Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1595: Savage Jar

At this point, all of the more than 1,000 players frozen by the hourglass were all online, and everyone was on their own.

Viewers around the world either sit in front of the TV, open the live broadcast website of Light Brain, or gather live broadcast posts gathered in the forum, holding their breaths and waiting.

Reporters and guests from major media sat in the live broadcast room, looking serious, analyzing the future situation.

Outside of the second world, the avatars of the four demon kings sit in all directions, pouring out the power of refining and locking the second world in advance.

The Yue tribe's twin-brake masterpiece revolves rapidly around the Second World, leaving a longitude and a latitude line to reinforce the moon prisoners.

More than a dozen gods of the barbaric religion gathered into a group, forming a matrix, staring directly at the increasingly dim time enchantment.

The masters of the major forces are hiding in a farther dark place, flexing their muscles, ready to kill at any time.

The tension was everywhere, and everyone was waiting for that moment.

Finally, in the hourglass of time, the last ray of golden light flowed down and then went out completely.

At the same time, the enchantment of time that envelops the entire Second World disappears instantly!

next moment.

The frozen attack erupted instantly!

The condensed waves are released instantly!

More than a thousand statue-like masters suddenly resumed activities!

The second world, which was stationary, suddenly came alive and entered a fierce confrontation.

The long-prepared refining power of the demons and the barbarians has been pressed against the second world instantly. The strength of the mighty shore has fallen from the sky, and it is irresistible!

Peaks have been crushed, the continent has cracked, and the world is collapsing everywhere.

More than a thousand players were suddenly pushed down by invisible forces, falling down quickly, breathing hard, and slowing their bodies.

A group of top guardians hurriedly made every effort to resist this refining force.

"Boom!" In the outer space of the second world, a shocking explosion broke out from the crowd of virtual gods of the wild gods. More than a dozen virtual gods were suddenly shaken out, two of them were seriously injured on the spot, and their blood was splashing.

A horrible figure came down instantly, all twelve golden angel wings were unfolded, two eyes of thunderbolt fired endless arcs, a thick unicorn arm crossed his chest, and two lava war demon legs spewed flames ... ...

This is the embodiment of Huang Yi!

And it is an incarnation of 100% energy, which can fully display the strength of the corpse material. Its strength is almost comparable to the body of the god, but it cannot be controlled, it will only be destroyed madly.

This time suddenly, like a dragon and a wolf entering the flock, they directly collapsed the formation of the Savage God.

The refining power of the Barbarians was interrupted, and the pressure in the Second World suddenly abated.

"You continue to refine the second world, let me deal with him!" Lord Soderros gave a command to the other gods, waved his hand, and poured out the vast divine power, condensed into a giant axe, and split into the avatar. under.

The incarnation stretched out the unicorn's arm, grabbed the celestial axe, turned it into his own use, and chopped away towards the surrounding gods, suddenly hitting seven or eight people. Then he turned his head, and a pair of electric eyes stared directly at the Lord Soderros, splitting two thick lightning bolts.

Lord Soderros quickly flew away, but was still swept by the aftermath of thunder and lightning, and his skin was burnt and embarrassed.

"Huh! Don't dare to come out and show ugliness without wisdom?" Xuan Wuxiong hummed coldly, teleported behind the incarnation, and poured his strength into his arms with a punch.

"Boom!" The boundless force exploded, the space shattered, the avatar was knocked down and flew out, and several virtual gods flew in a row.

The incarnate legs of the lava war demon stepped on an imaginary **** and stabilized his body.

The virtual **** was kicked out by his powerful kick, roared, holding a sword in his hand, and rushed towards the incarnation.

"Oh!" At this moment, the void behind him shot a ray of blood, and a huge snake-believer penetrated his body instantly, hitting him seriously.

Then, a huge blood-colored python appeared behind his back, slowly withdrew the blood-stained snake-belly, and licked contentedly.

This giant python exudes a terrifying breath, coiling its body, arrogant to the void, with a hint of the coercion of the gods.

"Blood ring ?!" Soderros' pupil shrinked, staring in horror at the **** python that suddenly appeared.

This blood-colored python is exactly the blood ring that Huang Yi controls with the heart of the realm, in the form of the body.

The blood ring is the former ascendant, the blood hoof. Even if the strength falls now, it is also a powerful pseudo-god, still carrying a breath of god-seal.

"Blood Ring, how dare you hurt my Savage! You want to betray the Savage Lord!" Soderros' surprise was soon replaced by anger, and he asked sharply.

"Betrayal? Hum! Before the Demons invaded the First World, killed hundreds of millions of innocent beings, and killed many gods of various races. Now, you and the Demons share the same foul! If you want to talk about the traitors, you are also a **** That's it! "Blood Ring's eyes were cold, and he said politely.

"You're finally showing your true colors!" Said the leader of Soderros, "The Lord Savage had been jealous of you before, but remembered your credit to the First World, but didn't do anything to you. Now you control Na The Jia family thought that they had full wings and could challenge the authority of the Lord God? Nothing! Today I will clear the portal for the First World! "

After finishing ~ www.readwn.com ~, he drew a quaint earthen jar in the palm of his hand, there are countless naked primitive people painted on the earthen jar, holding stone spears, hunting, exuding an ancient barbaric breath .

He tilted the mouth of the earthen jar down, and the translucent villains were suddenly poured out of the mouth of the jar, and then quickly grew to become life-size.

These men were naked, holding stone spears, and were very aggressive, exactly like the pictures on the crocks, but in the form of soul.

Within a few moments, hundreds of primitive human souls appeared in the void, one by one, the dragons and tigers were fierce, with beast-like calls in their mouths, and the stone spears rushed towards the blood ring, and began hunting.

This earthen jar is one of the savage artifacts of the Barbarians [Barbarian Barks]. The primitive people dumped out are all demigods, converging into a demigod army. They are brutal and uncivilized. In the primitive era, they dared to hunt the giant beasts of floods and famines. They will not retreat even if they are in danger of life. Even if their prey is stronger than many of them, they will be killed in their hunt.

The blood ring spit out the snake snake, raised the head of the snake high, and flung out the huge snake tail!

"Boom!" This demigod was swept away by dozens of people in an instant, and the momentum of the charge eased.

But the army of primitive people behind did not fear the casualties, continued to rush forward, and threw the spear in their hands, covering the sky and the sun toward the blood ring.

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