Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1589: massacre

The Zombie Xushen widened his eyes, and the face on his head showed a painful expression, and he quickly retreated with waving eight broken legs.

He was on the giant spider web of the Zerg, retreating fast, and disappeared almost in a blink of an eye.

But Huang Yi's speed was faster, the dragon wings flickered day by day, teleported to the zerg god, and split the knife again.

"Ding!" A hard metal sound sounded, and Huang Yi suddenly added a woman with eight arms in front of her eyes, solemn, like a queen.

She raised one hand and held a colored dagger to block the butcher's knife.

This is the queen's avatar, which is equivalent to the strength of a demon king.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, leaving the spider behind, and rushed towards the Zerg Xushen.

"Ding!" The butcher's knife split on a hard object again, making it difficult to hold down the slightest.

After the spider appeared again, raised the other arm, holding a green dagger to block Huang Yi.

Huang Yitie was determined to chase down the Zerg Xushen. After setting aside the spider, he fanned the dragon wings day by day to the extreme.

Day by day, the wings of the dragon fully exerted the effects of space-like artifacts. At full speed, there were phantoms of Huang Yi everywhere, filling this world, and it was impossible to tell where his body was.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The dense arms intersect in the air, as dense as raindrops.

The figure of the queen spider has also turned into hundreds of millions, and the eight arms of each figure waved imperviously, looking like there are thousands of hands, blocking every attack of Huang Yi.

After a while, Huang Yi stopped and stared coldly behind the spider.

He can't break the defense behind the spider. It should be possible to change the body, but this is only the incarnation, and the energy of this incarnation is less than 10%, and the strength is limited.

The queen of the spider also stopped and smiled at Huang Yi: "Don't work hard! I am omnipotent in the spider web. Every tiny shudder on every spider silk and every inch of space is You can't hide my perception, you are trying to kill my people on the cobweb, you are dreaming! "

"But our dream people just like dreaming." Suddenly, the voice of Meng Tiantian was heard.

Before the words fell, a Zerg Xu shivered fiercely, his body suddenly opened, and a **** hand was stretched out, holding a beating heart in his hand.

The Zerg Xuxian's eyes quickly dimmed and turned into a corpse, tilted aside, revealing the dream-like figure behind him.

He pulled out his **** hand, squeezed the beating heart, and raised it towards the back of the spider.

He was not afraid of waking up now, and was able to let go of his hands and feet to fight, and easily took the life of a Zerg god, which was even more terrible than Huang Yi.

"Look for death!" The spider queen angrily, and the eight arms suddenly waved with all their strength, forming a complex fingerprint.

Behind her, the array of cobwebs formed by countless green spider silk suddenly burst into green light, like the aperture behind the deities, exuding boundless divine power.

Dozens of imaginary dead corpses clinging to that spider's web trembled violently, their eyelids opened, their eyes turned, as if all were resurrected.

The breath of dozens of false gods came down instantly, suppressing the audience and sweeping everything.

"Eh! Heh!" The two goddess corpses suddenly flew from the spider web and shot at Huang Yi and Meng Tiantian respectively.

The two dead corpses swelled as they flew, and the dried skin swelled up quickly as if inflated, as if a **** of **** was about to explode, exuding horrible divine power fluctuations.

Huang Yi quickly fanned out and shifted out the dragon wings day by day.

"Boom!" The two goddess corpses exploded instantly!

As if two stars exploded, space shook the ripples of the road like a sea wave, and the shock waves that destroyed the sky swept away in all directions, destroying them.

The three dreaming gods were less able to dodge and were caught in this huge wave. Their bodies were directly transformed into flying ashes, awakened from their dreaming state, and returned to the small world of the dreams.

Even if Huang Yi had escaped, he was still swept by the shock wave from the edge, and his blood volume dropped instantly.

"Om ~" The butcher's knife trembled violently, and the blood on the knife quickly flowed back, flowing along the handle to Huang Yi's palm, and penetrated into the skin.

In a short time, Huang Yi's blood volume was all full, and the upper limit of blood volume was also increased by 12%!

This is the bloodthirsty property of the butcher knife, which automatically absorbs the enemy's blood and converts it into yellow spilled blood.

Just now, the Zerg Xushen was chopped off a lot of blood by Huang Yi. All this blood was absorbed by the butcher's knife and transformed into Huang Yi's blood, which not only made up for his reduced blood volume, but also a surplus, which turned his blood The upper limit of the amount has been temporarily raised.

"Dream against the sky, you drag the spider!" Huang Yi dropped a sentence.

Meng Nitian's strength is stronger than his avatar, there is nothing wrong with holding this avatar behind the spider. He now urgently needs to kill some Zerg virtual gods to accumulate some virtual **** souls for the butcher knives. With the virtual **** souls, the butcher knives can play the strongest role.

"Do you treat me as a furnishing?" An ethereal voice sounded suddenly.

