Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1599: The strongest cardol in history

? Cardol's biggest racial characteristic is that they can be integrated with each other. They are all part of the creation ancestral "Cardo", and there is no exclusion when they are merged.

The more cadres that are fused, the more powerful they are. If 100 million cadres can be fully fused, then "cardo" will appear again. This is the strongest founding ancestor. The Supreme God is not too bad.

At this time, there were more than 30 Cardols and more than 20 Demigods on the field. They were not strong enough to fight alone. Now they are all reduced to zero. They cut through space from all sides and rushed to the strongest one A Kaldor god.

The virtual god's body squirmed sharply, exuding more and more powerful coercion, and every time a Cardol demigod fused to him, his breath became stronger and stronger.

In a short while, ten Cardol demigods have merged with him, and the breath he exudes has surpassed Xuan Wuxiong.

If you change to someone else, you have already reached the standard of God Sealing. You will be forced by the power of Heaven God Sealing and will be forced to experience Thunder God.

But Cardol is part of the ancestral spirit of the creation, no matter how strong the strength will not be drawn by the power of the gods, and can be accumulated forever.

Soon, the Kador had reached the level of the gods, suppressing the stars, and dominating the crowd!

But this is not over yet, he continues to merge, continue to grow stronger and more horrifying!

He looked down at his wriggling body, shook his hands for a moment, felt his surging power, and proudly said, "I, the second-generation Kaldor Fengangju announced that all those who have hurt the Kaldor family, Will die in my hands. "

His voice echoed through the world, echoing between the stars, as if the gods were warning to the world.

Some of the masters of the gods who came to support the Second World, especially those of the small power demigods, were stunned by this powerful momentum.

"Oh!" At this moment, a Cardol demigod was split in half.

Huang Yi emerged from behind the corpse, raised his butcher knife, and pointed at the **** Kaldor, named Feng Angju, and sang the contradiction: "I, the king of the world. Cardol of the world will die in my hands! "

The same tone, the same lines, but the object of warning has become Cardol, giving a heartbeat to those frightened reinforcements.

"Look for death!" Feng Angju hummed coldly, and waved his hand toward Huang Yi!

All of a sudden, thousands of Kador's ghosts appeared in the void, all riding high horses, raising their heads, singing war songs, and swept towards Huang Yi like a wind.

The starry sky seemed to turn into the ground, and was trampled slightly by this fierce cavalry, and those masters of the gods who were standing in front of it felt that they would be crushed by that cavalry, and rushed away, daring to resist.

The cavalry army traversed the starry sky in a blink of an eye, crushing aggressively in front of Huang Yi, and drowning him.

The next moment, Huang Yi suddenly disappeared in place.

The cavalry crushed it, stepped on nothing, and the aggressive attacks all hit the air.

"Ah!" There was a scream in the distance, and another Cardol flying to Feng Aungju was intercepted by Huang Yi halfway and fell on the spot.

Huang Yi relied on the day-to-day dragon wings to come and go without a trace, as if she were in a state of no one on the battlefield.

"Too arrogant!" Feng Angju endured his anger, and a thought that crushed Huang Yi flashed in his mind.

This idea spread throughout the universe in an instant, and was noticed by the 100 million Cardol scattered in every corner.

The ten Cardol virtual gods at the scene quickly responded, all abandoned their opponents and rolled towards Huang Yi together.

These Cardols share thoughts, they don't even need to speak, and they can know each other's thoughts in an instant. They are actually a whole, and they work together seamlessly and have perfect tacit understanding.

Soon, they surrounded Huang Yi, opened their mouths, hummed a weird song, twisted their bodies, and started a weird dance.

Huang Yigang wanted to fan the Dragon Wings every day, but an invisible mental wave struck him, blocking him between his consciousness and the Dragon Wings.

"Hmm! You haven't experienced the mental suppression of our Kador!" Feng Angju sneered and rushed towards Huang Yi.

This move is precisely the mental repression of Cardol.

They share their minds, reach their peak in spiritual ability, and can interfere with the enemy's spirit, whether it is deterrence or temptation. The fallen king relied on this powerful spiritual ability to change the spirit of countless heroes. The mermaid nightwalker Slark, the Sand Pirate King, the mermaid princess, and her lover Tide Hunter Leviathan, whom Huang Yi encountered before, are all unable to resist the spiritual temptation of the fallen king, and have fallen towards the fallen.

