Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1612: Gathering ten souls

The faces of several players around him changed dramatically, and they turned and fled.

Suddenly, a blood-colored light wave swept from a distance in an instant, sweeping over the demons.

The Demon Demon trembled fiercely, and the devastating self-detonation energy suddenly stopped and was forcibly terminated.

Subsequently, his body shattered and failed to explode.

His corpse rose to a translucent soul, and automatically flew in the direction from which the **** light wave came before, and finally inhaled Huang Yi's butcher knife.

The trick just now is still the enhanced version of Huang Yi. This trick has no cooldown time and has a very wide range. It can take effect as long as it is within the field of vision.

This time, he consumed a virtual **** soul and harvested another virtual **** soul, and the total number of souls on the butcher's knife remained the same.

"Kill God, the soul of this false **** has given you!" Pharaoh's voice suddenly sounded, and a dying demonic ghost **** was thrown to Huang Yi.

Obviously, he discovered the uniqueness of Huang Yi's knife and simply gave Huang Yi a favor.

"Thank you!" Huang Yi picked up the butcher knife and slashed at the demon god.

A flash of blood flashed, and the seriously injured Demon God was split in half, and the monstrous demon blood was immediately sucked into the butcher knife and turned into yellow spilled blood.

Its soul rose quickly and flew into the butcher's knife.

At this moment, the butcher knife finally gathered 10 souls of the virtual gods. They almost covered the butcher knife, forming a circle of soul balls, which was dazzling.

Now, Huang Yi can already use the attached artifact—the Eternal Wing.

This trick can summon the spirit of the tyrant from the eighteenth layer of hell, and attach it to him, so that he temporarily has the power of the main god.

Just now the blade is invincible in the spirit strength, and Huang Yi's move is even stronger, showing the strength of the main **** in all realms, and even some creator ancestors can fight against it.

However, this trick is also out of control, and it is very costly. It takes 10 virtual **** souls to release, which means that Huang Yi must lose 100% of the extra attribute bonus and cannot be easily used.

Huang Yi looked at the Butcher like a baby, with a faint smile on his face, the more satisfied he looked.

This weapon strengthened him too much power. Divine-level professional skills such as Beyond Judgment and Qingjun's side were originally useless to the gods. It was because of the strengthening of this weapon that they were able to shine again.

Without this butcher knife, he would not be able to kill chickens and dogs to kill the masters of the gods. It would be difficult to destroy the living power of the demons.

"Oh!" At this moment, a demon shadow was hit by a battle clan **** to the area where Huang Yi was.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked at him, his eyes flashed.

This demolished flying shadow is the dark king who was seriously injured by the blade before. He is far less powerful than before, and is full of magic and disorder.

In addition, he is a special black light body in the light family, and has flesh and blood. Huang Yi will no longer feel the powerlessness of splitting the air against him.

"Lord of darkness, let's play!" Huang Yi teleported, the butcher tore the space, lit a dazzling blood, and slashed at the king of darkness.

The King of Darkness evaded sideways, dodging the attack, and at the same time the magic of the whole body condensed a spear and counterattacked towards Huang Yi.

"Are you here to kill him?" The Dark King sang angrily, his spirits boiling, and his anger soared to the sky.

The blade did not bother him before, after all, the blade had the strength of the true god, and now Huang Yi actually bothered him, it was a shame!

"Unless you came here, you can't beat me." Huang Yi's voice sounded from all directions as he continued to teleport, there was no specific direction at all.

There were ghosts around his Dark Lord, and every time he attacked from a tricky angle, the Dark Lord tried his best to dodge and resist, and soon he was too busy to keep up with the overflow frequency of Huang Yi.

"The Nine Nation!" Huang Yi sacrificed a soul of a false **** and made a new move.

In a short time, a huge drop of blood quickly gathered on the butcher's knife, hanging over Huang Yi's head, making him enter a state that lasted for an hour.

During this hour, when he attacks an enemy, he attacks all of his enemies' covenants at the same time.

This trick is useless to the ordinary demons, but it is terrifying to the demons. Every demonic player present has a large number of men on this battlefield.

Once Huang Yi attacks these four demon kings, he will attack all the contract servants present at the same time, forming an alternative group attack effect.

And this kind of mass attack acts directly on the enemy, instead of turning into numerous butcher knives to attack those servants, so that this attack cannot be avoided by the servants.

Correspondingly, the properties of the butcher knife can no longer play a role. For example, these effects such as "blood" and "bloodthirst" will not work together with the servant and will not suffer the damage of the master.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi seized an opportunity, and slashed across the chest of the Dark King with a slash, cutting it back several steps in one fell swoop.

