Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1600: Semi-ancestor

Huang Yi's face stared at Feng Anju solemnly, feeling his strength rising steadily, but unable to stop it.

He can easily solve the first half of the gods, but these Cardol virtual gods are intact, he cannot solve the battle in a short time, and can only watch them merge.

Finally, all ten Cardol virtual gods were fused into the body of Feng Aungju, and their strength climbed to the top.

Everyone fled far away from Feng Angju, even if they had left a long way, still turned and fled, lest they be caught up.

Taking Feng Aungju as a new point, a large vacuum area appeared on the chaotic battlefield, and the space there shook with his breathing, and he has become the master of that space.

"Semi-ancestor!" The voice of the Supreme Dragon dreaded loudly.

Feng Angju has already merged thirty gods before and after, reaching the strength of half a creation ancestor!

This is true even of the original Kador, the fallen king.

However, the blood of the fallen king's Kador has been polluted by the power of the demon system, and has lost the characteristics of the ancestral spirit of the creation. Once he leaves the demon universe, he will be led by the power of God-seal, and can only fight with avatars.

Feng Aungju is pure-blooded Cardol. No matter how strong you are, you don't need to worry about Fengshen. You can use the body to fight in the realm and exert all your strength.

"My ants, feel my anger!" Feng Angju laughed wildly, his body flickered, and he crossed the starry sky in an instant, and came to a chaotic battlefield in the distance.

There are more than ten Divine Strongmen who are at war with several demons. The demigods account for most of them, most of them are second world reinforcements.

As soon as Feng Angju came, this battlefield was immediately ruled by him. Whether it was a demigod or an empty god, it became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Well!" A Sirius demigod was smashed into a piece of flesh by the palm of Feng Anju before he could react.

The other Sirius trembled in shock, and fled hurriedly into the distance. As soon as he escaped, his head suddenly left his body and was caught by Feng Aungju in his hands.

"Night is coming!" A ghost of a night clan spit out a spell, and the large space around him suddenly became dim, forming a large night sky, sheltering him.

Feng Angju hummed coldly, slammed his hand, and threw the Sirius' head away!

The head cut through the space, spilled a bloodline, and split the night sky into two!

"Yeah!" The night goddess burst out from the depths of the night sky, spurting a large mouthful of blood, and flickering distantly toward the distance.

The remaining demigods were so pale that they used various life-saving skills, and their enchanted shields were layered on top of each other.

Feng Angju turned into a light, and in the blink of an eye, he walked past these demigods, then left them, and chased straight towards the fleeing night clan god.

In situ, the figures of the demigods were all frozen, like a statue, motionless.




After a second, all the demigods broke into pieces, leaving only a few stunned Demon Strong.

At present, Feng Angju has become a more veritable "killing god" than Huang Yi. The killing speed is faster than Huang Yi. He can slap the demigod with a slap, even if it is only a few strokes against the virtual god.

This is the strength of the crushing level!

At this time, people on the battlefield were frightened, and those reinforcements in the Second World were frightened, for fear that Feng Aungju would kill himself. Only some of the virtual **** groups that formed the formation and the leaders of the top races, Fanshen, remained calm.

Some demigods have retreated, have no intention of staying to fight again, and have begun to flee towards the starry sky in the distance.

"Fear the gods, the hero prison!" Suddenly, Huang Yi's calling spell rang.

The next moment, a huge boundless dragon head appeared in this starry sky. All the meteorites, light waves, and powerful gods in the place were swept aside like dead leaves to make room for it.

This black dragon head was glaring with anger, exuding divine coercion, and opened its mouth like a huge black hole.

"Hurry in! The hero prison can protect you!" Huang Yi yelled at the fled allies.

In a moment, a demigod flew in from all directions, and some injured gods also abandoned their opponents and fled to the entrance of the hero prison.

"Want to escape?" Feng Angju sneered and rushed towards the entrance of the hero's prison aggressively!

The two nearby Guangshen gods realized the opportunity, followed closely behind Feng Angju, brewing a bright light on their bodies, ready to erupt at any time.

An injured **** of fire, Kirin, had not yet had time to escape to the entrance of the hero's prison, and was caught up by Feng Aungju, with a look of horror and despair in his eyes.

"Boom!" Feng Angju punched this fire unicorn with a fist. His fist penetrated the whole body and came out from the other side. A fiery heart was clenched in the **** palm.

The virtual **** Kirin's head drooped, and the flame on her body suddenly extinguished, completely dead.

Feng Aungju stretched out his hand and threw the fire unicorn body.

The huge corpse was dripping with blood and hit a demigod of Melva world and smashed it into a meatloaf.

"Death has fallen, what use do you have in the hero's prison!" Feng Angju finally rushed to the entrance of the dragon's head of the hero's prison, smiled arrogantly, waved his fist, and smashed towards the dragon!

