Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1613: Hurry home and draw a line with the Demons!

"Huh?" The next moment, the horror of the Dark Lord sounded.

The thousand players were unscathed. Their whole body was surrounded by a layer of golden light, like wearing a layer of golden armor, shining brightly. It was like being bathed in ordinary smoke in the boundless magic, Safe and sound.

At this time, a thousand players finally reacted and realized that the King of Darkness was coming, frightened and fled.

"Oh!" At this moment, the King of Darkness suddenly suffered a heavy blow and a wound appeared on his body, which was repelled for a long distance.

Huang Yi, carrying a butcher's figure, appeared in front of him.

"Kill God, your guardian aura is opening in time, much faster than my life guardian." Kidd also appeared next to Huang Yi, blocking the Dark King with him.

It turned out that the halo just opened by Huang Yi was his epic hero aura.

After he became an epic hero some time ago, he was given a "guardian" spirit by the system and possessed a guardian aura.

The Guardian Aura has both passive and active effects. Passive effects will always increase nearby allies by 20% and save 50% of damage.

After the active effect is turned on, all friendly defensive ability effects can be shared for a total of 30 times and the cooling time is 5 days.

When Huang Yi turned on the active effect last time, before becoming a reincarnation of death, he was later killed by the spirit demon with [Soul Eye] and went to the underworld, which has already cooled down by now.

Just after he turned on the active effect of the Guardian Aura, he immediately activated the active effect of the Guardian Wing, giving himself an invincible state for 20 seconds. This effect was immediately shared to all friends within range, making the gap Those thousand players resisted the attack of the Dark Lord.

"Even though you attack the King of Darkness, I will guard this gap!" The voice of the Snow Queen came from behind.

The voice fell, and suddenly a block of ice appeared on the gap, as if a barrier sealed the gap.

The Snow Queen has long been integrated into the Second World. The Tree of the World has strengthened the power of the Second World and naturally strengthened her.

In addition, she also received the power of Georgia, the main god. It is still possible to keep the gap for a while.

With the triple guardian of Huang Yi, Kidd, and the Snow Queen, the Dark King can't kill the 1,000 players in a short time.

"King of Darkness, your doomsday is here!" Kidd smiled lightly, and the majestic force of life emerged from his fists, exuding the breath of the supreme god, his body flickered, and he appeared instantly behind the King of Darkness, punching Go on.

"Boom!" Kidd's fist shattered the space, and the mighty force of life turned into a violent shock wave, sweeping the starry sky.

The power of the **** of life is presented in an attacking manner, which is equally powerful.

Although the Dark King tried his best to dodge, he still could not escape the scope of the shock wave, and was drowned by the massive force of life.

These forces of life quickly pulled the essence of life in his body into a larger wave.

After the Dark King lost these essences of life, he suddenly became weaker and weaker, far worse than the peak state.

"Boom!" Huang Yi rushed up instantly, butcher's knife slashed once again on the King of Darkness, the vast power exploded on him, the air was flying wildly, and was embarrassed.

At the same time, the men of the Dark King on the battlefield also suffered implicated injuries, and at the same time two demons died at the same time.

Looking in through the ice queen's ice barrier, there are two other nine-step players in the second world who emerged from the upgrade light, reaching the level 300 of the **** realm.

"You are just small gods, why fight me!" The Dark King growled, palms of his hands, and took out his magic weapon [Wheel of Darkness].

In a short time, the black sun rose again, and the surrounding area was illuminated by the boundless dark light, which filled the whole space and could not hide. Even if Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings every day, it was always within the range of light.

Some other demigods on the battlefield were also irradiated by this black light, and the skin was quickly corroded, emitting smoke.

"Same trick, don't use it a second time!" The voice of the Lord of the Night was full of disdain, and the boundless night fell again, blocking the light of the Wheel of Darkness.

When the Lord of Darkness used to cast the Wheel of Darkness, it was cracked by the Lord of the Night, and now it is the same.

The power of the Dark King's avatar, it is already difficult to exert the greater effect of the Wheel of Darkness, watching the endless night trembling with anger, helpless.

"The times are different, put away your arrogance!" Kidd's voice sounded from the night, and then the surrounding Dark King suddenly turned into a vibrant land.

The ground kept growing into buds, which quickly turned into vines, entangled the king of darkness, and the spikes of the vines pierced into his body, absorbing his life.

Last time, Kidd merged the spirit of the mother of the earth in the tomb of the underworld and became the reincarnation of the mother of the earth. This trick is the ability of the mother of the earth.

After being entangled by countless vines, the king of darkness could not escape in time, and was temporarily trapped in place, and became a target.

