Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1591: Enhanced version decided!

"Kill God, my people are almost awake! We will launch the last big move at the cost of awakening, try to destroy them as much as possible, you are faster than me, pay attention to make up the knife to pick up the head!" Suddenly the sky spoke to Huang Yi.

"Okay! I like picking people up!" Huang Yi nodded and smiled.

The next moment, Meng Nitian waved a big hand and released a dream-like light, connecting the last few dream gods, forming a connected whole.

Subsequently, their bodies shook violently, expanding rapidly, becoming more hazy, more and more twisted, the brilliance flowing, like colored bubbles.

Meng Guitian smiled slightly and spit out the last mantra--

"Fantasy bubbles!"

"Boom!" All the dream gods exploded, spattering into countless light spots, like small drops of water splashing after the bubble burst, sweeping away in all directions.

The zerg gods gathered around the back of the spider, and the formation was dense. All of them were swept by this colorful light spot, and were blown up. The entire spider web was lifted up, and the broken spider silk was flying around.

Huang Yi quickly fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, and rushed towards the zombie gods who were blown up and flying everywhere!

"Oh!" A shadow of blood flashed through, and a zombie god's abdomen was cut off more than half, and the gushing blood poured into the butcher knife.

"Do you dare!" The Queen of the Spider burst into rage, shot a green dagger, shattered the void, and slammed on the butcher's knife, giving Huang Yi a second hit.

The back of the butterfly also quickly flapped its wings, grabbed the seriously injured Zerg Xushen, and flew to the safe area.

Huang Yi continued to teleport to the back of the next Zerg virtual god, and the butcher knife turned into a blood light again, cutting off the eight legs of the zerg virtual god.

"Ding!" Butterflies rushed in time, with eight arms waving thousands of virtual shadows, blocking Huang Yi's next attack.

Huang Yi flickered again and attacked the next Zerg Xujin ...

"Dream Bubble" blasted the entire cobweb violently, and it has not subsided. It is shaking everywhere. It is difficult for the spider to perceive the position of Huang Yi through the fluctuation of the cobweb, and it is impossible to stop him in time.

But Huang Yi couldn't pick up a human head. Every time he attacked a target, the spider would appear after the next moment. He could only change the target constantly, and ran away with one cut.

Soon, the cobweb began to calm down, and the fluctuation range became smaller, and those Zerg virtual gods also stabilized. With precautions, Huang Yi became more and more difficult to touch the fish in muddy water.

"Quickly kill the spiders! Join forces to siege and kill God! The old lady will kill him with his own hands!" Zeng gave a command in a slaying manner.

The masters of the Dream clan have all awakened with the "Fantasy Bubbles". Only Huang Yi is left on the field, which is difficult to support alone. As long as the Zerg masters stabilize and form a formation, it is enough to siege Huang Yi.

Soon, a zombie **** did not care about the injury, and quickly occupied a specific position on the spider web, forming a mysterious array.

Each piece of spider silk became a masterpiece of light, and it became a line of formation, and the cobweb became a formation.

The ocean-like atmosphere transpired from each spider silk, and the entire cobweb began to gather, bringing the skynet's unrelenting momentum.

Huang Yi only felt that the day-to-day dragon wings behind him were so heavy that it was difficult to fan them, and the figure became slower and slower. The cobwebs surrounded by heaven and earth were so imposing that they were about to be fully netted soon. .

All kinds of light were drowned towards him, and the amount of blood converted to him before the butcher knife was immediately killed, and the bloodline was in danger!

It's time to escape!

He can't carry so many Zerg masters by himself. If he fights again, his avatar may be caught alive by Zerg. At that time, they have a way to destroy the avatar material a little bit, which is more dangerous than death.

The next moment, Huang Yi held up the butcher knife, looked around, and offered to sacrifice a Zerg soul surrounding the knife, and produced a strengthened version of [Zhan Li Jue]!

A dazzling light of blood spread out from the butcher's knife, like the light of death swept across the hall, spread to the end of Huang Yi's sight, and flew to the dazzling stars!

All Zerg masters are swept by this blood, and none can escape! I was stained with blood!




Three dull voices sounded, and the three most severely injured Zerg gods burst into pieces, turning them into pieces of flesh, and there was no time to scream.

Countless blood droplets gathered from their direction and turned into three torrents of blood, all of which were sucked into the butcher's knife and dyed the knife's color to turquoise.

Huang Yi's bottomed blood volume was instantly replenished, and he overflowed a lot, re-raising the upper blood limit.

At the same time, the spirits of the three Zerg gods flew over from the area where they died, all around the butcher knife, and stars surrounded it.

Where the slaughter waved, these souls followed where they flew, suddenly falling from Zerg's camp to Huang Yi.

The enhanced version of Decisive Decisive can directly kill demigods with less than 50% health, virtual gods with less than 30% health, and all gods with less than 10% health.

There are three Zerg Xujins just below the 30% blood line. This skill has harvested three Xujin Souls at once.

And the release price of this skill is to consume one soul of the false god. This offset, Huang Yi made two souls!

At this moment, the four souls have been surrounded by the butcher's knives. They flew up and down, greatly increasing the momentum of the butcher's knives. It looks like a galaxy, and planets rotate around the stars.

"You're dead !!!" The queen spider was stricken, roaring loudly, and rushed towards Huang Yi with anger, and the green dagger on the character's arm glowed with harsh cold light!

The formation on the spider web is still in effect, and the remaining Zerg virtual gods are fully urging the formation to gather the spider web and catch the yellow overflow!

Huge pressure calmed down Huang Yi, and the dragon wings hang down day by day, making it difficult to fan the slightest, and the wings of the guardian wing and the wing of freedom are also difficult to fan.

Huang Yi has almost become one of them, and they can only be caught alive.

But Huang Yi's expression was still calm ~ www.readwn.com ~ Instead, he smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said, "See you in another day!"

After all, he directly lifted the butcher knife and wiped it on his neck!

All vitality is cut off and turned into a corpse!

He killed himself!

Suicide in front of all Zerg masters!

Almost a colleague, the cobweb was completely closed, but it was empty.

Huang Yi's body disappeared, missing.

This is just his incarnation. Death is not a problem. Instead, he can escape from despair by death.

This death does not interfere with the soul, will not go to the underworld, and the butcher will not absorb his soul, and will soon be resurrected.

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