Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1610: The King of Hell reveals his true body and walks down the altar!

At the same time, outside of the Second World, the three Supreme Dragon Emperors were holding at this point in time, while storming towards the King of Hell, and the mighty power of all gods poured out without reservation.

"Boom!" At that moment, all power exploded instantly!

The black robe of the King of Hell swelled up quickly, unable to suppress this violent force, and was blasted into pieces.

After the black robe was blown up, a cloud of dark shadows appeared inside, and it was blown up directly into the depths of the starry sky.

The vast light continued to gush, setting off the waves of desolation, sweeping across the universe, and the warp and weft webs at the edges of the notches were burnt and melted rapidly.

At that moment, all the light of the starry sky was masked, leaving only the beam of light that spewed out from the Second World, like the scene of the Big Bang.

When the dazzling light had dissipated, the gap had become transparent, and the prisoner had been torn open a larger mouth, and the gap had expanded more than ten times than before.

The bright dawn outside shone through the gap into the second world, shining on the torn earth, illuminating the faces of all the people who worked hard for a long time.

The second world at this moment is like a new life!

After hard and terrible battles, and after despair again and again, they finally overthrew the repression of the king of **** and opened the window between the second world and the outside.

And this window is so large that even if the King of Hell returns again, it cannot be suppressed.

"we won!"

"The second world is free!"

"Devil is about to lose!"

All the players and NPCs in the second world, all the reinforcements outside the second world, and all the audiences in the world now all cheered.

This time, the Devil bet everything, and at all costs, they must refine the Second World.

But now that the Second World has broken through the blockade, this gap can no longer be closed, and it can no longer be refined.

History is turning at this moment!

Demon loses!

"Don't think about it!" The fallen king screamed anxiously, and quickly poured out endless magic, and re-formed a huge black robe, covering a large area of ​​starry sky, and wanted to come again to suppress the gap forcibly.

But the gap was so big that even the return of the King of Hell could not be suppressed, let alone his fallen King.

He was still immersed in the kind of invincible dreams of the Devil. He couldn't see the reality and thought he could suppress the second world.

"Dare to be distracted when you fight with me?" A war clan sneer sneered, slamming a punch that crushed the stars, blasted on the fallen king, and immediately knocked him out.

The restructured black robe suddenly lost its supporting power and slowly fell down, like the falling flag of the Demon Race.

"Suppress me!" At this moment, the Lord of Darkness also roared, and quickly set aside his opponent and rushed towards the gap.

"Boom!" As soon as he rushed to the gap, an incomparable scarlet knife stabbed him suddenly, flew him far away, and a huge wound appeared on his body.

Immediately afterwards, the blade's body rushed out of the gap and came to outer space for the first time.

In a short time, the true spirit of him spread to the audience, suppressing Huanyu.

Hundreds of Divine Masters immediately sensed the horror and turned to look at the blade.

At this time, the blade was covered with blood, his eyes were red, and he had no emotion. He held the blood-stained sword and stood above the gap. It was like an invincible God of War, who was in charge of one man and never opened.

He has become the strongest in the audience!

Whether it is the Four Demon Kings or the leaders of all gods who are the top masters of the universe, they are just avatars and have limited power.

But the blade is the strength of the true God, crushing the audience, and looking at the universe, there are only a few more than ten creation ancestors who can fight him.

"The blade is invincible, let's not approach him first!" At this time, Huang Yi's body reminded everyone, let them hold back before going out.

Although the blade at this time is powerful, it is out of control.

At this moment, the blade's crazy eyes looked at the King of Darkness flying backwards, and suddenly turned into a ray of blood to catch up.

"Boom!" Before the Lord of Darkness calmed down, he was again slashed by the blade.

A magnificent demon king was hit by a god-given person lightly and flew out like a mortal!

This scene suddenly shocked everyone!

"Ah !!!! I'm not willing, you are just a ants, why can we defeat us! We are invincible demon kings, only we destroy others, no one can destroy us!" The king of darkness growled hysterically, like crazy He rushed towards the blade, and the magical qi on his body was boiling turbulently, without the dignified and calm temperament of the demon king.




The Lord of Darkness was repeatedly cut off by the blade, no matter how roaring or shocking, he couldn't shake the blade, just like a child who lost his mind was throwing wild ground at an adult.

He couldn't accept the fact that he had failed. He couldn't accept that the god-given people who had been ants-like could actually cut him out with one stroke. Their demons have dominated the world for countless years, and they should continue to dominate. He couldn't accept the contrast.

Soon, this crazy clone of the Dark Lord was bruised and bruised by the blade.

"Boom!" At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared, a white hand holding a strange sledgehammer, blocking the blade of the blade, and then immediately caught the Dark King and retreated to the distance.

When the blade just wanted to chase away, his body shook violently, and his blood-red eyes suddenly recovered the clarity, and the majestic true power disappeared instantly.

He was hesitant, and was about to stand still, as if evacuated.

His crazy time is finally over!

All the divine power in his body, including the descending power of the Emperor Sword and Takasma, was completely consumed.

It seemed that he was aware of his weakness. The shadow before that suddenly returned again, and smashed down with a huge hammer!

"Huh! I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Suddenly, the three Supreme Dragon Emperors instantly appeared in front of the blade, blocking the attack of the shadow, seemingly waiting for this moment.

At the same time, Huang Yi fanned the day by day, the dragon wings teleported, an arm grabbing the blade, disappeared into the distance instantly.

In the place, there are only three melees between the Supreme Dragon Emperor and the group of black shadows. The majestic strength smashes the space, the dragon claws fly, the divine power boils, and the dragon chants.

After fighting for a while, the group of dark shadows seemed to realize that the battle was meaningless, and once again pulled away and avoided the three Supreme Dragon Emperors.

The shadow shadow and the dark king's clone retreated to a safe distance and looked around the audience.

At this point, the Devil side was quickly defeated!

Those god-given people in the second world, like a flood, emerged from that gap, hitting the battlefield of outer space.

Thunder gods, Pharaohs, dragon thorns, popes and many other incarnate gods and incarnates, one by one, are not inferior to those long-established world-famous giants. After joining the battlefield, they are almost invincible, and they have won the master's festival It is impossible to stop it.

In addition, there are thousands of first-class master players, their strength can not be underestimated, relying on the blessing of the huge world tree of the second world, bombarded wildly towards the demon masters outside.

Various attack rays pierced the starry sky, like fireworks for the winner.

"Everyone, move closer to me!" Finally, the dark shadow issued an order.

His voice is simply the voice of the King of Hell!

This group of dark shadows is the **** king who was rushed out before.

After his black robe was shattered, it ceased to exist, only showing his original form.

This is the first time that many people have seen the King of Hell not wearing a black robe.

At this time, the king of **** lost his invincible momentum.

His black robe was like a dragon robe ~ www.readwn.com ~ When he put it on him, he was the king of all worlds, and no one could match.

His strength is also hidden inside the black robe, unfathomable, without knowing what is hidden under his wide black robe, and no one knows how great the power under the black robe can be.

But after the black robe was lost, the king of **** lost the momentum of the king of the realm, and lost the mysterious veil. Although his shadow was hazy, he still did not show his true face, but Far less profound than before.

From this moment, the King of Hell walked down the altar.

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Chapter 1610: The King of Hell Reveals His True Body and Walks Down the Altar! (Page 1/1)

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