Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1607: Plant the World Tree Again!

? Thunder God is suspended high in the sky, with dark clouds over his head, and thick thunder bolts are split on him, absorbed by him, as if the god-setter is crossing the robbery.

This is the ability of his reincarnation of thunder god, which is obtained by merging thunder god's spirit in the tomb of god.

Now he has the power of the sea god, so that he has the great power of two different gods at the same time.

In addition, the power of Poseidon and Thor can be linked. It is said that the first oldest life in the world was born accidentally because thunder and lightning broke on the ocean.

"Boom!" At this moment, Thor raised the Pillar of Poseidon sharply and stunned at the black robe of the King of Hell!

Endless thunder and lightning split off from the pillar of Poseidon, and the black robe of the King of Hell exploded with lightning!

Infinite seawater gushes from the Pillar of Poseidon, and the black robe of the King of Hell swells upward!

The Pillar of Poseidon itself, like a golden hoop, stretched non-stop, crazily bracing the black robe of the **** king as if to pierce it.

"Let Poseidon come down and fight with the King himself, you are not qualified!" The King of Hell, while resisting the attack of the three Supreme Dragon Kings, shook his black robe at will, and repressed Thor's majestic offensive.

"Boom!" At this moment, the blade's body suddenly burst into a godlike atmosphere, and Jin Guangyi shone. The blade's blade in the hand "buzzed" and trembled, spitting out the dazzling blade of light.

The power of the sword king came down!

The next moment, the blade turned into a golden light, raised the blade of the Emperor, and rushed to the black robe of the King of Hell, struggling to cut it!

"Boom!" An unparalleled knife light slashed over the black robe of the king of hell, and the whole world was golden.

The blade's stiff body stood under the black robe, with a bright light, like an Optimus Prime, struggling to prop up the sky.

The black robe lifted up again, revealing a hint of starry sky outside!

"Not enough!" The king of **** sneered, and the black robe was pressed down again, pressing the blade's body back to its original position.

"God said ... creation ... heaven and earth ... everything ... origin ..." Countless chanting sounds rang out in heaven and earth, and it seems that there are hundreds of millions of believers at the same time.

Countless verses falling down in the void, one by one, the golden words were like raindrops, covering the sky, all swarming towards Pharaoh.

The unfolding "Bible of Faith" in his hand also shines brightly, reflecting his dignity and solemnity, and his breath is rising day by day, as if he had become a religious mythical figure, with a calm face and a civilized life.

The power of the third **** came down-the **** of faith Johns!

"God created the world, opened up the world!" Pharaoh read a verse solemnly, and the effect of speech and spirituality suddenly turned into a great axe!

The huge axe seemed to open up the world in chaos, with the momentum of opening up all things, slammed on the black robe of the king of hell.

The black robe lifted up again, bearing the unimaginable mighty power.

"Is this the only degree?" The King of Hell shook his head and smiled. The invincible momentum was suppressed again, and the huge black robe sealed the gap again.

In a short period of time, the power of the three great gods was dismissed lightly by the King of Hell. It was as simple as suppressing mortals.

"Huh!" At this moment, the angry cold hum of the Snow Queen rang from heaven and earth. She had become one with the Second World.

"Tick! Tick!" At the next moment, a sound of a second hand beating in the depths of the void became clearer and clearer, and eventually rang through the world.

A huge sundial appeared in the sky of the Second World, and the shadow of the pointer kept spinning, showing the passage of time.

With each rotation, a golden light flew from the sundial, submerged in the black robe of the king of hell, and dyed it golden yellow.

After three rotations, the black robe of the **** king suddenly trembled.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three raging rays of light hit the black robes at the same time!

The sea was splashing, the thunder and lightning were surging, the sword was shining brightly, and the giant axe opened up!

This is the attack of Thor before, the attack of the blade, and the attack of Pharaoh.

These attacks that have been issued now are actually reversed by time and reproduced at the same time!

Three attacks, each representing the power of the three gods, shot at the same time, the powers superimposed, burst instantly!

At this moment, the black robe of the King of Hell flew violently, and was finally opened a large gap, exposing a large starry sky outside!

The crowd looked excited and flew towards the gap, as if rushing towards a window of life!

"Georgia's lowered power is a bit interesting, but there is no threat!" The voice of the king of **** remained calm, and the huge black robe fell quickly, immediately pressing back the charging people.

