Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1596: Difficult to kill God, the whole universe supports!

? This time, Huang Yi's avatar and blood ring were dragged.

Xuan Wuxiong's own strength, the martial arts and double repair, dragged Huang Yi's out of control incarnation, and the Lord Soderros also used the artifact [Barbaric Jar] to temporarily hold the blood.

As for why the blood ring and Huang Yi teamed up, everyone has no doubt.

Huang Yi had already allied with Naga before, and after the Blood Ring controlled the Naga family, it is possible to continue this cooperation.

And the blood ring was hidden in the second world for so long. Who knows if he is still loyal to the Savage God and it is normal to want to replace it.

"Everyone spread out, watch out for the **** death kiss!" Lord Soderros reminded the group of barbaric gods.

The group of imaginary gods suddenly dispersed and split into two parts.

Part of it supported Xuan Wuxiong and Soderros, attacking the incarnation and blood ring from a distance.

The other part retreated to another area, and once again formed a formation, continuing to help the demons refine the second world.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a loud dragon groaned through the void!

A mighty golden holy dragon was killed from the void, and a spit of dragon inflammation was fired at the array of the barbarism.

The group of virtual gods dodged all at once. Several virtual gods couldn't dodge. They were hit by Long Yan and caught in the sea of ​​fire.

The matrix method that has just been recombined is broken up again!

The sudden death of the golden holy dragon is Huang Yi's mount dragon, which is now a god-level strength.

The Golden Holy Dragon is one of the top dragons, with a strong physique. After reaching the level of virtual gods, he can resist several ordinary virtual gods.

That part of the savage gods were fierce and angry, all turned their heads and vented the anger on the dragon.

In a short period of time, Huang Yi developed three powerful fighting powers: the out-of-control avatar, the blood ring, and the dragon, forcibly dragging the entire support force of Barbarism.

"Joke! This power wants to hold us back?" Xuan Wuxiong snorted, intensifying his attack, and the power of breaking the void with one punch broke wildly on Hua.

The energy of the avatar was drastically reduced, and for another while, it would fall below the 30% warning line.

"Anyway! You can play slowly with the gods! We demons have freed up enough manpower to refine the Second World." At this time, an indifferent voice came from under the hood of the **** king .

Anyway, he waved at will!

In a short time, the magic of his body boiled, rolled wildly, and finally condensed into an entity, turning into a towering demon door.

In the gate of the demon king, the magic gas was continuously spit out, spreading to the surrounding interstellar space, countless stars were obscured by the magic gas, and the starlight was dim and dim.

Suddenly, the gate of the demon king trembled, stepping out of a group of rampant demon shadows, opened his teeth and claws in the tumbling magic, roared loudly.

Seventy-two Demon Demon Gods, shock came!

The seventy-two great gods form a terrifying gods army, exuding invincible momentum, shattering space, wherever they go, they will collapse, which world will fall to which world, and no one can stop them!

There are 20 Guangxu gods in the masters of the seventy-two gods, and the remaining 52 are demigods.

The power of the Demon Clan has once again refreshed everyone's cognition. Even if it declines to the present level, it can still send so many powerful people.

The hundred-footed worm died but was not stiff, and the camel was thinner than a horse!

In fact, the reason why the demons can draw so many masters, but also thanks to Huang Yi.

A few days ago, Huang Yi broke into the Devil's Universe, causing the King of Greed and the King of Curse to fall one after another, leading numerous dead Devil masters, which greatly weakened the Devil's power.

But at the same time, the King of Hell quickly refined the stars of greedy and cursed, greatly reduced the space of the demons small universe, and used the majestic power of these two planets to strengthen the small universe.

At present, the Demon Universe is almost half the size of the peak period, but the stability is not simply strengthened in the same proportion, but is geometrically doubled. Only a quarter of the power at the peak period can maintain stability. Then, the remaining Demon Clan Powerhouses were all liberated and were able to leave the small universe.

It can be said that if the King of Greed and the King of Curse do not die, then the 72 gods and demons will not come out!

In addition, the demons also issued recall orders, and many demons who were scattered in the billions of worlds were called back to fight the second world.

The current demons, whether in prestige or sphere of influence, have been reduced to the lowest point in history. They are desperate, as long as they can refine the Second World, they still have the hope of re-emerging. If this battle fails, it will be gone forever, it will decline completely, and there may even be a bare pole commander like the King of Hell.

"Set up the world extinction array, refining the second world!" The King of Hell did not look back and gave an order to the 72 demon demons.

The Seventy-two Great Demon Demon Scattered instantly, and came to various positions in the outer space of the Second World to form a huge array.

This is the second time that the demons have used the World Extinction Array to refine the entire Second World. The last time, with the help of several gods in the space temple, they formed a lineup of 36 virtual gods and 36 demigods. .

