Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1606: Poseidon is coming

? However, these six creator ancestors have their own opponents and cannot come directly to participate in this second world war.

Everyone was shocked, and found that the situation had returned to what they did not have before, and they still had to look at themselves.

"Ding!" At this moment, a sound of a broken weapon suddenly sounded in the distance.

I saw the Destroyer holding a huge axe that was burned red, and split a great sword of the war clan mortal in half.

The remaining strength of the axe of destruction continued to split, and landed on the chest of the warrior's virtual god, splitting a huge wound, the flesh was scorched and bursts of blue smoke.

"You're finally willing to take out the axe of destruction!" The warrior mortal **** was split and flew out, covering the wound, said solemnly.

He could not defeat the Lord of Destruction, and the big sword he held in his hand was not an artifact. Now, as soon as the King of Destruction took out the Axe of Destruction, his weapon was cut off and fell into an absolute downwind.

"Fighting mad, the gap between you and me is not in weapons, but in absolute strength itself, so that your father will be about the same as the king." The King of Destruction proudly said.

"For my war tribe, challenging enemies stronger than yourself is a tradition!" The war mad smiled indifferently, holding the broken sword and rushing up, his eyes were burning with a raging war will .

The Lord of Destruction waved his axe at will, and after fighting with the war mad several times, he seized another opportunity and split it on the war mad.

"Boom!" The war mad flew out and added a wound to his body, but he didn't pause at all, and rushed up quickly, as if he didn't know the pain or tire, he could fight to death.





Next, the number of times that the war mad was split and flying was increasing, and the wounds on his body became denser and denser, and it was difficult to fight the attack of the Lord of Destruction.

Fight again, he may die here as an avatar.

Huang Yi was worried. Once the point of war madness was breached, the demons opened the situation. If the key figure of King of Destruction freed up to attack other friendly forces, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, the avatar of Destroyer is the strongest avatar he can appear in the outside world. Even to support this avatar, it also affects his strength. It is stronger than the avatar that was killed by the last explosion of Guizhu. It was difficult to kill him.

"Zizizi!" After the Lord of Destruction blasted out the battle mad again, two flames burst out from his eyes, striking the battle mad like a laser.

Suddenly, the war mad suffered a flame and became a fireman. Several bone spurs on his body were burned to ashes and dissipated in the flames.

"The King of Destruction has been so powerful that he is second only to the King of Hell. My Lord of the Night came to ask for advice!" At this moment, the space around the King of Destruction suddenly turned into night, and the flames spitting out from his eyes were also night. Ablation.

"Oh!" At the same time, the Lord of Destruction murmured, as if suddenly attacked by the Lord of the Night.

"Hmm! You can only hide in the night, if you have only this strength, you are not qualified to fight against the king!" The disdainful voice of the Lord of Destruction came through the night.

The axe of destruction draws a blaze of light in the night, and the night is scattered everywhere, but the figure of the Lord of the night is never seen.

The night clan is a race that is good at hiding sneak attacks. It appears silently under the night, and leaves without knowing it, it is difficult to find their hiding place.

By this time, the war madness had recovered and rushed towards the Lord of Destruction again.


"Give me death!" Just then, Feng Anju laughed loudly in the distance.

He held a green dragon's wings tightly in his hands, like a chicken, and mentioned to him.

The green dragon was struggling hard, and the dragon claws clawed in the void in vain, but couldn't escape, only a cry of despair was made.

Feng Angju stretched out another fist and slammed into the green dragon's head!

"Boom!" The brain was splattered, and the green dragon's head was directly exploded, and he was completely dead before he could scream.

Some blood and brain sprayed on Feng Aungju's face, contrasting him like a butcher. He threw the dragon corpse outward, licked the dragon's blood on his lips, and rushed towards the night under the cloth of a night clan in the distance.

Now, he has become an invincible being. Before that, the Lord of the Night had interfered, but now the Lord of the Night and the Lord of Destruction are now confronted, and he has completely ignored it, and can slaughter on the field with impunity.

"Alas!" One minute later, Feng Angju appeared from the night, holding the body of a night clan in his hand, and the night sky suddenly dissipated and became clear again.

"Ah! How wonderful the killing feel!" Feng Angju laughed happily, all the emotions that had been angered by Huang Yi had been released, and the whole person became relaxed and comfortable. Moving up, they jumped into the battle dance of the Kadorans, slid the dance steps, and rushed to a water unicorn.

Spinning and jumping, Feng Anju's toes fell on the back of the water unicorn, breaking through an ice barrier.

Press down on the right palm, press and hold Shui Qilin's head, a rotating dance step, and twist Shui Qilin's head out 360 degrees.

The sound of a broken neck was like a rest, with the arms closed, the head torn off, and the dance ended.

Shui Qilin turned into a headless body and fell sideways.

Feng Anju's graceful dance, coupled with splashing blood, and some screams before death, inexplicably carries an aesthetic of violence.

"Ah! Death in my singing! When my war dance stops, the underworld will be your home." Feng Angju sang the song, and rushed to a war tribe **** ...

"Boom!" Suddenly, a blue light that sheds a terrible cry of ghosts and gods in the Second World, accompanied by the roar of the raging wind and waves, as if the entire Second World's oceans are going crazy, and the world-defining tsunami erupts ~ www. readwn.com ~ A breath of gods descended suddenly and shocked the whole world!

"Is this the power of God ?!" Thor's voice rang through the world, with divine coercion.

The breath on his body became high, immortal, and the pillar of the sea **** in his hand spewed out the sea-like divine power, and the compressed endless seawater was colored red by the divine light, like endless blood.

The people around him stared at him in horror, feeling that there was a dense energy field there, which made them breathless.

But everyone smiled--

The power of Poseidon finally came down!

Thor is the heir to this power, and Poseidon in heaven will participate in this war through him.

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