Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1597: Gwang and Cardol Appear

? However, the purpose of these reinforcements came from different sources. Some came here to help the Second World. Some just wanted to fish in the muddy waters, and some simply did it.

But the appearance of so many people at the same time has brought tremendous pressure on the Demon side, and their number advantage has disappeared.

"Kill!" At this moment, the Demon Dragon screamed, his body turned into a shadow, and rushed towards the king of hell.

His charge suddenly accelerated as the dragons swarmed, and rushed towards the Demon's camp like a torrent. One Zhanglongkou opened one after another, spewing out all kinds of dragon inflammation, light waves, and venom.

The masters of the war clan also rushed over quickly, everyone yelled loudly, held up their weapons, shot a sword coldly, murderous and aggressive, but before they arrived, the sword light swordsman first cut it out.

The masters of the night clan turned into a dark shadow, boiling under the night, the strange breath permeated everywhere, and all the places they passed were engulfed by the night.


The more powerful the forces are, the more they are rushing forward, the mighty, the space is torn apart everywhere, and they can't bear the simultaneous attack of so many powerful gods.

Those weak demigods shook their flags in the back and sent out some long-range attacks from time to time without rushing up.

At this moment, the formation of the Demon Clan is under great threat, and the refining progress has to be stopped to confront these new enemies.

"Do you guys, black people, really think you can save the second world?" At this moment, the king of darkness laughed dismissively.

The next moment, a dazzling light suddenly radiated from all directions, and even the night under the cloth of the night clan was dispersed a lot. Anyone who was exposed to these lights slowed down, and the attacks issued weakened a lot.

I saw a multitude of colorful figures appearing from all sides, one by one, they were shining, noble, and very different from ordinary flesh and blood, like some illusions.

"Guangzhou masters!" These **** masters on the field have changed their faces.

These sudden lights and shadows are the masters of the Guangzu!

The light clan is a descendant of the "light source" of the founding ancestors. It is relatively low-key among all the top races in the universe, and it rarely appears. Their body structure is not the same as most races. They are made of pure photons without flesh.

The King of Darkness is an exception among the Light clan. He has a flesh body and is a rare black light body.

The light can be of various colors, red, blue, green, gold ... but black light cannot be the only thing. Darkness and light are opposites. The two should not be fused at the same time, but the King of Darkness can.

"Light will go out eventually, darkness will be forever." At this moment, the king of darkness uttered a spell, fluttered his palm, and took out a strange object.

It was a black round wheel, emitting a vast and strange black light. The center of this light was white light, but it was surrounded by a layer of darkness. The white light was faintly illuminating through the darkness. It was extremely strange, giving a unique The illusion of "black light".

He held the round wheel, as if holding a dark hot sun.

This round is the magic weapon of the King of Darkness, the Wheel of Darkness, and is also commonly known as the "Black Sun."

The light it emits can be called the light of death. After one round of irradiation, countless lives will wither, and the earth will not grow.

The legend of the wheel of darkness is spread in many worlds. It is said that as long as the black sun rises in the sky, the end of the end. When this round of black sun falls from the sky on the other side, the entire world will be illuminated once, all life has been all Death becomes a waste star.

The light of the Dark Wheel radiates rapidly at the speed of light, covering almost half of the space of the Second World.

A master of the gods area was swept by the light of death one after another. The surface of the body seemed to be petrified, turned into black and gray, constantly peeling off, and a little bit turned into flying ash.

The crowd rushed out of the majestic rays of divine power, blocking these dark lights from the surface. But some demigod masters do not have enough divine power to stop the light of death in time, and can only keep going backwards, widening the distance from the wheel of darkness.

"Night shelter!" The Lord of the Night spit out a spell slowly, and immediately controlled the Night to diffuse toward the Wheel of Darkness. The heavy night mist suddenly blocked a lot of dark light, and the audience became hazy.

At this moment, the crowd felt much better, and some even approached the night clan in the direction of seeking the shelter of the night.

"So many top races in the universe come together! Why are we missing Cardor?" At this time, the voice of the fallen king went through the audience.

The words fell, and a spooky and strange music suddenly sounded in the starry sky. There were dancing figures behind the fallen king, showing the image of a group of magic dancing in the monstrous magic.

The figures of these dances are Cardol, which is also the top race in the universe.

At the beginning of the universe, the most powerful creation ancestor [Kaldor] split into 100 million individuals. This is 100 million Kador. Since then, the number of Kador has remained fixed. They can communicate and share regardless of spatial distance thought.

With each death, a new Cardol is born in the Altar of Rebirth in the Holy Land of Cardol. This feature is similar to the star monster, except that Cardol is weaker in strength and more in number.

Since countless years, almost all of the first 100 million Cardols have died. Now I do n’t know how many generations have been born again, but the fallen king is a rare first generation Cardol and has survived ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Over the past two days, the fallen king has ignored the distance and communicated with Cardol scattered in all corners of the universe, calling them to help, due to the prestige of his first Cardol, countless Cardol agreed with his thinking, Rushing from all over the universe. The group of Cardols behind him is part of the quickest rush over, the weakest has a level of demi-god.

At this moment, the field was very chaotic, and various ethnic masters were scattered in the outer space of the Second World, starting an unprecedented melee.

Among them, just the top races in the universe, there are six clan, dragon, war, night, light, and Kador.

If you add the Xuan Wuxiong represented by Xuan Wuxiong, the Nazarsh represented by the blood ring, the demon race represented by the second world guardian Peerless Demon Emperor Night Sky Hua, as well as the Zerg and Dream races on the moon and the Demon race The star family represented by Sagittarius in the small universe is the top 12 races in the universe.

This crisis in the Second World involved 12 top-level races in the universe, and a total of a dozen top-level races in the universe, almost all came this time.

This is a real universe war!

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