Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1588: Wake Up Dream

? Huang Yi's consciousness is hazy, can't tell whether it is real or virtual in front of him, as if he had been asleep for years and finally woke up, his head was blank for a while, and he couldn't think of anything.

This is a place similar to a special ward, with equipment everywhere, no windows, and a sealed, sterile environment.

"Dididi!" Suddenly, a clear and rapid warning sounded beside him.

He turned to look at it, which seemed to be some kind of medical instrument, connected to his forehead by a wire.

In addition, there are various kinds of pipes around him, which are connected with various instruments and equipment.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, a girl in a white coat rushed in, a pair of big eyes stared at him excitedly, and a clear voice rang under the white mask: "You are finally awake!"

"Where is this?" Huang Yi asked his head weakly, his voice hoarse and dry.

"This is a medical plane, and it is now parked on Rose Island." The girl walked to Huang Yi's bed and reached out to help him. "I was just watching the live broadcast! After you took out something like an hourglass , The live broadcast will not move, and you will wake up in just a few minutes! It ’s amazing! Can your hourglass still have any effect on the real world? "

"I don't know what's going on, maybe my spirit beats the flesh at that moment!" Huang Yi said slowly.

The moment was really magical, he had a mysterious reaction between fantasy and reality, and somehow woke up.

The girl blinked her eyes and stared at Huang Yi, praising: "After waking up from a vegetative state, the average person just talks and twists his neck slightly. I didn't expect you to be able to sit up directly. It seems that the recovery is good. How long will you be able to recover. Professor Wang also said before that you have to recover for at least five years. I did not expect that Professor Wang was also wrong. "

"Professor Wang?" Huang Yi frowned, his face blanked.

"Professor Wang is the person in charge of resuscitation surgery and my mentor. Unfortunately, my qualifications are too low. I did not directly participate in your resuscitation surgery. I can only do nursing work for you after the surgery and give you Change clothes, clean up your body and so on. "The girl said, taking up the pillow thoughtfully and laying on Huang Yi's back.

"Ah? Change clothes ... clean up your body ..." Huang Yi blushed suddenly, thinking of some shameful pictures.

The girl smiled and said boldly: "That's right! As you think, I have seen your body. This is nothing. For our medical students, the human body is just some biological tissues, which is no different from other animals. ,do not be shy."

Huang Yi calmed down and continued to ask, "What's going on outside now?"

"Outside? Do you mean any news in the real world?" The girl tilted her head for a moment, looked at Huang Yi, and said suddenly, "Oh, you are an important person in a free organization, and you must be concerned about the international situation. Well, congratulations to you! The so-called calamity is bound to be blessed. After the assassination of the World Federation was revealed, the international shock, the World Federation encountered unprecedented pressure, plus your free organization and other resistances Organized military operations, the world federation is about to collapse! Now, the countries of the world have formed a joint committee to discuss the peaceful dissolution of the world federation and return to the form of the United Nations. In the real world, the world federation can no longer turn into waves. "As long as you continue to maintain the current momentum in the virtual world, and do not give the world federation a chance, then you can usher in victory, be released from the rose prison, and get real freedom."

Huang Yi's pale face finally showed a smile.

They persisted till now and finally ushered in victory.

As for the Second World, the World Federation should not be able to turn any waves. They have cooperated with Miyamoto Musashi, .T, genie and others in an attempt to use the power of the demons to destroy the power of Huang Yi in the virtual world. They have rebelled against the Devil and can no longer help the World Federation.

Even the demons themselves have been hit hard now. As long as the crisis in the second world can survive this time, the demons will turn into a weaker side. When the time comes, they will not only be unable to attack the second world, but will face the second world. The offense of the world cannot guarantee itself.


Huang Yi talked with the girl for a while, and after eating some liquid food, she went back online.

For others, going online now is of little use. It can't move or do anything.

Huang Yi is an exception. Although his essence is locked in the second world by time, his incarnation is outside the second world and he can still move freely.

After his incarnation returned to heaven from heaven, he immediately went to the moon.

At this point, the Dream and the Zerg are still deadlocked, but the Dreams have clearly fallen behind and can only try to hold the Zerg and prevent them from helping the Demons.

Although the Mengzu were the first forces to come to support on a large scale, they came here through dreaming, and their capabilities were limited.

And as the battle continues, they will eventually be awakened and eventually return to the dream universe.

