eternal Tyrant] [kill no amnesty] is changed to permanent passive skill: As long as the butcher's sword stores the virtual **** soul, your attack cannot be ignored by any enemy, including gods and demons.

While holding this artifact, the active skill of the **** class [Eternal Tyrant] [诛 九族] will be increased to a stronger effect: when consuming 1 virtual **** soul, when attacking the target, it will simultaneously attack all contract servants of the target, Lasts 1 hour, no cooling time.

While holding this artifact, the active skill of the class [Eternal Tyrant] [Decision Decide] will be enhanced to a stronger effect: Consume 1 Soul of the Deity, which can directly kill demigods with less than 50% health in the vision range. Void gods with health below 30% and all gods with health below 10% have no cooldown.

While holding this artifact, the active skill of the eternal class [Eternal Tyrant] [Qing Jun side] will be enhanced to a stronger effect: Consume 1 soul of the virtual god, so that the enemies under the gods cannot attack you. The formation method, Everything, including items, will be invalid for you, lasting 24 hours and no cooldown.

Incidental skills:

[Eternal Wings]: Temporarily fuse all the demon wings into eternal wings. After fanning, consume 10 souls of the virtual gods as sacrifice, summon the tyrant possession in the **** of the underworld, and temporarily own the power of the main god. , Will not be affected by mortal rules. When the tyrant possesses, you will lose control, and your body will be controlled by the tyrant until the power is exhausted.

Durability: 73549/100000

Requirement level: 300

Equipment rating: 100,000

Item description: The difference between tyrants and Mingjun lies in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tyrants fight for themselves, Mingjun fights for their people.

Item Proverbs: The last person killed by the butcher will be the one who wields the butcher.


This is a two-chapter joint publication, which was due to be updated yesterday, but something was delayed, and it was issued today.

Today, I took a minibus and a motorcycle to shake to a village in a deep mountain. It is isolated from the world. It only guarantees electricity and uses firewood to boil water for bathing.

I will stay here for half a year, and concentrate on writing "Heroes of Heroes" until the end, and write a new book with 1 million words before I go out. So it will be updated every day.


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