Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1590: Collecting virtual **** souls

If it is replaced with the weapon of killing the wrath of the god, then even if the Zerg virtual **** is injured, Huang Yi will not kill it so easily.

But the butcher knife is completely different in the hand. Killing this kind of false **** that is not at its peak is as simple as chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

There is a property called "bleeding" in the butcher knife. Once it hits the enemy, it can put the enemy into a bleeding state and increase the damage to the enemy by 100%.

And Huang Yi's blood dragon blood veins also have an attribute related to the bleeding state, which can cause 150% damage to the enemy in the bleeding state.

These two improvements made Huang Yi's combat effectiveness far beyond what he should have, and the enemy could only choose to escape when he encountered it.

But escape is useless, Huang Yi's daily dragon wing is a finished space artifact, and no matter how he escapes, he will be easily caught up.

It can be said that Huang Yi is an unsolvable enemy. He must have speed and speed, lethality and lethality, return blood and return blood, and have defense and defense. There are almost no weaknesses.

This Zerg team is also qualified to fight with Huang Yi.

At this time, the butcher knife trembled violently, giving off a strong suction!

A sudden mass of translucent things rose from the zombie god's body. It was the soul of the zerg god. His eight legs were struggling violently, but only in vain, and quickly shrank quickly. Above, it was surrounded by butcher knives, floating around like a small satellite.

Where Huang Yi slashed the butcher knife, the soul followed him wherever he went.

The butcher knife finally absorbed an soul of an imaginary god. The imaginary soul not only allowed Huang Yi to use the enhanced artifact skills, but also increased his total attributes by 10%. There is no upper limit. If it can absorb 10 imaginary souls, , Then his full attributes can be doubled, and if he absorbs 100 virtual **** souls, then his full attributes can be doubled 10 times ...

Huang Yi held the handle and felt his strength was stronger. He smiled with satisfaction, then fanned the dragon wings day by day, and teleported to the back of another injured Zerg god.

A flash of blood flashed, the butcher's knife easily cut off the two Zerg gods' false legs, and the wound sprayed turbulent green blood, all of which were sucked into the butcher's knife, and entered the body of Huang Yi against the knife handle. Increased his health limit.

The Zerg had a painful look of imagination, and spit out a white cobweb in a tense mouth, and pressed it down toward Huang Yi, and he was about to be caught by the sight.

Huang Yi suddenly disappeared under the net, appeared in front of another Zerg **** in the distance, and hacked down.

The Zombie Deity was intact and well-prepared. He desperately moved eight legs and fled through the huge spider web.

"Oh!" The butcher knife fell to the ground, only torn on the cobweb, breaking through a large hole and breaking the spider silk.

Huang Yi didn't care, and moved to the next Zerg behind him, holding up a butcher knife.

The Zerg Xushen quickly spread out on his side, but one hind leg was too late to be retracted and was cut off by a butcher knife ...

In this way, Huang Yi fought against the daily dragon wings and saw a zombie virtual **** shuttle back and forth. His appearance was irregular. He only attacked the virtual **** the last moment, and appeared in another zerg the next moment. Behind the virtual god, the ghosts appeared invincible, blood splattered everywhere, and the severed limb flew across.

"Take me as the center, shrink the defensive circle!" The spider Queen finally couldn't stand it anymore, and actively withdrew from the battle against the sky, standing at the center of the spider web.

The spider silk of the cobweb trembled violently. A frightened zerg zombie gathered quickly from all directions along the spider silk, and leaned tightly around the back of the spider to form a dense defense circle.

"Jointly attack these dreams first! Wake them up!" Butterfly later ordered a butterfly dance, and then the butterfly danced in the void, and the light wings flew up and down.

Hundreds of thousands of colorful butterflies flew out of the void and turned into a turbulent torrent, surrounded by the few remaining dream gods.

Other Zerg Xushen also shot, and launched various attacks.

A dream-like **** of gods was surrounded by a cobweb, and then drowned in endless butterflies and turned into fly ash.

A Dream man could not escape, and was penetrated by the eight legs of a Zombie god, dissipating in the void.

These dream gods have no complete strength, and they have been fighting for too long. They are already at the end of the crossbow. Now they are awakened and returned to the dream universe.

Only Meng Tiantian is still alive and living, and is catching a butterfly girl's wild attack. There is no sign of exhaustion. He did not use weapons, but only with a pair of fleshy palms, he defeated the girls.

"Yeah!" The butterfly girl finally couldn't resist, and she was punched in the chest by Meng Nitian, spitting a big blood.

She was so frightened that she fluttered her wings and fled away.

Meng Nitian just wanted to chase after him, and a butterfly behind him suddenly appeared in front of him. Numerous butterfly groups surrounded him, temporarily stopping him, and lost the opportunity for chasing.

The flight-ridden Butterfly girl finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at her injury.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a rope fell from the sky!

The two ends of this rope are two snake heads, spitting snake snakes like a two-headed snake, full of spirituality.

It quickly fell on the girl's body, and automatically made a circle, the two snake heads biting each other, firmly binding the girl's wings, unable to move.

This is the same item that Huang Yi has not used for a long time to bind the magic rope, which can bind the target's wings.

However, this item was not high-grade, and only trapped the butterfly tribe girl for a little while, she was freed by brute force, the two snake heads pulled down and collapsed aside.

This delay has won precious time for Meng Qitian, avoided the harassment of the butterfly, and caught up with the butterfly girl, and a fierce fist bombarded the slender back of the butterfly girl ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ touch! "The girl turned into a bloodline and flew out weakly.

The next moment, a flash of blood flashed, her body was split into two halves, revealing the yellow overflow behind, and the butcher knife in her hand dripped blood.

He had just fought elsewhere, but with six eyes and ears in all directions, he found this rare opportunity. First, he sacrificed the **** magic rope to interfere with the escape of the butterfly girl, and Meng Qitian successfully wounded her, and then fanned the Sun Dragon Wings. Came to make up the knife and grabbed the head.

The butterfly girl's blood was absorbed again by the butcher's knife, and transformed into Huang Yi's blood, and her soul was soon sucked out, attached to the blade body, and kept encircling.

At this moment, there are already two virtual **** souls around the butcher knife, like a double dragon playing with beads, with imposing momentum.

There will be some updates, the next chapter will be at 10 tomorrow morning.

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