The King of Hell blocked the attack of the three Supreme Dragon Emperors, and the black hole under the hood glanced at the crowd under the black robe, as if watching a group of children making trouble, and said lightly: "You give up! The Demon Universe has stabilized , I can squander the power of the ontology without any recklessness, and no matter how fierce your attacks will be transferred to my ontology, it is not a fear. "

Now everyone is desperate!

Four gods have already lowered their strength, and they still cannot break the blockade of the **** king.

If, as he said, everyone's attacks were transferred to his own body to bear, then the people would have little chance to escape, unless it caused damage that even the King of Hell could not bear.

But that is impossible. The body of the King of Hell is synonymous with invincibility in all realms.

The crowd looked at the sky weakly, and the black robe of the **** king looked like an iron curtain, which made all beings breathless.

They had tried every means to delay time and prepare the gods of heaven to wait for the power of heaven to descend.

But now the power has fallen, but it has not played the slightest role!

The second world is like a terminally ill person, no matter what means he uses, he is powerless.

"Since the power of ordinary gods is useless, what about the power of the Supreme God?" At this moment, Kidd's voice suddenly rang through heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a milky light bloomed on his body, and white circles spread out behind his head, like a savior, descending into this dead world.

With a wave of his hand, countless raindrops fell from the sky. Those raindrops were filled with the breath of life. After everyone rained on this raindrop, the life value suddenly increased rapidly. The injured NPC recovered quickly, and the uninjured person also greatly increased the maximum life value.

Soon, this rain of life fell on the ground below!

Before the earth had been destroyed by the power of refining, it had become a desert, and no grass was born, like a dead star.

But after the rain of life fell, the earth suddenly sprung up and quickly grew into a towering tree. The deadly second world soon became vibrant, with forests everywhere and green grass everywhere. Yin.

"Huh? This is ... the power of the God of Life! Isn't she asking nothing about the world? Why intervene this time ?!" The Lord of Hell's voice finally became surprised.

God of life!

After being confirmed by the King of Hell, everyone was shocked!

Even the **** of life has shot!

This is one of the four highest gods, representing the top power of heaven, and it is rare to see it high above the rest of the week.

Moreover, the **** of life is the most desperate one among the four supreme gods. He loves peace and does not care about world affairs.

Unexpectedly, now she has also dropped her strength to help the second world.

"Ganghe, do you want to plant another tree of the world? If you want, give me that sapling!" At this moment, Kid turned to look at Ganges.

Ganges hesitated and took out the sapling of his World Tree.

The sapling is full of green leaves and is full of vitality, with a tender shoot at the top, full of vitality.

Ganges stared at the sapling that had been with him for a long time, with a hint of hesitation on his face, but finally made up his mind and threw it to Kidd.

Kidd reached out and grabbed the sapling, and the power of life spewed out into it.

In a short time, the sapling was quickly catalyzed, the roots were spreading everywhere, a green leaf bloomed on the trunk, and the top buds grew rapidly, exuding a surging breath of life.

In the ancient times, His Majesty the King proclaimed the Book of Divine Providence, which designated the Second World as the main birth world for God-given people, and then the God of life planted a tree of the world in the Second World, which has always been connected to the high heaven.

The first God-sealer in the second world, the descendant of Huangdi, the barbaric deity · Skybreaker, climbed from the tree of the world to the divine realm and successfully sealed God.

Unfortunately, this giant tree was severely damaged by the destroying axe of the king of destruction and lost most of its vitality.

After that, the King of Blades and King of Swords had another earth-shaking duel on the World Tree. The world tree, which had been hit hard, was destroyed directly in that battle. The King of Swords and King of Swords each absorbed some of the essence of the World Tree in that battle, and eventually both became gods.

After the battle between the Emperor Sword and the Emperor Sword, the World Tree had only two seeds and one of the tenderest branches.

The first seed flew to the Oroas world and became a star in the starry sky of that world.

The second seed flew to Melva World and became a giant undersea tree.

And that branch fell into the hands of Ganges by chance, www.readwn.com, and became his most famous treasure.

Some time ago, the Ganges went to the world of Melva, got an adventure in the giant undersea tree, and promoted the branches of the tree of the world into a seedling. As long as it is planted, it can grow into a new tree of the world .

But if you want to grow into a tree of the world, you must irrigate a large amount of life force. The second world is already so barren that it is impossible to provide so much energy. Even if it is planted, it will grow very slowly. It may not grow even if it is destroyed in the Second World.

Now is the time!

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Chapter 1607 Planting the World Tree Again! (Page 1/1)

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