Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1593: Fight the stellar king again

In addition to the War Clan and the Night Clan, many forces have also reached the vicinity of the Second World and are observing in secret, waiting for the right time to appear.

On the surface, it all seemed calm.

But soon, a storm that will affect the whole world will come.

Huang Yi is the core character of this storm, but at this moment, his incarnation has come to a completely unrelated place-the sun.

The energy of his incarnation is only 6%, and even if the suicide is resurrected, it will not fill up, and it needs to absorb a lot of energy.

The fastest place to replenish energy is the sun.

He plunged into the boundless flames of the sun, immersed in the boundless source of energy, and greedily devoured the surrounding energy.

He did not use the daylight dragon wing's lighting ability. Now he is too close to the light source, there is a risk of burnout, and he does not lack this lighting ability.

His light family blood has the function of absorbing the astral light and transforming it into divine power.

The body of the incarnation comes from the **** of light, and is most compatible with light.

The legs of the incarnation are from the lava war demon, and can absorb the flames of fire.

Under these various means of absorbing light, the energy of this large area of ​​the sun has converged towards the incarnation of Huang Yi, forming a huge vortex.

While absorbing energy, he took an item out of the storage ring.

This is a fist-sized eyeball, crystal clear, and splendid, the eyes are like a black hole, deep and weird.

This is the artifact that Huang Yi seized from the blood ring-the eye of the blue sea.

He immediately threw the blue-eyed gloomy eye into the air, and that eye suddenly turned slowly, his eyes looking in all directions, looking for what Huang Yi was looking for.

When the eyes of the blue sea sorrowful eye turned to a certain position, it suddenly stopped turning, and the red light became large, and a picture appeared on the eyeball——

In another area of ​​the sun, a mighty body was sitting side by side in an endless blaze of flames, his skin cracked like rocks, exposing the fiery red flesh like magma below.

Several of the cracks were extremely large, and the hot lava was flowing from the wound, like several huge wounds.

At this time, his expression was exhausted, he was closing his eyes and recuperating, he was fully healing, some flames turned into pure energy, nourishing his wound.

"The Stellar King!" Huang Yi smiled slightly. In addition to recharging, he was looking for this stellar King.

The stellar king is almost at the same level as Xuan Wuxiong, and he has cultivated to the extent that the virtual **** is fully consummated. The prototype of the godhead has been condensed, and he can be sealed at any time, or he can stay in the world to become a mortal god.

Last time, the stellar king had seized the sun, saying that it was not the second world sun, but his personal belongings. Huang Yi had to deceive him with the identity of the Moon clan, and later tricked him to go to the moon to attack the enchantment of the demons and acted as a free thug.

After the star stellar king was injured and retreated, Huang Yi issued false orders to several moon gods, asking them to come to the sun to chase the stellar king.

After repeated battles, the Stellar King has been wounded and has lost his previous strength. Even if he wants to seal the god, he must first heal the injury, otherwise he cannot survive the thunder of the god.

He wanted to occupy the Sun of the Second World, and he was considered an enemy, and now it was used to replenish the soul of the butcher knife.

Huang Yi shook his body, switched to the Dark King form of the Light clan, carrying the butcher knife, swayed in the direction of the Stellar King.

Although the butcher may reveal his true identity, the only supporter of the Zerg who has seen the butcher can not reach the ears of the stellar king in a short time.


At this time, the stellar king was healing, but the anger in his heart was indescribable.

"Devils, moons, you are all miscellaneous! When the king has healed his wounds, he will make you **** and bloody!"

Stellar King secretly set his heart, before he hesitated to decide whether to be god, now this is not the main problem, revenge is the first priority.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge force hit his waist, beating him backwards.

Fortunately, his strength was strong, he removed some of the power at the first time, and did not suffer too much trauma, and quickly stabilized his body.

"The Stellar King, we meet again!" Huang Yi, carrying the butcher knife, made the voice of the King of Darkness.

The star stellar stare at Huang Yi, suddenly burst into tears, and yelled, "You are looking for death!"

"Boom!" Countless cracks erupted on him, and magma spewed out, turning into a magma torrent, violently impacting towards Huang Yi.

This blow carried the raging anger of the stellar king, enough to burn down the eight wastelands and destroy everything.

But the next moment, the magma torrent suddenly changed direction, and went straight to the butcher knife in Huang Yi's hand, and was absorbed completely instantly, and even the butcher knife was roasted into a fire red.

Not only that, the magma flowed down the hilt, sinking into Huang Yi's body.

These magma are the blood of the stellar king, with a breath of divine power, belong to the bloodthirsty category of the butcher knife, and can be converted into yellow spilled blood.

"In front of my King of Darkness, you have nothing to do with this little eagle worm. The King of Destruction is much stronger than you!" Huang Yi said without a word, and when he raised the butcher knife, he rushed towards the Stellar King.

The stellar King looked slightly changed, but he didn't expect that weird sword to so easily resolve his offensive.

He stretched out his palm and grabbed it towards the void. The numerous fires of the sun suddenly gathered towards his palm, turning into a burning axe, and fighting hard with Huang Yi.

"Boom!" The two did not dodge ~ www.readwn.com ~ banged on each other.

The turbulent shock wave swept away in all directions, setting off a huge wave in the sea of ​​fire of the sun, splashing into the sky, forming a corona.

The stellar king is like a madman, slashing madly at Huang Yi, violently saying: "My lord is omnipotent in the sun, with constant divine power, almost immortal. Where can you get the confidence to come to my trouble? Let your body roll out, we will fight one endlessly! We will never kill you without killing you! "

"Uncontrollable, I am the King of Darkness, with a distinguished status. With an order, the Endless Demon Army listens to my dispatch. There are only a group of virtual gods under your control. You are alone and lonely. Why kill me?" Huang Yi finally chose Avoidance, but refused to persuade.

"Very good! Vicious!" The stellar king of anger smiled angrily. "My king was still hesitant to seal the god. Now you have decided for the king! He will return to the doomsday volcano, promote all gods, and conquer The Lava War Demon family has all false gods! Aren't you bullying the king? No one? Then the king will be allied with the **** of killing, and they will bloodwash the demons! "

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