Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1608: Tacasma shot

? Finally, after a long indoctrination with the power of life, the sapling has grown a lot, vigorous and very strong.

Kidd aimed at the Volvo continent below the Second World and hurled the sapling down.

The sapling fell endlessly with the essence of life, and quickly fell, marking a long light trail, and finally accurately landed on the giant tree plateau of Woye mainland.

This plateau is actually a stump left by a tree of the world before. Because the tree of the world is so large that the stump it left behind looks like a plateau.

In this plateau, an altar with a milky white light floats, consisting of slices of green runes, constantly spinning, exuding vitality.

This is an altar of life, built by the **** of life when planting the tree of the world, and its purpose is to transfer power from the heavens for the growth of the tree of the world.

The sapling that fell from the sky soon landed at the center of the altar, and numerous roots quickly grew at the bottom, piercing into the depths of the earth below the altar.

Subsequently, the altar was a masterpiece of light, full of life energy poured out, all converged on the sapling.

In a short time, this sapling began to grow rapidly, each branch was stretched out, and then more branches were quickly split, and countless leaves burst out.

Previously, the energy that Kidd inputted for this sapling was just to activate its growth potential. Only the energy transported from the heaven by this altar of life can truly support the sapling to grow into the tree of the world.

In a short while, this small sapling had grown to several kilometers high, with lush foliage and a huge canopy covering a large area. This towering tree can be seen from the end of the horizon.

But this is far from over, it is still growing, stretching its branches and leaves in the direction of the outer sky.

At the same time, a steady stream of life emanates from each of its leaves and spreads rapidly throughout the world.

The animal corpses that had been killed by refining before, when they touched these breaths of life, they suddenly resurrected and became alive again.

The barren heaven and earth aura is rapidly becoming rich, everywhere is flourishing, and everything is recovering.

"I feel that the second world is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of refining is becoming increasingly difficult for the second world!" , I feel most deeply about this change.

"The scope of the world rules that I can modify is also getting larger and larger, and I can even change the experience value required for players to upgrade!" Huang Yi was slightly surprised. Although he was the king of the world before, he could only modify some common world rules. After the world tree appeared again, the scope of his modifications increased, and even the player's upgrade rules could be modified.

He immediately adjusted the experience value required for the upgrade to the lowest level. In the future, the experience value required for each level of the player will be reduced by about 20%.

In addition, players can quickly increase experience and explore a lot of upgrade channels when exploring unknown areas, studying ancient books and literature, and honing their life skills.

This world is starting to become more and more conducive to God-given people. From the hometown of God-given God-given people, it is becoming more and more worthy of the name.

"The strength of the sea **** I can bear is increasing!" Thunder God exclaimed.

"The strength of the sword emperor has become even more majestic!" The blade nodded.

After the Second World has become stronger, the impact it brings is in all aspects, involving all levels, large and small.

The Second World was too fragile before, and the gods could not drop too much power from their heavens to their heirs, so Thor, Blade, and Pharaoh only gained a limited amount of **** power.

But now, with the enhancement of the second world, this ceiling has been raised, and it can bear more power of the gods!

All of this is brought by the tree of the world and brought by the **** of life.

The **** of life does n’t ask about the world, and he wo n’t make a shot for a long time. Even in the last battle, Kidd failed to communicate with her.

But now this time, she shot, and once she shot, she changed the ground.

As the Second World itself strengthened, the Devil side felt tremendous pressure.

The first is the prisoner of the moon, which blocked the entire Second World. Now it has suffered a tremendous resistance. It has bulged outwards along the lines of latitude and longitude and has a tendency to be crushed.

The King of Hell also suffered a huge impact, requiring more energy to suppress the gap, and suffered a more violent attack by the three Supreme Dragon Emperors for a while.

The power of refining has also become more difficult to exert. The same force exerted in the second world has far less effects than before.

"Boom!" At this time, the Royal Academy of the Central Continent suddenly became a masterpiece, and the entire college ’s matrix method ran frantically, mobilizing the majestic energy, and gathering a huge beam of light suddenly into the sky, bombarded in **** The king's black robe.

The black robe suddenly lifted violently, leaving the gap in all directions, revealing a circle of starry sky!

"That's ... the power of the Dean!" In the void, the voice of the Snow Queen sounded.

She was the next dean appointed by the dean Feng Shen and had the ability to sense the formation of the Royal Academy of Oskan. Just now she felt a powerful force similar to the dean and suddenly came to the Royal Academy of Oskan. In the matrix method, the whole college's matrix method was mobilized, and the black robe of the **** king was bombarded.

"Hum!" The King of Hell hummed, and forcibly pressed down the black robe, pressing the beam of light to the inside of the Second World.

But the beam of light was not one-off, but continuous, and the King of Hell had to withstand huge impacts all the time.

At this time, the blade suddenly burst into a dazzling white light again, surrounded by countless white blades, flew up and down, cutting space.

This is not the same as his previous golden light, which was the power of the sword emperor to descend, but this time the white light was lowered by another god.

"Takasma's power has come down! This is ... the power of the Lord God!" At this moment, the Emperor suddenly took a deep breath and tried to adapt to this new power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone Startled!

The blade actually endured the power of the deities, and it was not the God-sealer of the second world, but one of the strongest God-sealers from the third world-Takasma.

In the ancient times, even the sword emperor was instructed by Takasma. It can be said that Takasma was the teacher of the sword.

More importantly, Takasma is a lord god, much stronger than the Emperor.

In addition, the blade is also the reincarnation of the crazy knife, the crazy knife is also a master god, his mighty shore is also sealed in the body of the knife.

The current blade, combining the power of the three deities, has become the most powerful person in the second world.

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