Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1586: Time hourglass

? At this time, in a hall of the Death Star, the former prison director of the Hero Prison, Obat, was discussing with Huang Death several senior officials.

"Although the **** of killing is the best of the God-given ones, his strength is still too weak to reach the **** of death, and he is not enough to control the temple of death! Our third army only respects the strong! He has beaten the old man, the old man Will be convinced! "Said a burly man in a white armor. Holding a huge mace, his voice was rude, like a thunder. He was the third marshal of the ten death marshals in the Temple of Death. He had conquered one world after another, and sowed the light of the faith of death to countless living beings. .

"Sooner or later, God will kill God! And even if he is at his current strength, you are not necessarily his opponent." Obate said politely.

"Without knowing us, he killed himself on the throne of Lord Death. This is not appropriate! He must at least show us his strength and prove that he can indeed inherit the position of Lord Death." A man in a gorgeous robe said politely. He is the ambassador of death. He used to represent the dying ambassador to hundreds of millions of worlds, and issued the will of the deceased to the leaders of countless forces. Seeing him is like seeing the dying himself, and kneel down to welcome him.

"I haven't even seen God's face, and now I'm going to surrender to him, that's justified!"

"The position of the **** of death is where the capable person lives! Even if the incompetent is passed down by the Lord of Death, he is not worthy to control the temple of death!"

A high-level executive of the Temple of Death expressed their views.

They are the only high-rises in the Temple of Death, and they are the most loyal people to the Temple of Death. But because of this, they have higher requirements for the people in charge of the Temple of Death. Huang Yi obviously did not get them. Most people agree.

At this moment, the outside of the main hall suddenly became white and dangling, and I saw a thick light suddenly ascending into the sky, like a miracle.

"That's ... the direction of the Temple of Destruction!"

"Did God really break into the ninth floor?"

"Let's go over and see!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked, staring blankly at the huge white light.

At this moment, white light spots suddenly appeared on them, flying away from the hall, rising rapidly, and flying towards the thick light in the distance.

Not only them, but the countless corners of the huge death star, all of them exhaled a hint of grayish-white breath, over the mountains, across the ocean, across the ocean, all flew towards the thick white light and merged into it.

If someone could observe the entire dead star from outer space, it would appear that the dead star was lit, and there was star fire everywhere.

At this time, the thick light quickly spread out and became a layer of enchantment enclosing the entire dead star, like an aurora floating in the sky, beautiful.


"Success!" Huang Yi looked at the radiant Death Scythe in front of the Hall of Destruction and breathed a sigh of relief.

He completed Obat's idea, successfully integrated the instrumental spirit into the sickle of death, greatly increasing the strength of the death star's formation, and can help the remaining masters of the death temple to resist the attack of the barbarians.

However, this also means that he can't take away the sickle of death, and can only keep it here unless he can find other ways to ensure the safety of the death star.

He didn't feel any pity. The Death Scythe is only an instrumental spirit, which is not helpful to the battle, and he can still control some death rules without losing the Death Scythe, but it is not as convenient as before.

On the contrary, the butcher knife he got was a finished professional artifact that perfectly matched him, which greatly helped the battle, and could improve his strength by several grades.

Huang Yi glanced at the sickle of the **** of death, turned to go downstairs, and left the hall of destruction.

As soon as he came out of the Temple of Destruction, he saw a group of people outside.

Each of them has a deep breath. They are the kind of characters who have been fulfilled by countless years ago. They can always try to seal God, but they have no choice.

Among this group of people, Huang Yi only knew two of them, one was Obat, and the other was the Archangel of Death who gave him the box that sealed the bloodhoof soul.

"Kill God, have you succeeded?" Aubat stepped forward and asked excitedly.

Huang Yi nodded: "I have incorporated the Death Scythe's instrumental spirit into the subject, and now the Death Scythe is slowly rotating on the ninth floor, increasing the strength of the Death Star's formation."

"The last few floors of the Temple of Death cannot even break through. Only the Lord God has the strength to find out. How did you break through?" Asked a senior from the Temple of Death in confusion.

"This matter is not convenient to disclose." Huang Yi said casually, he did not know what the reason was, obviously there was something behind him to help him, otherwise he would not be able to break through.

"The knife in your hand is rather weird, dripping with blood, haven't you just killed any creatures in the Hall of Destruction?"

"That knife is so familiar, it seems to have been seen ..."

