Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1594: The 3rd Generation Virtual World "Origin"!

? Hearing the word "kill the god", Huang Yi's mouth slightly raised, but soon returned to a cold look, fighting with the stellar king of the stars, without saying more.

The Stellar King is not at its peak, but he is extremely fierce, deadly, raging, and the power of dissipation explodes into the surrounding fire, like the end of the world.

Huang Yi mainly retreats, and occasionally seizes the opportunity to launch an attack. When the stellar king's divine power is exhausted, it is when he turns to defend.

"Oh!" The stellar king opened his mouth wide and took a sip against the sea of ​​fire in all directions.

All of a sudden, the flames of a large area all gathered in a frenzy, turned into a torrent of flames, inhaled into his mouth, and swallowed into his stomach.

The surrounding sea of ​​fire quickly dimmed, the temperature dropped, and from a distance it looked like a sunspot appeared in the sun.

After such an inhalation, the stellar king suddenly became full of red, full of divine power, and the fire in his eyes was much brighter. When he raised his hand and raised his hand, he threw dozens of huge blasts towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi continued to dodge, frowning.

His avatar is devouring energy fast enough, but the Stellar King is faster than him. There is a lot of water on this sun, and his power is endless. He can quickly replenish as much as he consumes, almost immortal.

It is useless to fight like this unless he can use more means, such as consuming Nefarem's power to flap the wings of killing, such as summoning a dragon and blood ring ...

However, these methods will reveal their true identity, and they can not be guaranteed to be able to kill the stellar king. The stellar king must also have hidden tricks, unless he is coming, he has great confidence.

Huang Yi thought for a moment, then resigned.

The stellar King ’s words just proved that he is still valuable. If he can really return to the doomsday volcano and find a small world to hide in and become a mortal god, it is really possible to become the leader of the lava war demon family.

The Lava War Demon, like the Phoenix and the Star Monster, is also the top creature in the universe. The two mortal figures, the Lord of Destruction and Vulcan, came out of the Lava War Demon family. It's just that they are too few to form a large-scale ethnic group and fail to rank among the top races in the universe.

If the Stellar King really can conquer all the virtual gods of the Lava War Demon and go to attack the demons, then it will be a powerful ally. At that time, the value he exerted will far exceed the value obtained by killing him now.

Anyway, it is difficult to kill him now, he simply let him go, giving the demons one more enemy.

Thinking of this, Huang Yi immediately drew his sword, retreated quickly, and exclaimed: "To spare you a dog's life today, when my demons win the second world, the king will come and kill you again!" After that, he never looked back. The ground left quickly.

"Don't run! Three hundred rounds of battle with the King!" The stellar king chased in anger in the back, setting off a fierce wave of fire all the way, all kinds of magma torrents, fireball meteorite smashed towards Huang Yi behind.

But Huang Yi's speed was too fast, and he flew away the stellar king a few times, leaving only the angry roar of the stellar king from afar.

After leaving a long distance, Huang Yi stopped in another area of ​​the sun, continued to sit cross-legged in the ocean of flames, absorbed energy, and prepared for the final battle.


Two days have passed since Huang Yi made the hourglass.

The forum was bustling like never before. Players couldn't go to the second world and naturally gathered in the forum to discuss the upcoming final battle.

Everyone knows that this decisive battle is of great significance and represents the turning point of the Second World and the Demon forces.

In the past few years, the Second World has been suppressed by the Demons, but as long as the general battle is won, the two sides will turn around. The Second World will press the Demons to fight. The demons ’universe must face the invasion of the Second World. .

Before Huang Yi landed in the Second World, he also came to the forum and glanced at the 24-hour hot list.

"The light of time enchantment is darkening, the second world is about to return to normal, and the decisive battle is about to begin."

".T interviewed by the media: Do not exclude cooperation with God."

"Time Corporation revealed that the third generation of the virtual world has been named" Origin ", and it is expected to be officially opened one year later. Can God, Sword, etc. continue to write legends?"

"In the past, the well-known master [Undefeated] had a life-slump life, and endorsed Jin Ye's Fertilizer."


The third message on the leaderboard caught his attention slightly.

Time has almost prepared the third generation of the virtual world, and even the name has been set.

The first generation of the virtual world many years ago was called "Hope". The main birthplace of the God-given man was in the world of Oroas, which is the hometown of the alchemist [Filter Night] of the heroic empire.

Now the second generation of the virtual world, everyone is used to call the "second world", the main birthplace of God-given people, but the project code of the original research and development stage was "Hero".

The third generation of the virtual world is named "Origin", and other news is unclear, but from this name, it is likely to be related to "the place of origin". The place of origin contains the origins of various universes, and even the ultimate characters such as Emperor Huangquan and Death have traveled to the place of origin, showing its importance.

At the time, Huang Yi and Mr. Huang Sha, the president of the company, talked about this issue. Mr. Huang Sha has revealed that the best players in this generation of virtual worlds can become great historical figures in the next generation of virtual worlds, similar to Ultimate BOSS, NPC and the like.

Judging by Huang Yi's performance, he will definitely be able to enter the third-generation virtual world. Perhaps by then, the "killing god" will become the "king of hell" and "death".

By then ~ www.readwn.com ~ The world federation should have fallen, Huang Yi can also explore the virtual world with a pure player mentality, explore ancient ruins, sing heroic epics, and see all kinds of worlds Beautiful scenery and local customs, not always stressful like now.

However, this is only his guess, and only the core characters of the company know.

Huang Yi is not in a hurry. After winning the fourth annual grand ceremony, he has not yet made a wish with Mr. Huang Sha, so he can ask by the time.

Seeing that it was almost time, he left the forum and landed in the Second World.

He is one of more than 1,000 players frozen by the time hourglass. After going online at this time, his body still cannot move, but his eyes are not closed, and the picture can still be seen, but the angle of view is fixed and cannot be rotated. .

At this point, in his sight, the other areas were still like photos, but the hourglass in his hand was dynamic.

The sand of time is almost completely leaked out, leaving only the last bit.

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