Numerous butterflies enveloped Huang Yi in an instant, imprisoning him, and even the dragon wings were covered with butterflies every day, making it difficult to fan.

A beautiful girl suddenly flashed in front of Huang Yi, her petite and exquisite, with a beautiful pair of colorful butterfly wings behind her, fanning lightly, like a flower fairy.

She is the second Zerg supporter of the Zerg supporter, Liu Xiyi!

Although she is not a direct descendant of the "grandmother" of the Zerg, but she is also the strength of all gods. After the death of the Queen of Pain, she filled the vacancy and became the new Zerg Queen.

The Butterfly clan is the most beautiful clan of the Zerg. They are beautiful and cute. They seem to be harmless to humans and animals. The number of clan is not as good as those of the ants and spiders. However, each of them is very powerful and is less of a zerg. Some clans replace mass with mass. Zerg's number one player, Zheyi, is a member of the Butterfly family.

At this moment, she waved a delicate hand with a delicate hand, and countless butterflies flew between her fingers, expanding the size of the group of butterflies around Huang Yi.

The butterflies quickly turned into a squirming caterpillar, crawling towards Huang Yi, and would crawl in from his seven tricks.

Huang Yi kept dodging continuously, but the dragon wings had been crawling with countless caterpillars day by day, and it was difficult to fan them.

When the caterpillars are layered on top of each other, countless caterpillars are squeezed down like rain.

Huang Yi immediately flapped another pair of wings, Death Wings!

The burning death wings spread quickly, covering one side of the sky, and the blaze of wind blades burst out, quickly spreading around and turning into a sea of ​​fire.

Those flying butterflies, countless crawling caterpillars, are all covered by this sea of ​​fire.

Some butterflies and caterpillars were burned into green smoke, but more butterflies and caterpillars continued to attack against the flames. There was a steady stream, and they could not kill them.

Although the Butterfly clan wins by quality, this is only relative to other clans in the Zerg, which does not mean that they do not have the Zonghai tactics.

At this time, some caterpillars have crawled on Huang Yi's body, and he will be drowned!

"Guardian wings!" A pair of armor-like wings instantly wrapped Huang Yi's body, blocking those caterpillars.

He opened and closed his lips gently, and spit out the names of the ancestors of Nazarsh with a slight voice: "zdidib ... lkins ... zaisin ... diva ... alexdurex ... koniss ... shipnorth ... guderians ... darkalker ... "

Each of the ancestors of Naxash suddenly straddled time and space and attached power to him, making his Naxash blood boil.

The kiss of death was secretly mad, transpired from his skin, evaporated from the wings, and spread out.

After only a short while, all the butterflies flying in the sky stopped their wings and fell down.

Countless caterpillars stopped wriggling, fell from Huang Yi's body, and started a spectacular insect rain.

Under the powerful death kiss toxin, these endless bugs are finally dead!

The Zerg is also a race that is good at toxins. The resistance to toxins is very high, especially the spiders, which are almost going to catch up with Nasha. As long as the kiss of death is not drank into the body, these virtual gods can resist, but these butterflies and caterpillars do not have high resistance to toxins, and they are all poisoned to death.

After a while, Huang Yi's whole body was cleaned up, fresh and refreshing, and the dragon wings were no longer burdened by the day and could be used again.

"I don't want to fight with you!" Huang Yi threw a sentence after the butterfly, fanned the dragon wings day by day, and chased after the injured Zerg god.

The butterfly hurriedly flapped its wings to intercept, but only chased the afterglow of Huang Yi.

She couldn't capture Huang Yi's position.

On the spider web, the queen spider can perceive the slight fluctuations in each space, but the queen butterfly does not. She does not have this perception ability. Once escaped by Huang Yi, it is difficult to catch up.

At this time, Huang Yi finally caught up with the frightened Zerg Xushen, a shadow of blood flashed over, and smashed into its abdomen.

The Zerg dodged in horror, stretched out the remaining parts of eight legs, and tried to protect his belly!

"Oh!" The stubs of the eight legs were cut off again, and they fell all together!

The butcher's cast was undiminished, and it continued to cut to its abdomen, tearing the skin directly, completely immersed in it, and then cut out from the back, bringing out a tragic bloodline.

"Wow!" The Zerg's abdomen was cut off directly. Www.readwn.com ~ All organs "Wow" fell out, leaving only some intestines stuck.

The monstrous green blood poured out, turned into a green torrent, flew into the butcher knife, was absorbed completely, and turned into yellow spilled blood.

The Zombie's imaginary face twisted, making a scream of screaming, dragging the remaining body, and continued to escape desperately.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, landed on top of it, waved the butcher knife, and split it off.

A flash of blood flashed, the Zerg Xushen was cut in half directly, and the remaining internal organs poured out and died completely.

This is a massacre!

Only four knives were used in succession, and an injured Zerg Xushen died in Huang Yi's hands.

If it came from his body, he might only need two knives.

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