Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1598: You are the devil

? Hundreds of Divine Powers have been fighting in the outer space of the Second World. Guanghua is everywhere, shock waves are everywhere, and various attack methods are emerging.

Those surviving creatures in the second world looked up in surprise, and distant heavens were exploding everywhere, like countless fireworks exploding.

Fortunately, the outer space of the Second World is large enough, and there is enough space for these powerful men to let go of a battle. If they fight on the ground of the Second World, the entire planet will be broken.

"Boom!" The Holy Dragon shook the huge dragon tail violently and swept across a large area of ​​stars. More than a dozen deities of the Light, Kador, and Demons were swept away and spit blood.

"Boom!" The Moon Race's double brakes accelerated instantly, turning into two huge moons running on the battlefield, and a master who came to support the Second World was crushed.

The gods fight, and the demigods suffer.

Under normal circumstances, a demigod is a world-giant giant, admired by thousands of people, but it is a cannon fodder role in this big dogfight, and it is rushed around by the shock waves of the powerful gods.

"War God strikes!" At this time, Xuan Wuxiong exhibited martial arts extinction, and the whole body's divine power poured into the right leg.

The avatar flew upside down like a disconnected kite, the energy rays suddenly dimmed, and the coercion emitted was suddenly reduced.

Xuan Wuxiong sneered, shook his fist, and chased up quickly, trying to destroy the incarnation in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, the incarnation disappeared strangely, leaving his sight!

Xuan Wuxiong froze, and quickly turned his head to look around, just to see the incarnation appear behind a demigod Cardol, split it in half with a slash.

The incarnation actually became smarter, no longer dying with Xuan Wuxiong, but replaced the target halfway to kill the weak demigods.

In fact, the avatar didn't become smarter. It was just that Xuan Wuxiong's kick hit the avatar's energy below 30%, and finally he could be controlled by Huang Yi.

The out-of-control avatar is powerful, but it's just a brutal fight.

After falling to 30%, although the strength has weakened, it can be manipulated by Huang Yi, which is more flexible, and it is more threatening in this kind of melee.

"噗 ~" Huang Yi controlled the incarnation, and then moved to the back of a demon demigod. The butcher's knife flashed a bit of blood and cut off the head of the demon demigod.

The dragon wings fanned again and again every day, the butcher knife cut across the waist of a demigod tribe, and split it into two sections.

"Don't struggle! It's your pleasure to be my mount ..." A demon demigod is riding on a Sirius demigod, as if taming a fierce horse, constantly threatening his mouth Language.

His voice stopped abruptly, his body split in half from the middle, and he fell down on the wolf.

The Sirius looked back, and saw only Huang Yi's figure walking away with a butcher knife.

And the demon demigod has become two halves, and all the blood is sucked away by Huang Yi's butcher knife.

In this way, Huang Yi incarnates as a reaper of life on the battlefield.

Day by day, Dragon Wing gives him the speed of smiling and arrogant heroes, butcher knives give him a horrible harvesting ability, almost a knife and a demigod, and rarely misses.

The places where he haunts are often those of the reinforcements who have fallen behind, and which friendly forces are in danger of life, wherever he goes to fight the fire, and saves many friendly forces in one go.

"Ah!" A scream screamed, and a virtual **** demonic was suddenly seriously injured by a warrior virtual god. A blood hole appeared on his body, spurting black black demonic blood, fanning a pair of demon wings and desperately fleeing.

The Zhuang Xushen chased frantically behind his back, holding two swords in his hand, splitting out a series of sharp swords, tearing the space, and hitting the demon Xushen.

The demon Xushen hurriedly turned back, screaming at the warrior's virtual god, and the harsh sound wave rolled back, disturbing the mind of the warrior's virtual god, stunned him in place, and missed the opportunity for hunting.

A flash of blood flashed!

The right wing of the Demon Xushen was cut off and left, leaving the stench of demon blood spurting from the wound, which turned into a flood and was sucked into the yellow overflowing butcher knife.

The demon screamed fiercely, slamming the remaining half of his wings, and fluttered towards the King of Hell, screaming in horror: "Master Hell, save me!"

The King of Hell, while suppressing the gap on the Moon Prisoner, was at war with the Demon Dragon and Divine Supreme, and had no time to ignore his plea for help.

"Oh!" The butcher's knife split again, cutting off the only remaining demon wing.

Suddenly, the demon **** left only a slick body, and the blood on the sides of the wings was constantly pouring out of the blood of the demon, which automatically poured into the butcher knife and was converted into yellow spilled blood.

Huang Yi was standing in front of the demon god, blocking his way. Against the blood of the butcher's knife, the figure looked extremely horrible. The unhappy eyes seemed to be the eyes of the devil. Look.

"You, you are a demon!" The demon trembled with a trembling voice, twisted his body, squirmed away like a maggot, and desperately fled.

But just wriggling a few times, its only body was broken into two pieces, Huang Yi's unshakable figure appeared again in front of him.

The demon **** struggled for a few times, and the eyes in his eyes completely dissipated, turning into a dry corpse, and all the blood was drained by the butcher knife.

A translucent soul floated out of his body, shrinking quickly, attaching to the butcher's knife, orbiting it.

Now, the butcher knife is surrounded by five souls, connected end to end, and has a large scale, which has increased Huang Yi's full attributes by 50%.

The surrounding demons, when they saw Huang Yi so easily killed an empty god, were frightened and fled.

In fact, the injured gods still have powerful fighting power ~ www.readwn.com ~ will not fall easily. They can go beyond this multitude of sentient beings, and have gone through countless life and death crises.

But in front of Huang Yi, once the virtual **** is injured, it means the arrival of death.

Because the injury often bleeds, Huang Yi's blood dragon ability, coupled with the bleeding attribute of the butcher knife, can exert far more damage to the bleeding enemy than his true attack power.

Resist, can't carry it.

Can't escape.

There is only a dead end.

If you meet the virtual **** with good strength, Huang Yi's incarnation will have to fight for a long time, it is too wasteful of time.

"Huh? Those Cardols are merging!" At this moment, a few surprised voices sounded around.

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that a Kador suddenly left his opponent and flew towards a virtual **** Kador, who soon fell into his body and merged into one.

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