At this time, ten Cardol virtual gods were crushing towards Huang Yi at the same time, and the powerful spiritual suppression made him unable to escape. In such a predicament, Feng Anju alone is enough to catch him alive and completely destroy the incarnation.

Huang Yi's expression was still calm, he unhurriedly raised the butcher's knife, sacrificed a soul of an imaginary **** above, and used a trick that he would not use for a long time--

Qingjun side!

In a moment, a dazzling white light wave emerged from Huang Yi and swept away in all directions!

Cardolton, who was besieged by him, was hit by this white light wave, and the spirit suppression was cut off instantly, and he could no longer act on Huang Yi.

Not only that, Huang Yi also wore a layer of translucent light film. This layer of light film can last for 24 hours, making the enemies under the gods unable to attack him.

The original effect of Qing Jun's side was to knock out enemies below his level and not be able to approach him within 1000 meters. But now they are all masters of the gods. Everyone's level is 300. This trick has no effect. Huang Yi has not used it for a long time.

However, the Qing Jun side after the butcher knife is strengthened is different. It can save any attack from the enemies under the gods, and even the virtual gods can ignore them!

Within the next 24 hours, only the strong man at the level of the gods can cause damage to Huang Yi, while the strong man at the field has only a few demon kings and leaders of the top races in the universe.

The ten Cardol virtual gods suddenly lost their threats, leaving only Feng Aungju and the power of a battle. He now has the strength of all gods and can ignore Qing Jun's side.

Huang Yi did not fight against Feng Aungju, but fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, and flew to a Kaldor demigod.

The Kador quickly shuddered, speeded up his flight, and flew towards the wind-angju, hoping to merge with him immediately.

The ten Cardol gods were immediately furious, bombarding various forces, tearing space, trying to stop Huang Yi.

Huang Yi was bathed in a violent attack, unharmed, and even passed by the side of ten Cardol gods.

At this point, not to mention them, even if all the virtual gods in the universe gathered together and attacked him at the same time, they could not cause any harm to him.

The Cardol Demigod could only watch Huang Yi fly closer and closer, no matter how he changed his direction or escaped, he could not get rid of Huang Yi, and the two became closer and closer.

At this time, Kador in all corners of the universe, the ten Kador virtual gods on the field, and the wind-strength horse like all gods all shared the fear of the Kador demigod.

They seemed to be on the scene, facing the approach of an invincible enemy, leaving only a dead end.

"Boom!" At last, in the horrified gaze of the Kaldor demigod, Huang Yi cut off with a slash and split it in half.

At that moment, all Cardoltons in the universe realized that they lacked the thought of a demigod.

In its place is a new Cardol born in the Altar of Rebirth. His mind is as pure as a baby, has no value, and needs to be retrained.

"From now on, God can't save you!" Feng Angju gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence!

Later, he gave up chasing Huang Yi and instead flew to the remaining Cardol demigods, and began to fuse them.

Every time he bumped into a Cardol, that Cardol disappeared and became a part of him.

Huang Yi is also seizing the time, fanning the dragon wings day by day, shuttles back and forth on the battlefield, and hunts down the remaining Cardol demigods.

Each kill means that Feng Aungju has one less target for fusion, and his future strength will be one point weaker.

The two seem to be in an invisible match, one killing, one rescue.

"Oh!" Finally, the last Cardol demigod was chopped off his head by Huang Yi and blood stained the sky.

At this point, all the Cardinal demigods in the audience have disappeared, either killed or merged into Feng Aungju.

At this time, Feng Angju was already so powerful that even if he was standing still in the void, the surrounding space was violently violent, as if to be melted by his power and turned into chaos.

On the side of the second world, no matter whether it was a virtual **** or a demigod, they all fled away, avoiding him far away.

"Boom!" A demigod in the Tianlin world couldn't escape, and he was slaped into flesh directly.

Feng Angju still did not go after Huang Yi, but took a deep breath, and proclaimed to the entire starry sky in a tone that dominates all things: "Today, I want to let you know who the real killer is! "

The words fell, the ten Cardol gods felt his thoughts, all crossed the starry sky, and came towards him!





A bit of virtual **** rushed into his body ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned into a part of him, all the powerful force of virtual god, all merged into Feng Anju's body.

It was not enough for him to incorporate those Kaldor demigods. Now even these ten false gods are to be merged, it is simply heartbroken.

What level of strength will be reached once such a huge amount of power is integrated?

At this moment, the rare and original Cardol, the fallen king, has been compared by Feng Aungju!

Feng Aungju has become the strongest Cardol in history!

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