Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1592: All parties gather

In this battle, he killed five Zerg virtual gods, which not only greatly weakened the strength of the Zerg reinforcements, but also collected the soul of the virtual gods and enhanced his strength.

However, thanks to the help of the Dream clan, otherwise he would not dare to go to the trouble of the Zerg clan.


In a starry sky not far from the Second World, three evil **** criminals, such as Yuxue Dejun, are gathered together, looking anxiously at the direction of the moon.

As soon as the dream clan came out of the dream bubble, they knew that something was bad and escaped first.

"Isn't something going to kill God? If he does, don't we all want to survive."

"But just now we can only run away and stay there only to be killed by the Siege!"

"His avatar is very powerful, and he can be resurrected if he is dead. As long as the avatar materials are not destroyed, we will not be implicated."

As they talked, a figure suddenly appeared in the void ahead.

They were all taken aback, and made defensive measures subconsciously. Only after seeing them clearly did they finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Come, it is the incarnation of Huang Yi.

After he became a reincarnation of the **** of death, he got some resurrection privileges. He didn't need to be resurrected at the resurrection point, but he could be resurrected in any area. Of course, some special areas are excluded, such as the small universe of the demons, the forbidden area covered by arrays, and so on.

Huang Yi turned to look at the three false **** criminals, nodded, and said, "This time you are still smart! Escape early, otherwise you may be accounted for on that spider web."

"Boss, as soon as you let us out and get involved in a battle of this size, you will be dead!" Complained a hypothetical criminal.

"Unfortunately, this battle is only an appetizer!" Huang Yi solemnly said, "The second world is suffering from the refining of several demon kings. The Zerg team you just saw is just one of their supporters! Limited strength! , You will face a more fierce battle next. "

"Oh my God! Why did I believe what you said, was the price of freedom so high?" The hypocrisy criminal mourned.

Huang Yi's expression eased, and he comforted: "I won't let you work hard all the time! The Second World is temporarily safe for the past two days. You can trim it. The important allies of the Second World should also be within these two days. Arrive one after another. Two days later, some gods in the heavenly world will also lower their power and enhance the strength of some reincarnation in the second world. At that time, it will be the final battle. As long as that battle is won, you will be much more comfortable in the future. . "

The Bloody Demon Lord nodded his head, and said lightly, "Okay! I hope you talk! We will do our best to fight in two days. If the battle is dead, then there is nothing to say, but if the second world wins, then I hope you Do n’t take us as cannon fodder, otherwise I would rather commit suicide than kill myself. Before I was loyal to Vulcan, I rarely participated in such a dangerous battle. Now the owner has changed to you, and it ca n’t be worse than before . "

"That's because Vulcan's level is too high. Generally, you don't need your help, and my current strength must let you take the shot. However, I will not intentionally let you go to death, the decisive battle two days later. This is also your battle for freedom. You can get a lot of freedom if you win, "Huang Yi reiterated.

Although he is the master of these three godless criminals, he has no feelings for each other, and his strength cannot surpass them too much, and his majesty is limited.

If it were Vulcan, then the bloodbathed monarch would not dare to speak like that. Vulcan has countless ways to torture him, making him unable to even commit suicide, but living in pain forever.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the direction of the Second World. The distant planet, Jin Cancan, was under the freeze of time, but two days later, the golden light would dissipate, and the final battle would then be reached.

He clenched the butcher knife in his hand, and the four Zerg souls on the butcher knife were flying up and down.

In that big battle two days later, I don't know how many souls will be added to this butcher knife?


In another starry sky not far from the Second World, in a barren planet, more than a dozen cricket figures suddenly appeared on a hidden teleportation array.

This group of people had bone spurs on them, like a long sword coming out of their body, and their eyes were burning with a strong fighting spirit.

The three men headed in front exude a spirit-like eternal breath, which is the ancient mortal **** that has existed since ancient times and has lived to the present.

This team is the power of the War Clan to support the Second World.

The three headed by them are the clones of the three mortal leaders of the war clan.

Earlier, after the announcement of Huang Yi becoming the reincarnation of the death sounded, the creation ancestors of the war clan awakened and personally issued an order for them to come to support the Second World.

Here you can clearly see the Second World, the world of Jin Chancan, which is very different from the original.

The headed fan of the gods stretched out his hand and made a stop gesture, saying, "There seems to be something happening in the second world. Let's stop here first to see the movement, when the time is right, we will pass.


On another distant planet, the sky is hung with a hot sun, and the bright sun is burning the earth.

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sun disappeared, the sky was dark, and only a few stars could be seen faintly, and instantly changed from day to night.

In the night, more than a dozen people's silhouettes appeared, silent like a ghost.

They were all facing the second world, motionless.

"Master Lord of the Night! Are we really going to intervene in this war between the Second World and the Demons?" A voice asked in the darkness.

"That was before!" A steady voice sounded, and the speed of speech was very slow. "Over the years, our night clan has always been the weakest one of the top races in the universe. Only me, such a god, is suffering. Now the Three Realms are coming. With the upheaval, the catastrophe and opportunity coexist. If we do nothing and shrink into the night, we may miss the opportunity for the rise of our clan. It is time to stand and I am willing to fight for the clan and stand On the side of the second world. The two god-sent people, Sword Emperor and God of Despair, have become the next-generation Pluto and Death, respectively, and the wings have become large. The Demon Clan has successively fallen three demon kings and a new king, and the losses are unprecedented. I believe that even if the King of Hell has the power of the sky, he can no longer dominate the world. When the second world wins, we will usher in an unprecedented good night because of our choice today. "

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