Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1601: Blood Circle Explosion

? At this point, the blood ring was scarred and scary wounds were everywhere on the giant snake.

He was originally a corpse, not to mention that he had already fought on the moon before, but now he has gone through a cycle of multiple strong men, and he must be completely scrapped.

As soon as Feng Angju arrived, he had only been beaten, and the bones in the snake had been cut into pieces. If he had no foundation of the God-sealer, he would have been beaten into pieces.

"Blood Ring, do you regret it? That's the end of the betrayal Lord!" Lord Soderros smiled slightly and took a sigh of relief into the barbarous canister in his hand.

In a short time, the primitive human soul poured out of the jar became more fierce, one by one emitting red divine light, as if entering a state of violentness.

Obviously, Soderros ended the battle primarily!

In fact, he didn't need to take a shot. Feng Aungju could smash the blood ring into scum, but as the spokesman of the Savage God, he had to make this final blow to the traitor.

"You think you can kill me so easily?" Blood Ring laughed wildly, vomiting a snake letter, and pronounced the names of the ancestors in Nazarsh: "Zaisin ... zdidib ... DiVa ... Alexdurex ... koniss ... shipnorth ... Guderians ... Darkalker ... LKIns ... Vinham ... Trafa ... "

With each word he pronounced, his breath became stronger and stronger, and his body rose with dazzling blood, exuding a violent breath.

At the same time, the kiss of death in his body was secreted quickly, transpiration from every inch of skin on his body.

The blood ring's body swelled up quickly, transmitting a **** light that could not be seen directly, and unimaginable power was brewing in it, like a rapidly expanding **** sun.

Half of the world was stained with blood red, and the gods in space were covered with blood, and the starry sky has changed from colorful to a single blood red.

"He wants to explode!" The faces of the crowd changed, and they hurried away in all directions.

A strong man at this level of blood ring will explode, and a large area of ​​stars around it will be crushed by energy waves, and no one can stop it.

Previously, a number of **** domain masters have been killed on the field, but no one has chosen to explode, because this type of self-detonation is indiscriminate between the enemy and me. It will also kill the enemy at the same time.

However, the arrival of Feng Aungju made this area no longer have friendly friends in the Second World. The weaker ones had already been killed, and the stronger ones had fled to other areas far away and avoided Feng Aungju.

This self-explosion of the blood ring will only affect the people of the Demon side, and will not kill themselves by mistake.

"I had expected that you would explode, useless! Give me back!" Feng Aungju rushed forward without hesitation, rushed to the side of the blood ring, stood up against the increasing pressure, and stretched out his palms. Next press.

In a short time, the great shore power of the semi-ancestor spirit was pressed into the blood ring through his palms, and he wanted to force back the self-explosive force.

However, the blood ring has not been affected in the slightest. It is still emitting more and more dazzling light, and the body is still expanding.

"Unstoppable! He is a false god!" Soderros, who fled to the distance, quickly reminded him aloud.

Feng Anju finally changed his face!

He did not know before that the blood ring was a pseudo-god, and thought it was a virtual **** like Xuan Wuxiong who was about to seal the god.

The body of the false **** still has divinity, even a broken godhead. Once it reaches the level of virtual gods, it will explode far beyond the ordinary virtual gods and cannot be stopped!

"Damn!" Feng Angju had no time to swear, and even before he turned around, he suffered the power of the blood ring to explode.

"Boom ~" seemed to be the moment of creation, the singularity exploded, the blood of the false god's body exploded, and the unmatched blood energy, accompanied by the rich death kiss toxin, swept in all directions and set off a cosmic storm.

A large area of ​​space was directly blown into chaos, and a powerful man in the domain of God was swept away by the wind like a fallen leaf, and disappeared instantly.

Feng Angju bears the brunt of it. The flesh flew off like a clay figurine, and the blood was directly evaporated before it ran out.

The hundreds of primitive human souls released by the Lord Soderros were directly blown into nothingness, leaving nothing left.

The majestic energy is still spreading to the universe in all directions, wherever it goes, all the asteroids, meteorites and star rings are shattered into nothingness, and the entire star field seems to be cleaned again.

Even the warp and weft threads of the moon prisoner were violently melted and kept rippling, seemingly unable to bear it.

Blood Ring, the last pure-blooded Nakashi in the universe, the tenth God-sealer in the Second World, the deceased culprit of the Second World, and the surviving man from ancient times, finally in this gorgeous way In front of the most powerful forces in the universe, he ended his legendary life.

It took a long time for the whole sky to finally dissipate, and a **** heart slowly fell down, beating strongly.

This is the heart of the pure world, and Huang Yi used it to control the corpse of the blood ring.

The next moment, Huang Yi teleported, copied the heart in his hand, and collected the storage ring.

He turned his head and looked around, everything else in the place had disappeared, and it was pure. Only the distant other directions still heard the noise of fighting.

"Cough!" Suddenly, a stooping figure appeared in the distance, coughing for blood.

That is awesome. He is closest to the blood ring and has suffered the most powerful self-explosive energy. He is not dead yet!

But his breath was already disordered, his skin disappeared, his **** flesh was exposed, his body size was reduced by a large circle, and at least one-third of his flesh was burned by the self-explosive energy.

At this time, Feng Angju slowly straightened his body, raised his head again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face became arrogant again, and exclaimed: "No one can kill me! Even a false **** can explode! "

"Yeah!" A flash of blood flashed, Huang Yi suddenly appeared behind him, the butcher knife split into his waist instantly, and no flesh entered.

But it's just not in the flesh!

The butcher knife can often be cut open with a single knife against the wounded god, but it can only cut into the flesh against the Feng Aungju at this time.

"Do you think that I can kill me if I get hurt?" Feng Angju smiled disdainfully, and his hand was just a palm.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi was too late to dodge ~ www.readwn.com ~ was hit directly by this palm.

The crushing star-like force exploded from his chest, blasting him fiercely onto the prisoner of the moon, and then rebounded far away from the invisible barrier between the warp and weft.

The energy of the avatar plummeted by 17%, leaving less than 10%!

With just one palm, so much energy is lost!

Once again, this incarnation has no energy at all, and it cannot control it. It can only be picked up by the enemy and completely lost.

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Chapter 1601: Blood Ring Explosion (Page 1/1)

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