Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1611: Demon Routine! Kill God Liwei!

With the King of Hell's order, the Devil side was defeated even more, and everyone turned around desperately in the direction of the King of Hell, and the battlefield showed a one-sided situation.

A Guangzu virtual **** was about to run away, and the pope suddenly held up his lightning scepter and split a thick thunderbolt into an electric rope, trapping the Guangzu virtual god.

"God said that all the light comes from me!" Pharaoh's chanting sounded, and the light in the Guangshen virtual **** was suddenly drawn out and sucked into the "Bible of Faith."

A flash of blood flashed, and the Guangxu Xushen trembled for a second, and then divided into two halves, showing the yellow overflow behind.

Three simple moves, a Guangxu Xushen was beheaded by Huang Yi's three people to cooperate, seamless and seamless.

After the death of the Guangzu Xushen, a group of shrunken souls suddenly emerged, sucked into the butcher knife, and became the eighth captured soul.

At this time, there are more than 1,000 expert players in Second World Online, and they have already formed a group with Huang Yi and others.

Many of them have not yet reached the level of demigods, and can only crouch on the edge of the gap and dare not come out.

After Huang Yi and others killed the enemies, all the experience points they received were immediately settled on them.

In addition, Huang Yi modified the world rules before, reducing the player's experience value required to upgrade, making the upgrade easier.

This feast of killings has become an upgrade feast.

Upon the death of the Guangshen Xushen, two nine-step masters were promoted to the 300-level capping level.

"Kill! Don't let them run away! We need to create more masters of the gods!" Huang Yi shouted with a butcher knife, immediately teleported behind an escaped Demon demigod, and split it in half.

The next moment, near the gap in the prisoner of the moon, another player who had been stuck in the sky for a long time at Jiubu gushed out a sky of blood and was promoted to the realm of God.

"Don't run away! Leave me!" At this moment, Thor smirked loudly and lifted the pillar of Poseidon!

In a short time, the entire pillar of Poseidon quickly expanded and thickened, rose to the ground, and turned into an Optimus Prime, standing in this starry sky.

"Wow!" Countless seas of water stained with divine power diffused out of the Pillar of Poseidon, drowned the starry sky, and quickly formed a large bubble, which encloses a large circle of space inside, forming a red isolated space. More than a dozen gods and demons were trapped inside.

This trick is precisely the signature artifact skill of the Pillar of Poseidon-Poseidon Realm.

Now Thor has the power of Poseidon himself to descend. This move is more powerful than before. Even the color of the bubble has changed from water blue to red, unbreakable.

"Don't even think about stepping into the thunder pool!" The pope raised his thunderbolt and gently walked towards a group of runaway demons!

"Boom!" An endless thunder force poured out from the lightning scepter, falling in front of the group of virtual gods, forming a substantial Taotao Thunderwater, raging waves, flowing wildly, and finally forming a galaxy running through the galaxy The huge thunder pool is insurmountable.

The group of demons were immediately blocked and could not escape, only to turn around and fight against the masters of the second world.

"God said, those who betrayed me would be punished by God!" Pharaoh stared at a group of runaway demons and read a passage without feeling.

The next moment, the "Bible of Faith" spread out in his hands flew out a lot of golden text, and quickly flew to the fleeing demons, quickly immersed in them.

The groups of demons suddenly glowed with golden light, and the strong sacred system power raged in their bodies, burning their demons.

They screamed screaming one by one, and could no longer escape, only to stop trying to dispel the divine power in their bodies.

"You sad souls, go to the underworld to accept my rule!" Jiji, riding his skull Pegasus, holding the large black spear, led a few underworld gods, toward a dozen gods The clan chases and kills.

There were only a few of them, but the momentum was destroyed and unstoppable, like a torrent of hundreds of millions of troops, they were charging on the battlefield.

At the same time, his three other ghost gods were scattered, laying down a ghost array peculiar to the ghost, blocking more than a dozen **** domain demons.


At this moment, a super-class master is chasing and killing the runaway demons madly, and the anger that has been suppressed for a long time is completely released, and the starry sky is washed away!

The dragon thorn turned into the form of a holy dragon. The artifact's holy dragon's tooth was embedded in the mouth and turned into a real dragon tooth. In the rampage of the battlefield, between the opening and closing of the dragon mouth, a demigod quickly fell.

Abigail stretched out his hand and summoned a number of phantoms from the eighteenth hell, rendering the battlefield ghostly and turning the world into hell.

He carried the **** knife, flew up and down in a red skirt, and hunted down the prey according to the **** smell. No matter how concealed the enemy escaped, he would be taken out, where the blood was soaring, and the blood was stained with stars.

