Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1602: 7 light tribe gods

? Huang Yi quickly fanned the dragon wings day by day and fled away.

Feng Angju is too scary. After being hit by the blood ring, he still has such a powerful combat power.

At this time, some ghost figures began to appear in the distance, one by one, the atmosphere was disordered, stumbled, and embarrassed.

They were all blown out by the blood ring before, and they were not in the center of the explosion like Feng Aungju. They did not take the maximum damage and survived fortunately.

However, those demigods who did not escape the safe zone were not so lucky, all were blown into slag.

At this time, the closest to Huang Yi was an optical **** of the Guang clan. His face was unclear, just a glowing figure without real flesh.

Huang Yi immediately fanned the dragon wings day by day, flew to his side, and slaughtered the knife.

The light clan quickly ducked away, but was still a step slower, but was cut into the arm by the butcher knife.

The butcher knife smashed in, but did not have the sense of shock that hit the real flesh, but instead hit the cotton with no force.

Huang Yi lost her center of gravity, and her body shook violently.

Taking this opportunity, the Guangzu quickly turned into a streamer and fled to a distance.

As soon as he fled, the butcher knife that had been smashed into him was ripped out, and a wound appeared on his arm, gushing with a dazzling light.

Those gushing rays of light, like the tail flames of a rocket, enveloped Huang Yi with great lethality, but after touching the layer of "Qingjun side" light film on his body, it disappeared completely.

The light film on the side of "Qing Jun" lasted for 24 hours. During this period, he only played the role of the virtual god, but the virtual **** could not attack him.

After the light tribe's virtual gods spewed out those rays, the body became darker, but the wound on the arm was healed.

At this time, Huang Yi turned his head to look at the escaping Guangzu Xushen. A pair of lightning eyes suddenly split two thick lightning bolts and hit each other instantly.

The Guangzu Xushen was immediately paralyzed in place, his body trembled violently, and dense arcs flashed on his body.

Huang Yi took the opportunity to catch up, waved the butcher knife again, and struck the chest of that Guang clan.

This stroke hit, but still did not have that dull sense of strike, as if splitting in the soft air, feeling powerless.

Another wound appeared on the chest of the light clan, spraying a dazzling light, and then healed immediately.

The light of his body became a little darker, but it did not affect his continued escape.

Huang Yi frowned. The Guang clan was more difficult to kill than other races. After being attacked, he would not be stressed, and the damage he suffered was very limited.

And because they have no flesh and blood, they will not enter the "bleeding" state after the injury, which makes the butcher knife unable to exert its strongest effect.

"No need to escape, go back!" At this time, the six Guangs flew from a distance to stop the fledgling Guangshen god.

Each of them was in a state of perplexity, and apparently had been harmed by the blood ring's self-explosion, but they were not fatal, and they still had a powerful fighting force.

A Guangzu sneered in the direction of Huang Yi: "The incarnation of God is also an absorber of light for energy. Now there is very little light energy in his body, we don't have to worry about him."

Huang Yi was slightly surprised, but did not expect that the Guangzu could see through the remaining energy of his incarnation.

At this time, there was a strong coercion behind him, such as Mang on his back. You don't need to look back to know that Feng Angju is dragging his bruised body towards him.

"Quickly spread the rainbow light array to assist Feng Aungju!" A Guangxu **** quickly reminded his companion that a dazzling red light gushing out of his body turned into a semicircular arc, and the other end was connected to Feng Aungju Body.

Other light-family gods also quickly sprayed out a semi-circular arc of light, connecting the wind angju, but the colors of the light were different, namely orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

The seven colors of light just form a rainbow. One end is connected to the seven gods of the light family, and the other end is connected to the wind angju, which continuously conveys the light.

Within a short time, Feng Anju's injury quickly improved.

Not only that, the assistance of the seven Guangshen gods also allowed Feng Angju to have the ability of "super light speed", which is not weaker than Huang Yi in speed.

"Kill God, I already have the speed of light. You can't escape this time. Fight against me!" At this moment, Feng Angju shook his neck calmly, and said hurryingly.

In this case, even if Huang Yi used the daily dragon wings, he could not escape the pursuit of Feng Aungju.

"Super speed of light? How long can it last!" Huang Yi shook his head and gave a few glances at the Guangshen gods.

"Ah!" The seven light tribe gods suddenly trembled suddenly, the light on them suddenly dimmed, and the light of the rainbow swayed violently, intermittently, and could not be maintained.

"This is ... the kiss of death!" A light tribe trembled and guessed why.

When the blood ring exploded, all the death kisses in the body exploded, swept out with the energy of the explosion.

All the enemies affected by the self-explosive energy were killed by the poison of death kiss.

Even if these Guangzu virtual gods are powerful, they haven't been able to hold on for too long, and now they have finally occurred.

The death kiss of the blood ring is almost a god-level, even more severe than Huang Yi's death kiss. Even if it is not poisoned by drinking, it still has a strong lethality.

"Your souls will be enslaved by me!" Huang Yi teleported behind the weakest **** of the light family and slashed the butcher knife!

"Oh!" A figure flashed suddenly, firmly blocking the butcher knife.

Come here is Feng Anju!

He stretched out two palms, caught Huang Yi's blade, and couldn't split it any more.

Taking this opportunity, the Guangzu Xushen hurriedly fled away.

But he was already injured, and coupled with the death kiss, his vitality was extremely fragile, and his escape rate was much slower.

"Decisive decision!" Huang Yi decisively sacrificed a ghost soul on the butcher knife, and issued a strengthened version of decisive decision.

Suddenly, a dazzling light of blood spread out from the butcher's knife immediately, swept across the hall, and spread to the end of sight!

All the seven Guangzu virtual gods around were swept by this blood light ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one can escape!



Two dull voices sounded, the escaping Guangxu god, and another Guangxu **** not far away exploded, turned into a dazzling light, and dissipated in this starry sky.

The health of these two Guangzu virtual gods was less than 30%, and they were directly killed by one move.

The spirits of the two light clan flew automatically, attracted to the butcher's knife, and kept spinning.

So far, the butcher knife has stored 7 virtual **** souls!

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