"Eh! Heh! Heh!" Huang Yi rushed up immediately, waving the butcher knife into a phantom, splitting the dark king's magical air flying, black light overflowing, terrible.

At the same time, the servants of the King of Darkness on the other battlefields also suffered intensive injuries from the Nine Nine Clan, and the three demigods fell on the spot.

"Darkness burns!" The King of Darkness forcibly urged the Dark Wheel of the magic weapon, emitting a more intense light of darkness, burning out the vines that trapped him, and finally being free again.

But at this time, he was seriously injured, and a large amount of the essence of life in his body was sucked away by the vines, crumbling and about to fall.

"Let's pack up again someday!" The King of Darkness finally retreated, and immediately turned into a light of darkness, through the hurried night, and retreating toward the distance.

"Can't escape!" Huang Yi shook his head, raised his butcher knife, and once again made the enhanced version of the decisive decision.

The familiar blood-colored light wave emerged again, sweeping the audience, and immediately caught up with the escaped dark king.

The prince of the Dark Lord trembled fiercely, and he stopped halfway, only to have a moment to struggle, and then exploded.

At the same time, in the other battlefields, four seriously injured demons in the Demon Realm were swept away by the blood of the decisive battle and all died.

The demons in the audience shuddered again, and Huang Yi's strength was already so strong that he could kill the Dark King's clone alone.

Anyone with a good eye can see that Kidd's shot was just the icing on the cake. Even without Kidd, Huang Yi took more time to kill the Dark King.

As soon as the Dark King's avatar died, there were only three avatars left on the field, and the Hell King's black robe had also been shattered, and his strength was not as good as before.

In terms of top power, the Devil side has fallen into a weak position.

On the whole, the demons fell completely into the downwind, and the gods of the realm fell from time to time.

On the other hand, the second world side is constantly emerging new gods, and there have been fresh forces joining the battlefield.

"Double brakes, quickly block the space, cut the battlefield, we have to break them one by one." Shen Sheng, the king of hell, said, changing the battle strategy.

If you continue to fight like this, the demons will only perish. If you let the double brakes use the moon prisoner artifact to cut space, divide the battlefield, and destroy the enemy one by one, there may be a turn for the better.

At this point, the Yueshuang Shuangsha is under siege by twenty powerful gods, from the Zhan, Night, Dragon, and Kirin, as well as a group of master players such as Dante and Dire Bear.

So many people besieged the double brakes together, leaving them with nothing but self-protection.

After hearing the King of Hell's voice, the twin brakes entangled with each other, struggling to break through the encirclement, and flew in the direction of the King of Hell.

"Whip the gods!" The bear yelled loudly, spit out an artifact spell, clenched a strange whip, and drew it toward the male brake!

The whip was like a snake bone, and the vertebrae were closely connected, and would wriggle like a living creature. A translucent giant snake phantom was attached to the snake bone.

It bloomed with divine light, shattered space, and left tens of thousands of whip shadows. It couldn't be dodged at all, and it slammed on the male brake.

"Slap!" The male brake was pumped and turned several times like a gyro, and a horror rift appeared on it, which was the wound pulled by the hunting whip.

The giant bear is the most powerful of the 20 virtual gods who besieged the double brakes.

Just now, he got the power of the heavenly hunting **** to descend, and became the sixth player to receive the blessing of the heavenly gods after the thunder god, blade, pharaoh, georgia, and kid.

In addition, he became the reincarnation of the wolf **** in the tomb of the gods, combining the power of the two gods into one, the power is sky-high.

The whip in his hand was also very powerful. It was the artifact hunting whip that the hunting **** had left, and it has now been restored to the finished product.

The giant bears will not fall into the downwind even if they are facing the male brake alone, not to mention they are twenty virtual gods siege the double brake together.

At this time, the Yuezu double brakes looked at each other and decided to use a big move at the same time.

They rotate faster and faster each other, almost turning into two phantoms.

"Enough!" Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ A majestic voice sounded from the depths of the universe and spread here at the speed of light.

The Yue tribe suddenly shivered violently, stopped rotating, and looked in the direction of the sound.

At the same time, the blood of the Yue family in Huang Yi's body also stirred up, and she noticed a familiar breath in the depths of the stars in the distance.

That voice just now is from the father of the Moon, the creator ancestor of the Yue tribe.

"Double brake, you can't make mistakes again and again. Hurry home and draw a line with the Demons!" Yue Father's voice sounded again, with his majesty, as if he was reprimanding two disobedient children and let them Quickly leave those bad friends and go home obediently.

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Chapter 1613 Hurry home and draw a line with the Demon Race! (Page 1/1)

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