Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1585: Fusion Scythe

? Professional artifact!

This is the first time Huang Yi has seen an exclusive professional artifact. Only his class in the world is an eternal tyrant. Only he can use this butcher knife.

The butcher knife itself contains huge lethality and evil spirits, and ordinary gods dare not touch it, and only he can control it perfectly.

This knife's attribute rules are different from other artifacts. It does not have any direct attribute value bonuses, all of them are some powerful effects. Each of the effects of Fengshen, Bleeding, Bloodthirsty, and Swallowing Spirit is against the sky. It is very rare for general equipment to appear, but this There are up to four artifacts.

As a professional artifact, this butcher knife also perfectly improved Huang Yi's four god-level professional skills.

At Huang Yi's current level, God-level professional skills are not very useful anymore, because the enemies he faces are either virtual gods or gods, and enemies of this level can be immune to most skills.

He now has fewer and fewer skills to use in battle, often fighting against strength, but with this butcher knife, his four god-level professional skills will once again shine.

Among them, the killing without amnesty was originally fused by him to the wings of killing and could not be used alone, but this butcher knife changed this skill to a permanent passive skill. As long as the butcher's soul is stored in the butcher knife, his attack Will not be ignored.

When he killed the Queen of Pain before, the opponent obviously had only the last amount of blood left, but he could not kill him, no matter how he attacked, he was ignored by the opponent. With this butcher knife, such things will not happen.

The other three god-level vocational skills have all been upgraded to more powerful effects.

For example, Decisive Decisive, this ability can directly kill enemies with less than 30% health, but when he kills Queen of Pain and King of Greed, this ability does not take effect.

With the promotion of this professional artifact, this skill can take effect on all gods! In the future, all enemies he can see, as long as they are demigods with less than 50% health, virtual gods with 30% health, and all gods with 10% health can be killed directly. Among them, the direct killing of all gods is the most perverted place of this butcher knife. People at this level of **** are hard to die even with 10% of their health. But in front of this butcher knife, all gods will fall quickly.

In terms of incidental skills, this butcher knife has only one incidental skill, which is far less than the standard of three incidental skills of ordinary artifacts, but the intensity of this incidental skill alone exceeds most artifact skills-

It can summon the soul of the tyrant and temporarily possess the power of the Lord God. This is effective in all realms and will not be restricted by the rules of the realms. Once this trick is used, I am afraid that everyone in the whole world except the King of Hell will have to defeat and flee.

The disadvantage is that when the tyrant possesses possession, he will lose control, do whatever he can, and even his teammates will be killed, and even the second world will be destroyed, which cannot be easily used.

Huang Yi clenched the butcher knife and waved it gently!

"Boom!" A blood-red knife gas suddenly flew out, splitting on the sea of ​​blood underneath, splitting a huge wave, even the sea of ​​blood was split in half, and the huge tsunami swept across the sky.

This is just a slight wave, and there is already such a powerful offensive. If it is used seriously, it will have the effect of destroying the world.

In addition, the attributes that can be viewed by the artifact are only on the bright side, and there are many hidden abilities that have not been revealed in plain text. For example, the blood on this butcher knife will corrode the enemy ’s mind when touched. There is no clear quantification when the concealment effect comes into play, and it is difficult to be specifically described as an attribute.

Huang Yi nodded with satisfaction. He likes the butcher knife very comfortably. The stripe path on the handle is just like printed on the mold of his palm, even every stripe path of the fingerprint. Corresponds to it, it fits perfectly.

With the improvement of his strength in the future, he will be able to exert this artifact even more powerfully. If he has the same strength as the tyrant before his death, then this butcher knife will make the gods and the demons feel fear!

However, he was a little worried inside. Compared with other equipment, this artifact has an "item motto"-

"The last person killed by the butcher will be the one who wields the butcher."

Now that Huang Yi has become a man wielding a butcher knife, does that also mean that he will be the last person killed by the butcher knife?

Huang Yi turned around. Behind him was the open door. He walked in and returned to the Temple of Destruction.

At this point, the Hall of Destruction was brightly lit, and there was no darkness. Looking at it, there were different doors in the hall.

He probably can understand why he has not been in danger after entering the Temple of Destruction. It should be some existence in order for him to successfully reach the eighth floor and get this butcher knife.