Tiandao holds the spear that splits the sky to show the might of the world. The spears are shot in all directions, tearing the space, and crucifying a demon in the void.

At the gap in the moon prisoner, blood was shining at all times, and a master at the stage of ascension crossed the insurmountable gap and was promoted to the level of the gods.

After becoming demigods, they also left the gap, joined the battlefield, and hunted down the demons with the reinforcements of the second world.

On the other side, the leaders of the three major war clan Fanshen, the three supreme dragon emperors, and the Lord of the Dark Night rushed to the leaders of the demons, such as the King of Hell, the Moon Shuangsha, and Feng Angju.

Now, the second world side has controlled the tempo of the battle with absolute number advantage.

The second world at this time gathered the power of the Three Realms.

The son of Jiji, who Huang Yi invited from the underworld, was a person who once fought with the sword for the title of Hades, and the blood of Hades is also flowing in his body. He and his group of virtual gods represent the power of the underworld.

The reinforcements coming from the world one after another represent the power of the world. Among them, the dragon, war, and night are the top races in the universe. In addition, there are three creator ancestors: Zulong, Warlord, and Sagittarius.

Thor, Pharaoh, Snow Queen, and Blades accepted the power of the heavenly gods to represent the aid of heavenly worlds. Among them, Takasma and the sacred dragon Georgia were the strong gods.

The second world is where the Taoists help, and the forces of the Three Realms are helping. And the Mozambique lost help, and only a few close allies stood by their side.


At this point, Huang Yi's body could finally fight heartily. In the past, his incarnation was killing people outside, and the body was trapped in the second world, unable to exert the strongest combat power.

"Oh!" He slashed off the wings of a demon god, with a huge impact, he flew out that devil god, and fell into the attack range of the superb master Ronal.

Huang Yi didn't bother him, and continued to fan the dragon wings day by day. He instantly appeared behind a light tribe **** who was fighting with Emperor Eiffel, and quickly cut a knife.

Without a pause, he teleported out again. The dragonfly paused in the air for a moment, splitting a light tribe demi into two halves, and then teleported behind a moon tribe ...

Huang Yi fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, and appeared on the battlefield. Butchers slashed into the bodies of the strong men in the realm of the gods, and then went away instantly.

After walking around a large circle, Huang Yi looked around the audience, raised the butcher knife sharply, and produced a strengthened version—decision!

A blood-colored light wave instantly swept the audience with Huang Yi as the center, sweeping through every demons, and spreading to the depths of the stars at the end of the line of sight.






In a flash of time, spectacular blood-colored fireworks burst out throughout the hall, and a Demon Demon exploded into the sky at the same time, exploding everywhere, magic blood everywhere, and minced meat everywhere.

A total of twelve **** domain demons were beheaded at the same time!

Everyone was shocked, all staring at Huang Yi in horror. His puppet figure holding a butcher knife was completely turned into a real butcher, and he slaughtered the Twelve Gods!

Such a feat cannot be done even by Feng Gangju, the blade after losing control, or even the ancestors of creation.

When several demon kings saw this scene, they were even more amazed.

Each of the gods and demons was cultivated by them with great difficulty. They spread the reputation in the world and surrendered and looked up to countless creatures. Each **** of the gods represented a magnificent epic and changed each one. The history of the world is now killed by Huang Yi in one move, just as easy as killing chickens and dogs.

After killing the twelve Demon Demon Clan, a **** upgrade light suddenly appeared near the gap in the second world, and five players were ascended to the Divine Land at once.

At the same time, two groups of virtual gods' souls traversed the starry sky and flew to Huang Yi's butcher knife, rotating around the blade.

Just two of the twelve demons in the demon domain that were just beheaded were false gods, and their souls were enslaved by butcher blades.

This time, ~ www.readwn.com ~ has already stored 9 souls of the virtual gods on the butcher knives. They flew up and down, drawing a dazzling trajectory, and dazzling the butcher knives.

These 9 virtual **** souls have improved Huang Yi's full attributes by 90%, almost double his strength!

Relying on such a powerful attribute bonus, Huang Yi was even more brave on the battlefield, killing seven in and seven out, heartily.

Every time the butcher knife is split, there is a demon dying, and every blood light passes, which means that a demon falls, the sound of the butcher's slicing into the flesh keeps ringing, the knife enters the meat, and the knife slays.

The demigod who had been high above him couldn't bear even one move, no matter what life-saving skills he used, it had no effect.

There are only a few mortal gods who can threaten him on the field, but he has day-to-day dragon wings and is not afraid of them at all.

"Even if the old man is dead, he must pull a few backs!" At this moment, a roar of a demon **** was heard in the distance. His body swelled rapidly, and the destructive energy rays transmitted from his body, and he was about to explode. .

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