This fist carried the anger of a half-ancestor spirit, and the space could not bear it immediately, and collapsed into chaotic matter.

The two Guangshen gods behind Feng Angju also poured out the long-brewed Guanghua, impacting on the dragon head!

All of a sudden, the entrance to the hero's prison was pale, and the dazzling light hurt everyone's eyes, where it seemed to have become a singularity of creation, carrying the power of opening the world.

"Howl!" In that singularity, an angry dragon roar suddenly sounded, shaking the starry sky.

That was the voice of the Dark Demon Dragon Moxu, who was a veteran god-sealer of ancient times. He actually suffered such humiliation in the realm, and immediately broke out the wrath of God!

Its huge dragon mouth suddenly inflated tenfold, and with the momentum of devouring the starry sky, he bit it violently towards Feng Aungju.

In a hurry, the stars fade!

The crowd only felt that the sky was lost in the sky and underground, and they were eaten into a huge mouth. The forces in all directions were crushing.

Those friendly soldiers hiding in Longkou flew up and down with the bite of Longkou, making it difficult to control themselves and exclaimed in fright.

Huang Yi hurried out the privileges of the warden, released an enchantment, and protected these people!

Feng Anju looked dignified and did not dare to resist the bite of the dragon head. The figure flew out of the dragon's mouth in a flash.

The two Guangxu gods behind him took a beat, but before they escaped, they were black, and the last gap of Longkou was closed and trapped inside.

"Boom!" The dragon bite up and chewed.

A clear chewing came out, ringing through this star field, some messy light shining through the teeth between the mouths of the dragon, shining the starry sky, like the juice splashing out when tasting the food.

The masters of the light clan shuddered and stared at the dragon head in horror, not knowing how painfully the two light clan companions suffered in the mouth of the dragon.

After chewing a few times, Mo Yan finally opened his mouth and spit out two dim light groups.

Huang Yi wields a butcher knife and strokes it gently!

A flash of blood flashed through, and the two light clusters were divided into two, completely dimmed.

Two translucent souls rose into the air, and flew to Huang Yi's butcher knife, and spun around it.

In a short while, the two light clan quickly fell.

They were bitten by the dragon's head, and finally killed by Huang Yi with double stabs, dying without dignity.

Huang Yi took the butcher knife to his eyes and admired it. The butcher knife was surrounded by six virtual **** souls, which increased his attributes by 60%.

There is no effect of demigod killing too much. Only killing the virtual **** can collect soul and improve strength.

Feng Angju stood in the distant void, staring coldly at Mo Yan's dragon head, his proud look disappeared and his face was gloomy.

"If you have the ability, you will always hide inside!" He snorted, turned and flew towards another area of ​​the battlefield, and began to kill other reinforcements.

The entrance to the dragon's head in Heroes' Prison cannot be moved. It can only be settled here to form a stronghold, sheltering the demigods and injured gods.

"Ding!" Soon, Feng Anju flew in the direction, and soon there was a sound of weapon breaking, accompanied by a moan.

"Old man fights with you ..." A war-like roar sounded, but before it was finished, the voice came to an abrupt end and returned to peace.

Everyone's face sank.

Obviously, a war clan's virtual **** was just killed by Feng Aungju!

The war clan is an extremely belligerent race. Even if it is seriously injured, it will not give up easily. Even if the body is worn out, there is only one arm left, and that arm will automatically fight the enemy. Every inch of flesh and blood is born for war, there is no obvious fatal weakness, and you can fight to the last bone.

However, even for them, it is difficult to support a few tricks under Feng Anju's men.

"You guys, hide here first. I'll go out to attract Feng Aungju's attention, otherwise more people will die in his hands!"

Huang Yi's incarnation dropped a sentence, lifted the butcher knife, rushed out of the safe Longkou, and hurried towards Feng Aungju.

"Oh!" At this time, a dull blow came from Feng Anju's direction, and a golden holy dragon was beaten out.

It had wounds everywhere, pouring golden dragon blood, crooked body, the broken dragon wings fanned in vain in the void, and it was about to fall!

That is exactly Huang Yi's mount-Xiaolong!

It was previously sent by Huang Yi to deal with several barbaric gods, but now it is attacked by Feng Anju and finally unable to carry it.

Huang Yi stretched out his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Long in the distance disappeared and disappeared into the pet space!

Xiaolong has completed his mission. Once killed, he will not be able to resurrect in a short time. It is better to enter the pet space to heal.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi just picked up the dragon, and there was another loud noise, and the huge snake body in the blood ring was knocked out and flew out.

Feng Angju is going to deal with the blood ring again!

He is a real evil star, wherever he goes, there is no peace.


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