As for why he couldn't see the light after entering the Temple of Destruction, it was probably because the existence didn't want him to be dazzled by other objects, and let him go straight to the butcher knife on the eighth floor. Only after getting the butcher's knife did the Temple of Destruction reappear.

But who is that existence? The Lord of the Temple of Destruction is dead, it is impossible for him to do it, it must be someone else.

Huang Yi turned to look at the other portals in the hall. They stood silently, leading to different history, and enshrining other great relics.

Compared with the first floor, the worship environment here is significantly higher than several grades. The items on the first floor are directly placed on the shelf and can be directly touched. And on this eighth floor, each of the enshrined items was individually suppressed in a different space of a door. Each item has an extraordinary origin and needs a specific person to take it away, just like this butcher knife If you change to someone else, not only will you not be able to take the butcher knife, but you may be corrupted by it.

Huang Yi had already obtained the butcher knife and could no longer take other items. He directly skipped the glittering portal and proceeded to the ninth floor.

Suddenly, he stomped and looked up at the end of the step.

On the last floor of that step, there was a skull in a white robe stained with a few drops of blood. It sat there quietly, like a guardian, but without the breath of life, it remained faithful to its duties even after death.

With only a glance, Huang Yi recognized the identity of the skeleton, who was the Lord of the Destruction Hall.

It seems that after the owner of the Doom Hall delivered the butcher knife to the Doom Hall, he was also severely wounded and died here.

Before dying, he still remembered his own blame, loyally guarding the entrance of the ninth floor, protecting the sickle of the uppermost layer until he died.

Huang Yi climbed up the stairs, and when he passed the remains of the Lord of the Destroyed Hall, he slowed down, walked around, and entered the ninth floor.

The ninth floor was empty, only a sickle with a simple shape floating in the center. It didn't bloom any light and didn't move, so it was suspended in the air like a common dead object.

That is the sickle of death! The only enshrined item on the ninth floor!

However, it was only the "tool" of the sickle of death, lacking "god".

Huang Yi took out the instrumental spirit of the Death Scythe, strode forward, and gently touched it to the suspended Death Scythe.

In a short time, the instrument spirit went away, like a plume of smoke, submerged into the suspended sickle of death!

The Death Scythe trembled violently. It seemed to wake up after sleeping for countless years, and began to slowly rotate, transpiring gray-white death gas, exuding more and more fierce pressure.

"Dang Dang Dang!" Suddenly, all the items enshrined in the Hall of Destruction were shaken violently, and seemed to be shaken by the power of the death sickle, shivering.

Even the butcher knife in Huang Yi's hand calmed down, the blood light converged, and the blood at the tip of the knife no longer dripped.

The Temple of Destruction was originally a place to worship the relics, and the sickle of the **** of death is the relic of the **** of death, symbolizing the supreme rule of death. It is now awake, not only the temple of death, but even the entire death star will undergo great changes.

At this moment, the air suddenly rippled, and a remnant of history emerged--

A white, fuzzy back, holding Death's Scythe, is slowly putting it into the void.

Behind him, the Lord of the Destroyed Temple bowed his head respectfully, listening to the teachings.

That white figure can make the Lord of the Destruction Palace so respectful, it must be the **** of death himself, but unfortunately he is facing Huang Yi, and his whole body is also radiating with light. He can only see a rough outline and can't see his face.

At this time, the **** of death has put the sickle of the **** into the void, it slowly rotates in the mid-air, evaporating the gray-white death gas ~ www.readwn.com ~ the **** of death is carrying his hands, looking at the **** of death, : "The four highest rules are actually common, and death will involve life, time, and space at the same time. From the perspective of life, death is the end of life; from the perspective of time, death is that the soul has used up all its time From the perspective of space, death means that the soul has gone from its world to the underworld ... "

"Does death itself die?" The Lord of the Extinction Hall asked out loud.

"This is also a question I am confused, maybe the place of origin can get the answer ..." Death said slowly.

After the words fell, this historical remnant disappeared. It was very brief. It was the scene when the **** of death put the sickle of death into the hall of death. It is not many years now.

Now, the **** of death is dead, but the sickle of the **** he put here was still there, and he re-glowed.

"Oh!" At this moment, a thick white light of death soared up from the sickle of death, through the dome of the hall of death, and shot into the sky of the dead star outside, making the whole death star pale .

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