A huge wound ran across the chest of the Dark Lord, with black light radiating from the wound.

"Eh!" At the same time, sixteen thumps were heard on the court at the same time!

At the same time, thirteen demon demons and three divine light tribes suffered heavy blows, and their bodies trembled fiercely.

A demon demigod was unable to carry this power, and fell down on the spot, silent again.

This is the effect of Huang Yi's Nine Nine Clan. The damage that hits the Lord of Darkness appears on the servants of His Majesty the Dark Lord simultaneously.

These Dark King's servants are very far away from the Dark King's body. At this moment, they are concentrating on fighting with other people, but suddenly they are involved. The rhythm of the fight is interrupted, and the opportunities are seized by their enemies. Meal.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings again and again, chasing them up instantly, turning the butcher dance into a phantom, and the violent chopping sound of the dark king's body sounded like raindrops.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a thump at the same time. The dozen demons scattered all over the place trembled, no matter how they fled or hid, they could not escape the suffering. Implicated blow.

If they are at war with Huang Yi, then they can avoid Huang Yi ’s attack, but the implication of the “诛 九族” is directly affected. No matter how they hide, they cannot escape, unless they completely escape and escape from Huang Yi ’s vision. This starry sky.

The demons who were implicated fell in succession.

Some of them were killed by the fighting opponents because of the interference of the Nine-Nine.

Some of them were already seriously injured and were killed by attacks by the Nine Nine.

"Well!" A Guangxu virtual **** was dodging, and suddenly suffered an implicated attack from the "Nine Nine", his body trembling involuntarily.

At this time, Eiffel just started a big move [Divine Storm] and directly involved the Guangxu god, and the violent divine storm suddenly poured on the Guangzu.

The Guang clan suffered this severe torture and fell into a state of dying. Before he could take any response measures, another blow of the "Nine Nine Clan" implicated attack struck, and directly took his last life. .

At the next moment, the soul of the Guangzu virtual **** flew from the spectacular storm of divine power, traversed the battlefield, crossed a fighting **** master, fell on the yellow overflowing butcher knife, and became the eleventh circled above. soul.

Huang Yi has been killing five or six God Realm remotely in the battle with the King of Darkness. The King of Darkness is not dead yet, and his subordinates may die first.

"Damn! Now that you've hurt my king's servant, that king will also be courteous!" The king of darkness gritted his teeth and suddenly turned into a light of darkness, rushing to the gap in the moon prisoner.

Now, the demons are retreating madly, and almost all of them are from the Second World. The King of Darkness has gone alone, passed a super-class master, and rushed to the 1,000 non-god players in that gap.

Those players were originally lacking in strength, so they hid near the gap to experience and do some assistance from a long distance.

Once the Dark King rushed over, it was that the tiger entered the flock, and a large swipe would stun him.

"Not good!" The first-rate masters panicked and shot to try to block the king of darkness.

But they were too slow to stop the Dark Lord at all.

The light clan was originally fast, not to mention that the king of darkness is still the **** of the light clan. With this all-out sprint, only Huang Yi's daily dragon wings can catch up.

But even if Huang Yi catches up, he can only attack the King of Darkness and cannot stop him from killing the thousand players.

At this moment, the thousand players are still gathered in that gap to experience, they have no idea that they are in danger, they have not even seen that the King of Darkness is coming fast.

Those faces were relaxed and smiling, those hot eyes were still looking forward to the moment when they ascended to the realm of God.

All this seems to be frozen, the next moment will be drowned by the boundless anger of the Dark Lord.

Just then, a dazzling light suddenly illuminated the audience!

A golden light emerged from Huang Yi's body, forming a huge aura, which instantly spread to a large area around it, covering the gap of a thousand players one step faster than the Lord of Darkness.

Almost at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi fanned the wings of guardianship, wrapped himself firmly, and activated the active effect-leaving himself in an invincible state for 20 seconds without any harm.

"Boom!" The horrible figure of the Dark King finally rushed to the gap, located on the top of the thousand players in the Celestial Sky, just like the heavenly gods, corroding the vast hordes of ants.

The boundless magical energy poured down instantly, drowned a thousand players in the blink of an eye!

This was a real cataclysm. The 1,000 players were too late to respond and were overwhelmed by the attack of the Dark Lord.


There were clerical errors in the first two chapters, and Ronald's name came up. Ronald had previously measured the soul in the underworld by the scale of the Pluto of the sword. As a result, he was as heavy as the feather of the **** king and had gone to heaven. It shouldn't appear in the second world, it's fixed now.

In the past two days, no readers mentioned this bug to me, or I found it by accident, mainly because nobody read this book, almost I was in solo, but it doesn't matter, no one will read it normally. .

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