"Butcher! That's the butcher! The Lord of the Doom was killed by this butcher!"

"Drop it!"

"Are you looking for death with it?"

For a time, the high-rises of the death temples hurried back, avoiding from a distance, made various defensive gestures, and stared at the butcher knife deadly, like an enemy.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and shook the butcher in front of him. He said, "Don't worry! This butcher has been subdued by me, and I won't hurt anyone any more."

"What?" The crowd was suddenly surprised, staring blankly at the butcher knife.

Only then did they realize that the butcher knife was indeed docile, and it was not as gushing and bleeding as it used to be, and it seemed that it was really conquered by Huang Yi.

"How does a god-given man conquer the butcher knife? This is something that ordinary gods can't do! Did you move your hands and feet?" A senior death hall questioned him, looking high , Staring at Huang Yi squintingly, does not seem to believe that he can suppress the butcher knife with his own strength.

Huang Yi glanced at the man, shook his head, and said, "You know too little about me! If you are not so arrogant, you can put yourself down and ask me about my past, you will know my relationship with the tyrant. I You know, you are loyal to the **** of death, but you are very dissatisfied with my new generation of **** of death. I do n’t have time to fight for power with you until I save the second world. You want to challenge me. You know if I am qualified to sit on the throne of death! "

After that, he forced the butcher knife in his hand to the ground!

The ground here was built with the materials of the Hall of Destruction. It was originally indestructible, but now Huang Yi took a knife and a pestle, but hit a crack. The blood on the knife suddenly penetrated through the crack, like a leak. Bloody scary wound.

His small movement immediately showed an aggressive momentum, confident and calm, without fear.

"Surely God is eligible to sit on the throne of Lord Death! I firmly support God of Death!" At this time, a ten-winged angel with black wings bowed his head and said that he was the death who had a side with Huang Yi before. Archangel.

"I, the head of the Knights of the Guardian of the Death Temple announced that I am equivalent to faithfully killing the Lord and reappearing the glory of the Temple of Death with the Lord!" A dragon knight riding a bone dragon suddenly jumped off the mount and took it off Helmet, kneeling on one leg towards Huang Yi.

"Killing the **** of death can be recognized by the sickle of the **** of death, which naturally proves that he is qualified to become a new generation of **** of death! My high priest is also willing to follow the **** of death!"

Soon, a high-rise in the Temple of Death bowed their heads and expressed loyalty to Huang Yi.

But there are still some high-level indifferent, standing and watching, with deep eyes, do not know what is thinking.

Huang Yi ignored them and turned to look at Obat, his expression calmed down and asked, "Did you find the hourglass?"

Obat smiled, and flung his palm, took out a flooded hourglass, handed it to Huang Yi, and said, "Fortunately, I found the time hourglass!"

Huang Yi quickly took over the flooded hourglass.

The hourglass is bronze, but it is not solid. It is light in the hand and does not touch the texture of the object. It seems to be just a illusory image.

In that hourglass, there are countless fine sands glowing with orange light slowly flowing like golden years.

"At this time, the hourglass in the hourglass can freeze the time of the second world for two days, but after two days have passed, the sand of time in this hourglass will take a hundred times longer to return to the original place, and it cannot be used again in a short time! Bart said that his voice sounded around the hourglass of time, with echoes, as if from a long distance, like yesterday's memory.

Huang Yi just felt that everything around him seemed to be slowing down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Those sounds, those lights and shadows all became hazy, everyone's body was flooding, leaving only a blurred outline.

"Okay! I'll go back immediately!" Huang Yi nodded, his voice echoed, his head was drowsy, like the feeling of being drunk, his mind was a little stunned.

With a flick of his palm, he immediately put the hourglass into the storage ring.

In a short time, everything around was restored, the figure became clear again, and the sound no longer echoed, as if suddenly waking up from a sleep.

He nodded towards Obat, the Archangel of Death, the head of the Guardian Knights of the Death Temple, and the High Priest who was loyal to him, and then quickly left.

He came to the Temple of Death this time, originally to rescue the soldiers in the Second World, but he did not expect that the Temple of Death was also in crisis. He was too busy to resist the attack of the Savage God, and could not send any staff. Instead, he needed to go to the Temple of Death. Integrate Death's Scythe to protect Death Star.

All he could bring back was nothing but a time hourglass and a butcher knife.

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