Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1587: Waking up from a vegetative state

? Second World.

In the sky, countless meteorites dragged down the long tail flame and fell into the sky, the surviving creatures kept running and mourning.

The Second World was collapsing everywhere, mountains were collapsing, earthquakes shook, and tsunamis swept across.

The planet's volume is getting smaller and smaller, and it will soon reach the critical point of Basto. At that time, the destruction of the Second World will become irreversible. Even if the demons withdraw, the Second World will collapse by itself.

Huang Yi and Dao Feng and other top masters have dignified faces and are using all kinds of methods to fully resist the power of refining, but they still can't resist the joint efforts of the two major forces of the Mozu and the Manshen Temple.

"No! We can't wait for the gods in heaven to drop their power!"

"Just a little bit, just wait another two days and we can come back!"

"It's a pity! It's a pity!"

Some masters lamented in despair, and their movements became flustered, unable to remain calm.

"Don't panic, I can fight for time!" Just then, Huang Yi's steady voice rang through the world.

He shook his palm and took the hourglass from the storage ring.

All of a sudden, the surroundings were shrouded in orange and yellow light from this hourglass, everyone became blurred, the noise of hustle and bustle became distant, with a hazy echo.

Huang Yi's hands spurted a mighty divine power, all sinking into the light hourglass at that time.

The hourglass of time is getting brighter and brighter, like a light bulb that is about to run out of electricity is getting more and more current, and the range of light is getting wider and wider.

Gradually, the sky turned orange-yellow, and those meteorite falling obliquely with tail flames slowed down in the orange-yellow light, as if there were invisible forces hindering their fall.

The earth was stained with an orange-yellow light, and those who ran were getting slower and slower, and the monstrous waves in the ocean were falling longer and longer ...

The sound of thunder in the sky, the sound of howling winds, the sound of huge waves, the sound of people mourning and running ... all become hazy.

The whole world seems to be slowing down ...

In the end, this orange-yellow light spread to the whole world, and became a layer of rippling light film, enclosing the second world firmly.

In a moment, the entire world stopped completely and everything stopped.

Meteorites falling in the sky were framed in the sky, and the long tail flame was motionless.

All the sorrowful crowds on the ground stopped in their place, all the expressions of horror were frozen.

The huge waves rising in the ocean are like crystals formed by condensation, and drops of spray are suspended in the air.

Everything is still!

Huang Yi's figure holding the hourglass was also frozen, like a sculpture, suspended in the sky, and his eyelids were about to blink.

The only thing still moving in the whole world is the hourglass of time in Huang Yi's hands. Among the hourglass, a fine sand of time is slowly flowing down, not in a hurry, maintaining an eternal rhythm.


Outside of the Second World, several demon kings and a number of masters of the Savage God Temple all stared at the huge time enchantment in surprise.

As soon as their refining power touched the light enchantment at that time, they disappeared without any trace, as if the whole force hit the air without any force.

They face a planet that is completely isolated from their time and cannot attack or destroy.

Just like how powerful you are today, you can't pinch an ant yesterday.

"A bit interesting." Xuan Wuxiong smiled with interest.

The next moment, he threw a long sleeve, tearing the space, teleporting to the front of the time realm, raising his huge fist, slamming it up.

With his fist as the center, the space quickly collapsed, and a magnificent light bloomed from that fist, like a singularity at the time of the universe's creation.

He is a powerful man who can seal the gods. This simple punch shows the essence of martial arts. The fist contains the amount of land that destroys the world, which is enough to break the void and crush everything!

However, after this punch hit the time realm, there was no ripple at all.

"Don't waste your energy, it is the time enchantment, and the power of the **** of time is faintly flowing, and it cannot be broken with brute force." There was a dignified voice under the black robe of the king of hell.

"What to do? Is it just watching like this?" Soderoth the frantic **** frown asked.

"This enchantment cannot exist forever, it will always dissipate!" The fallen king Shen said.


At this point, all players in the second world have entered a special state.

They can no longer control their bodies, they can only stand still in time in vain, and their eyes are always a fixed picture without any sound in their ears.

In this state, they can choose to go offline, but after going offline, their characters still will not disappear, but will be frozen in place by time.

And countless viewers watching the live broadcast all over the world can only see the still picture, just like the live broadcast signal is suddenly interrupted.

Gradually, some players began to try to enter the second world, but without exception, they all received the same system prompt

The Second World is in a special state and cannot go online.

However, this is a good thing for the second world. Many online players have been fighting without eating or drinking for a long time, and now they have the opportunity to take a rest offline.

Huang Yi's body was still still. He wanted to wave his arms, run, and talk, but he couldn't do it all.

Time holds him here!

In a moment, he thought of himself in reality, he was in a vegetative state, he could not wave his arms, he could not run, he could not speak, only his consciousness was sober.

For a moment, he suddenly blurred the boundary between reality and illusion. Reality seemed to be illusion, and illusion seemed to be reality.

The essence of man is not the inner spirit. Only the spirit represents the self. When freedom is lost and only the spirit can rely on, there is no difference between reality and illusion.

In the vegetative world, no, only his own spirit is wandering. He has lost everything, but at the same time has everything. He can imagine everything and have eternal time.

Huang Yi tried to stay focused now, to feel the passing of time, to feel what his consciousness was paying attention to at this moment, and how his thoughts were generated, like a pure bystander.

Gradually, he entered a state of mystery, as if he was not himself, but a spectator, but he could clearly feel his existence ~ www.readwn.com ~ he was outside of himself, Among them, spirit and separation, and integration.

It is not that he has experienced time, but that time has experienced him.

"Offline!" At that crucial moment, he made an act that had not been done for a long time.

The next moment, his eyes darkened and he withdrew from the virtual world.

As if waiting for a long time, just for this moment.

He opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

He awoke from a vegetative state.

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