"We won't be able to last long! My spirit has begun to shiver, and even some pictures of the Dream Universe have appeared! I am about to wake up!" A dream dream **** finally managed to break away from a worm net and shake his head. Said in a spirit.

As soon as the voice fell, a Zerg girl suddenly flapped the wings of a butterfly and flew behind him. Numerous pink butterflies emerged from her hands and surrounded him.

This Zerg girl is Zerg ’s strongest player, Zerg. She patted her little hand and made a circle towards the dream-like goddess surrounded by butterflies.

In a short time, all the butterflies turned into a creeping caterpillar, crawled on the dream god, and penetrated into his seven tricks.

"The disgusting bug word, get out of here!" The Zerg clenched his hands and patted the caterpillar on his body in horror, but there were too many to shoot clean.

During the conversation, there were many bugs in his nose, and he couldn't help sneezing!

The next moment, his body trembled violently, dissipating between heaven and earth.

At the same time, in the distant Dreaming Universe [Dream], a dormant Dreaming God was suddenly trembling, woke up, turned around and looked around blankly.

Around him, there was a group of dream-like gods who were dozing off, some made snoring sounds, some whispered nightmares, and some body tremors seemed to have entered the nightmare, and some turned over and were about to wake up.

Sitting in the middle was Meng Tiantian, who slept peacefully, and seemed to be able to sleep for a long time.


"Okay! The first dream-like goddess has been awakened by the old woman!" Zeng patted her little hand, revealing the girl's mischievous smile.

"Master Mengzu, I'm about to wake up!" At this time, another dream-like goddess said to Meng Qiutian. He had heavy eyelids and seemed to be going to sleep, but once he slept here, he would become a dream Awakening in the small world.

Meng Nitian turned to look at the direction of the second world, and said, "Let's support it again, the incarnation of the **** of killing the King of Greed, and he should come back to me again and see what he will arrange!"

"Dream friends, you have worked hard!" Just then, Huang Yi's familiar voice suddenly sounded in the void.

The crowd immediately saw Huang Yi's figure appearing in the void not far away, holding in his hands a weirdly shaped sword that kept dripping with blood.

Although the big knife was quietly held in Huang Yi's hands, everyone felt a horrible horror that was suppressed, as if hundreds of millions of deadly souls had gathered in the big knife. Once it poured out, Cang Sheng will usher in an unimaginable catastrophe.

"Kill God, you're finally here!" Meng Nitian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed: "I didn't expect you to say something casually to open up a new battlefield, but you directly killed the King of Greed! The battlefield is a new world! "

"Thank you for holding the Zerg here, now you're waking up! Don't worry, before we wake up, let's kill a few bugs to refresh ourselves." Huang Yi said, and looked at those Zombie gods with a bad intention. , Clenched the butcher knife in his hand.

The butcher knife felt his warfare, and suddenly became hungry. The dripping blood quickly increased, like the saliva secreted by madness.

"I want to eat flesh!" A chubby ogre took the lead in response to Huang Yi's call and snorted loudly, and opened his mouth wide and rushed towards a zombie god.

He was one of the three criminals previously released from the heroic prison by Huang Yi. He signed a master-servant contract and was more loyal than the guardians of the heroic empire.

"Okay! Before we wake up, let's kill a few bugs and play, making this experience a dream!" Meng Nitian smiled, raised his hand and attacked a zombie god.

At this moment, the battle suddenly became fierce, and there were radiant lights everywhere, and there were violent shock waves everywhere.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, teleported to the back of an injured spider Xushen, waved a butcher knife at random, and passed over the spider Xushen ~ www.readwn.com ~ This knife fluttered lightly, it seemed nothing Power, just a stroke.

But the next moment, with the sound of "Wow!", A huge wound appeared on the spider's virtual god, and the green blood splattered out, all absorbed completely by the butcher knife.

The spider trembled fiercely in pain, and quickly turned around, waving eight legs and poking at Huang Yi.

Huang Yi slashed with a knife and slammed into the eight spider legs.

"Oh!" The eight legs were cut off directly, and the cuts were smooth and neat, as clean as onions.

Huang Yi was a little surprised. This butcher knife was too perverted to fight. In the face of a dignified master, it was as easy as chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

This finished professional artifact is far more than the wrath of God that is still in the embryo of the artifact.

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