Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1609: The strongest force in the second world

1609 Chapter 2609

Even those guardians of the Second World have been compared by the blade at this moment.

At this time, the blade shook his neck, and his body suddenly made a "cracking" bone joint loosening sound. It seemed that the whole person had entered a fully released state, and the majestic strength in the body could be poured out.

The next moment, he held up the sharp sword's blade, and rushed towards the black robe of the king of **** again, attacking wildly.

Each of his knives was simple and unsophisticated, with the meaning of simplicity and avenue, but after the split, with the power of destroying the world, he exploded in a black robe, shaking the black robe constantly.

In addition, Thor, Pharaoh, Huang Yi, Snow Queen, and others all launched attacks, all kinds of glory spreading over the black robe of the king of hell.

The King of Hell suddenly suffered an unprecedented shock, and the power within the Second World was so strong that he could hardly suppress it!

Although his avatar can transfer damage to the body, the efficiency of the transfer is limited. Once this limit is exceeded, his avatar must bear it!

"Boom boom boom!" The blade furiously attacked tirelessly. The golden body and the white sword became the most striking color under the black robe.

Every time he slashed, his eyes became a bit redder, and there was madness in it.

The black robes of the **** king kept flying, revealing a gap from time to time, showing the starry sky outside.

Now, as long as Huang Yi is willing, he can seize an opportunity to use the dragon wings every day, and instantly teleport out of the gap.

But he couldn't go out. Once he went out, the power in the second world weakened, and it was more difficult to completely defeat the suppression of the **** king.

"Oh!" At this moment, a loud shock sounded outside the black robe, and even the black robe flew violently for a distance.

"King of hell, do you really think you can resist the attacks of so many of us?" The voice of the Supreme Dragon sounded.

"Huh! If the World Tree isn't reborn, do you think you can hurt me with that blow?" The King of Hell smiled disdainfully, but his voice was no longer calm, and he was clearly in a very thrilling situation. .


Finally, after splitting hundreds of knives, the blades of the blade's eyes had become completely blood red, which was completely different from the golden sense of justice before.

The blade stopped the attack, turned around and looked at the crowd again, with a firm expression, and exclaimed: "Everyone, the tree of the world is working hard, the dean is working, and Poseidon, the sword king, Johns, and Georgia have all lowered their strength. The power growth in the second world has reached the extreme, and the King of Hell is difficult to suppress. I will soon enter a state of madness, and then the power of the mad knife in my body will be poured out unbridled, please follow me Rhythm, attack at the same time at the same time, all the forces converge to one point, repel the blockade of the king of **** in one fell swoop! Success or failure in this one stroke! "

"Okay! We will cooperate with you!" Everyone nodded. Something went wrong when the blade merged the spirit of the mad sword in the tomb of the god. Too long during the battle will make you into a mad state and you ca n’t control yourself, but the strength will become more Strong.

He was originally the strongest person in the second world. If he goes crazy again, I don't know what level he will reach!

The next moment, the blade looked up at the huge black robe, picked up the blade of the Emperor, and split the last blow in its sober state!

"Boom!" The strength of the mighty sword exploded, sweeping out a wave of gold, white, and red shock waves, which represented the power of the three gods of the Emperor, Takasma, and Mad Knife.

At the same time, the eyes of the blade suddenly spit out two strong bloodshots, losing the last trace of reason!

Every inch of his skin was seeping red blood, and the whole person became a horrible blood man. The sword was also covered with blood, and he fought with blood.

At this moment, he exudes an eternal breath, and a large circle of space around it is distorted, as if he cannot bear his power.

Other people's attacks, including even the Dean's control of the beam of light emitted by the Royal Academy of Oskan, automatically twisted when he touched the space around him, and spared a bend to split on the black robe of the king of **** .

The blade is the master of the surrounding space, and other forces cannot approach his body!

"This is ... the power of God!" The violent monarch Izesius, the guardian of the second world, stared at the blade and muttered to himself.

"Real, God's power!" Added another guardian, Tenjin Hagihara.

They were once the gods of heaven, and suddenly they saw the level of strength of the blade at this time.

After the blade fell into madness, it has reached the real power of the gods. This is in violation of the laws of the mortal realm. The power of the gods is not allowed in the mortal realm.

But the blade is not in the small world now, but exposed in the open.

This is the characteristic of this state of madness. It can break through the limit of the highest power in the realm, but does not allow players to control this power. It can only be controlled by the system itself.

Huang Yi's incarnation is like this.

The accompanying skills on the Huang Yi butcher [Tyrant's Attachment] is the same, and after the tyrant's attachment can reach a stronger level of the main **** than the god, which is equivalent to the strength of the tyrant before his death! More perverted

Such a powerful force is not limited by the mortal world, but the condition is that the player cannot control it himself, lest the player use such a powerful force to do something similar to cheating.

Just then, the blade once again held up the blood-stained sword, and split an epic blow at the black robe!

That blow with the power of real gods ~ www.readwn.com ~ surpassed the limit of the highest power that can be accommodated by mortal world, it is a power that should not exist in this world!

At the same time, Thor, Pharaoh, and Snow Queen have won the super powers of the heavenly gods, Huang Yi, Pope, Ronal, Ganges and all other players, all guardians of the Second World, and The NPC with a battle force, the formation of the Royal Academy of Oskan, the power of the tree of the world ... all the forces gathered at this moment, and launched the strongest attack on that black robe!

This is by far the strongest round of attacks in the Second World. At this node where the blade is out of control, pouring out!

At this moment, the ancient times are absolutely incredible!

"Boom!" Finally, all the attacks landed on the black robe of the King of Hell, where it had turned into a chaos, as if experiencing another creation!

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