And this time the array of masters in the formation is weaker, there are only 20 virtual gods, but at the same time the second world is also reduced by 1/3 compared with the original. This contrast, the refining intensity has not actually decreased.

Soon, endless magical energy emerged from the 72 Demon Demon Clan, turning into a black barrier to connect with each other, covering the entire second world.

This barrier was as black as ink, and gradually blocked the sky of the Second World, wherever it passed, not even a little light was let down.

The living beings below felt only a gloom in front of them, and looked up. The outer space of the Second World seemed to have a huge black curtain slowly spreading out to completely cover the Second World.

"A world of destruction!"

Almost all the players who watched live broadcasts around the world recognized the shady scene and looked dull.

The Second World was originally trapped by moon prisoners, and now coupled with the world extinction, this is a mortal situation!

"Four younger brothers, what a big hand!" At this moment, a loud voice shone through the sky, and the stars shook.

In the distant starry sky, dozens of dragons flew over at the same time. The silver dragon, red dragon, thunder dragon, two-headed dragon, and poisonous dragon were all mighty and covered the sky ...

The three flying in the forefront are the most powerful, all exuding the breath of the gods, which are the three top dragon races-the golden holy dragon, the sacred dragon, and the dark dragon.

These three dragons are so imposing that they are high above them, like the king of dragons, leading the dragon group.

This is exactly the second world's closest ally, the Dragon's reinforcements!

The three dragons headed by them are the three supreme dragon emperors of the dragon family. They have been all gods since ancient times, which is equivalent to the strength of the demon king.

The King of Hell turned his head and looked at the dragons in the distance. A funny voice came out from the hood: "I haven't seen him for years, my brothers haven't grown so much!"

"Enough! Haven't you done enough troubles these years? My father can't bear it anymore!" Devil Dragon said sharply.

"That year we let you everything, but you treated us like that! You let us down!" Shenglong Supreme shook his head and sighed.

"You hurt our dragons with great vitality. Haven't you slowed down yet? Have you no guilt ?!" Divine Supreme Han asked in a voice.

The three supreme dragon emperors are struggling again and again, aggressive, as if reprimanding a spoiled child.

"Hmm!" The King of Hell snorted loudly, "If you all listened to me at the beginning, the Dragons would have dominated all the realms, and any Dream Clan or War Clan would have to submit to us! I have no choice but to stand on my own. This time, I will refine the Second World at all costs. Even if the three of you are together, they will not be your opponents. If you do n’t roll back, you do n’t mind If you kill all of you, the King will not miss the blood and family relationship. In the eyes of the King, only strength is the truth! "

"Good breath! I haven't fought for many years, let my brother come to see your skills!" The demon dragon was full of anger, his body exuded a surging magic, the richness was comparable to the king of hell, as if also Incarnate as a demon head.

"Our war clan also wants to compete with the demons!" Suddenly, a terrifying voice came from the distant void.

In the distance, a large area of ​​interstellar space was smashed by a sword, and the three major war clan Fanshen led a vast number of virtual gods.

All of them were spurs, holding swords and swords in their hands, their eyes were burning with mad warfare, and the boundless killing of the air immediately enveloped the audience.

"This time, the Demons will fall into the endless night." In the other void, the voice of the Lord of Darkness slowly sounded.

The bright sunlight disappeared instantly, the bright starry sky became dark, and more than a dozen night gods came together with the night to cover the sky and the earth.

They are one with the darkness, showing only a dozen still silhouettes, the omnipresent night, all obeying their orders.

"After this battle, my Kirin family will be promoted to the ranks of the top races in the universe!" Kirin, with more than a dozen heads and horned horns, came from the distant void to star.

The head is a Mo Qilin with a horn of thunder and lightning. His eyes are indifferent and exudes a divine dignity. He is actually the top powerful man who can seal God at any time.

The other dozen fire unicorns and water unicorns are intertwined with each other, forming an ice and fire double sky, crushed by the momentum of rowing mountains.


The emergence of these four major reinforcements ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately began the prelude to support, one by one, the forces associated with the Second World appeared.

"Tatu World Sword Alliance, come to support the Second World!"

"Eighth Cardinals of Xutian Deity come to support the Second World!"

"The Grand Marshal of the Tianxi Empire ordered His Majesty to support the Second World!"

"Three major protections of Sirius, come to support the Second World!"

In the endless universe, there is a sudden burst of dense masters of the gods. They come from various forces in various worlds. There are several virtual gods in the strong, and only one or two demigods in the weak.

But regardless of their strength, they all stood up resolutely at this moment, facing the second world.

The Demon side was immediately surrounded, and looking out, there were enemies everywhere in the starry sky.

Difficult to kill God, the whole universe supports!

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